Chapter Seventeen

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This chapter starts three years later. The triplets have just had their fourth birthday and Can and Sanem had decided to put them in their first school experience. It was a Pre-K program that would attend for half a day. This came after much debate between the parents about it, the first of many I will say. 

" Can, they need other children, not just us." She stated, as she emptied the sheets from the dryer to the basket. " They need to know how to interact with them, you know. " She said. Can was busy on his computer, checking out the school she had told him about. " Babe, they have each other to interact with, that's the perks of having three at a time." He yelled back to her. She shook her head, " They need friends, not just their sibling." It's called experience, my love, and it's only for a couple of hours a day." She spouted, walking into the bedroom where he was. He wasn't going to be easy to convince, but she didn't want her children to be isolated from a normal life. No boarding schools for her kids, she didn't care what their last names were. She sat down beside him, " See, it's a nice place," she said looking at its web page. " They are highly recommended and the kids will love it." She said, kissing him on the neck. He sighed, " But what do they want to do, are they wanting to do this." He asked. Sanem had already talked to them about going to play with other kids, and Deniz was all for it, Ates wanted to know who all would be there, and Yilly, she had assured her mom she would take care of  the other two. She knew this was hard for him, but it really was best for the children, " You talk to them daddy, see what you think, then we'll decide, Ok." She said, stroking his beard. 

Sanem was in the middle of her second book, and Bedir was putting a little pressure on her to finish it quickly, the public had been banging their fists on the table for more of the Divit family. Her time to write was wedged between laundry, teaching time, making lunch or snacks, and bed time. Which left her approximately 1:45 mins a day to write, that is if she didn't want to shower. If the babies were in school, she would be able to get a bit more done. Can understood, but he wanted to teach them at home, he even offered to hire a teacher for a homeschool. " Absolutely not, our children are not privileged, they are normal, and they will be treated as normal." She argued. With enrollment set for the next day, she had to get Can on board, " Let's just go see what it's like, take the kids and let them see it." She said softly, using her lips to persuade him.          " Ok, we'll go, but I'm not 100% sold yet." He stuttered, feeling the effects from her. She jumped up and clapped her hands, " Great, thank you my love, you'll love it I promise." she exclaimed. 

He couldn't deny her, never could, and probably never would. So he would agree, he knew he would, but making her think she convinced him was more fun. He brought up the subject after the kids were down for the night, and they were alone in their bedroom, " Maybe we should rethink this school thing, I think they are just fine here, we can get someone to help us." He said, trying to sound determined. She turned with her hands firmly planted on her hips, " Can, we agreed, let's give it a chance, you heard what the kids said at dinner, they want to go." She said, knowing how her husbands mind worked. " You just want me to try and convince you again, with sex, like you're not going to get it anyway." She said, calmly and steadily removing her clothes in front of him, until she stood there in nothing. His eyes were fixed and wide, taking in all she had to offer, he hadn't heard a word she said after her leggings had come off, so he was ready to agree to anything.  He stood, swallowed hard, and reached for her. She took her finger and thumped him on the nose, " I'm taking a shower," she said, seeing that look on his face, "Alone" He let out the breath he had been holding, as she turned and headed to the shower, like he was a balloon, and had been stuck with a pin. " Well, that didn't play out the way I wanted." He thought, as he undressed and got in bed. She took her time in the shower, most of it was just letting the water run. " Let him think about, she thought, as she toweled off, " Two can definitely play that game." As she came from the bathroom he was already in bed, and reading a book. He tried not to look at her, but that was impossible, especially when she came out the same way she went in, with  nothing on. She crawled in the bed, all the way across to his side, " Listen let's not play these games, ok? Not with us, and our love for each other." She whispered, swinging her leg over him, and taking the book from his hands. 

OH MY GOD.... This woman would kill me one day, he thought, as his heart had jumped so far, it felt like it was In his head, pounding and beating so hard he was dizzy. She had taken control, and wasn't about to let go. The next two hours had sent him to a place he had never been before, and he never wanted to leave. When he woke up a few hours later in bed alone, and he wondered if he had dreamed the whole thing, but he smiled when he saw the marks left on his body, and he knew he hadn't. He heard Sanem talking to the kids, so he decided to join them. First he had to shower, his muscles ached, but In the best possible way. The shower was a quick one, he dressed and went to the kitchen, " There you are sleeping beauty." She said giving him a wink. " Did you sleep well? She asked. He smiled, " Very well, thank you." He said, giving her a look up and down. " Your welcome, anytime." She said, smiling. With the children feed and dressed and loaded in the car, they headed to the school. Can loved the school, and all the teachers there loved him, which made Sanem laugh. With the paperwork done and the teachers met, they started back home. They were all excited about the new adventure, or so that's what daddy called it. Then he told them of some of the places he had traveled to, as he drove. It always quieten them down to hear him talk about his adventures. 

This life was perfect, she thought, listening to his every word. 

He still made her weak, with just a look....she thought,...that will never change....

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