Chapter Two

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The hot water ran over their bodies, how he had missed the feel of this woman, inside and out. She satisfied him like nothing else in the world. They breathed heavy as they rested against the shower wall, " Can, are you ok? She asked, gasping for a breath, " because I'm not sure I am. Where did all that come from." She asked stroking the taunt muscles in his back. " We probably should have used protection, you know. It would be just our luck." Her mind shuttering at the thought of another baby in 9 months. She wanted to take her time with these three, and cherish each one of them. Can rested his head against her forehead, " There wasn't any time for that my love, this was what you call a dire emergency." He whispered, rubbing his hands down the lines of her body, stopping at and cupping breasts in his hands. They were so round and full, it made him want her again, but he knew he would have to wait for another time. The first sound came as a whimper, then the second one a little louder. Sanem looked at him, " Can, I think this shower is over, my dear." But thank you for the best one I've ever had." She smiled, kissing his chest. His body excited her, it was so toned and smooth, she had never seen a naked man before her husband, but she knew she would never see one like this one, nor did she want to. She slipped out of the shower, leaving him there to collect himself. She dried quickly and slipped on her robe, by then both Deniz and Ates were in full harmony, singing their song of hunger. She scooped up Ates and got her positioned, and started patting Deniz to try and calm him. Can was right behind her ready to help. He pickup Deniz from his crib, and starting talking to him, it seemed to ease his frustration some, but with all the racket it woke Yildiz too. They looked at each other, as they patted and soothed their babies, " what a delightful dilemma we have," they seem to say with their eyes.

After the round of feeding and changing was done, Can looked at her, " Sanem, we need help, I know you wanted to do it with just us, but at some point I'll need to go back to the agency, and you can't handle them alone. Shall we start looking?" Her eyes rimmed with tears, " I know your right, but I wanted to do all of this on our own." She reached for his hand. " We were blessed with them all, and I wanted to take care of them ourselves, but I can see that will be impossible." She looked lovingly into his eyes. " Ok, we can start looking around for help, but we will be very picky about who we chose." Can nodded, "I'm not going to go back to work anytime soon but, we still need the help." He reassured her. She smiled, " Great, because I kinda liked the time in the shower this morning, maybe we could make that a routine." She said, begging him with her eyes. In an instant he was weak in the knees, drawn into her, " I am here to serve Mrs. Divit, your wish is my commend, it always has been, and always will be." He bowed to her  kissing her hand. She laughed, " Ahh, my Prince Albatross, you have served me well, of which you will be greatly rewarded." Accepting his kiss and giving him a wink. and just like on cue, Yildiz decided it was time for her to eat. They both laughed and Sanem took her in her arms, cuddling her against her, as she quickly latched on for her lunch. Can watched them, in such amazement it made him have goosebumps. He was brought back to reality with the ringing of his phone. Sanem motioned him out of the room to take the call.

" Hello Emre,  what's up". He asked. " Well first things first, how are those babies? His brother was anxious to get a report. Can smiled, " They couldn't be better, you just wouldn't believe how perfect they are. And Sanem is a perfect momma." He added. Emre laughed, " I bet she is Abi, and you have to be the best dad I know." He told him, remembering the Can Divit of a couple of years ago, vowing that marriage wasn't for him. Now look at him. They made plans for Emre and Leila to come out for a visit soon, Emre knew his wife was dying to get her hands on those babies. " Emre, what did you call about? He asked, but not sure he wanted to know. " Do you have any idea when you will be back in the office, we have a couple of new prospective clients and might need your help." He asked, hoping he would be back soon. Can sighed, " I hadn't thought about it much, Sanem really needs me here now, so I don't know how that's going to work. What clients are they." He asked him. "It's a jewelry company and a new clothing company." Emre explained. " The jewelry company has asked specifically about you so I thought it would be nice if you could be here for the initial meeting." Emre urged, hoping to spark his interest. Can wasn't really ready to go back to work, the thought of being away from Sanem and the babies was a big turn off for him. " Let me think about it Emre, but I'm not promising anything, and why were they asking for me to attend. I'll have to get someone here for Sanem and that won't be easy." He explained, trying to defuse the offer. Emre agreed saying the meeting was the next day at 10:00 am and might turn into a lunch also.

He walked back in the nursery, and Sanem had Deniz feeding and was holding Yildiz on the other side. Ates was waiting patiently for her turn with her momma. His heart was full, so full of love for her that he couldn't breath. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, sitting like that with his children draped all over her. She looked up," Was that Emre?" She asked in a whisper, as not to disturb the babies. He shook is head, but what they had talked about was the furthest thing from his mind right now, all he wanted was to touch her and smell the aroma of her and their children. She smiled at him, making his heart skip a beat, " Daddy, can you take Deniz, while I get Yildiz some lunch." She asked, in a softy soothing tone, making him shudder at the sound of it. How can she be so sexy and inviting, without even knowing it, He thought.

She could hardly take her eyes off of him, he looked so good standing there, shirtless and his hair still wet. " I should be ashamed of my self," she thought, " Thinking of such things while feeding the kids." But my god, all I can think about is that shower......

Her eyes looked glazed as she stared at him, " He doesn't have a clue what he does to me sometimes, she thought, " How did I get so lucky, to get this beautiful man to love me.....

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