Chapter Five

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Sanem looked at her phone when she heard Can's truck pull in, " it's only been an hour and a half, why is he home so quick. Aziz and Mihriban were busy fix some lunch for the three of them when Can came in, " I'm back, how were things, are they all asleep? He asked wrapping his arms around Sanem and giving her a Can sized hug. Sanem kissed him on the neck, " You weren't gone very long, what happened." She asked, as she poured the tea. " Well it was a complete waste of time, the owner of the company didn't even show, and they wanted me to be a model." He told them, totally disguised with the whole thing. Sanem squealed, " A model, for their jewelry, would be perfect for that." She said, covering her mouth with her hands. Can gave her a sideways look, " Sanem, I'm not going to be a model, so get that out of your head." He stated. "My job is right here, with you and our babies, so what did I miss." He said rubbing his hands together. His dad and Mihriban relayed the mornings events to him, how Yildiz was very upset at the thought of waiting for her brother to get done, and how proud they were of the parents for being so organized and efficient. Can smiled, " We had to be, or these babies would always be crying from hunger or a wet diaper. Sanem is a super mom, that's all I've got to say." He said, looking lovingly at her. 

Emre and Deren took all the information from Mr. Erkem and they set a time for the second meeting. They had 3 weeks to make their best campaign pitch, and find a perfect model. Emre showed Mr. Erkem out, Deren had already begun to feel the pressure from it. " Emre, if they wanted Can for this, nothing we do will probably be good enough." She stated. Emre shook his head, " I agree, but we're going to put together a top notch campaign,  and hope for the best. She immediately gathered the creative team together for a meeting. They delivered all the information on the new company and the sample jewelry to the team. The jewelry in fact, did look like the things that Can would wear, they resembled the pieces he wore on a daily basis. Emre set out to find the perfect model, which he was pretty sure would be only way they would get this campaign. Someone that had the same charisma as his brother, and they had to hold the same mystery in their eyes as he. Actually, he agreed, Can would have been the perfect model.

By mid-afternoon, Aziz and Mihriban had gone back to their house and Can and Sanem were on their own again. But that's the way they liked it, they seemed to give each other the strength to tend to the babies, and if they didn't know what to do, you would never have know, they always seemed to do the right thing. They were natural born parents. Ates was the first to wake this time, she had a bit of a stomach problem. After pacing with her for a while, and doing all the things they had heard to do, Sanem took a drop of her natural organic peppermint oil and put it into her water. She tried to give it to her In a bottle, but she didn't like the nipple, so Sanem dipped her little finger into the mixture and let Ates suck it from it. Over and over, she did this, until the baby had enough and it began to settle her stomach. Can watched her intently, he could do that too, he thought, if that ever happened and Sanem wasn't there. She had such a way with them, an instinct they he didn't have, it made him admire her even more. 

Ates was changed and ready for a little play time before bedtime. They other two had woke up during this time and Can had taken care of them with no problem. The blanket was spread on the floor and all three Divit children were laid down. They played with them, cooing and talking with them until their bedtime. The babies loved it, watching and listening to all the sounds from their parents, especially Yildiz. Of course, she always had her attention on her daddy, and he took a little bit more time with her, talking to her and explaining the ways of life. Sanem laughed at their conversation, " Can, do you think she going to remember all these things your telling her." She said, giving him a kiss of the cheek. He always tickled them with his beard, they all loved it except Ates, she would turn her face away, and make a squealing sound. How individually different they were, it made him scared to think about. 

It was still light outside, but it was their bedtime, so Sanem pulled the curtains and turned on the soft music they loved to listen to, while they quietly and gently gave them their nightly sponge bath and covered them with the lotion that Sanem made. It was a simple ritual that made both of them happy, so relaxing to them all. In a matter of minutes, the triplets were ready for sleep. Can too was ready to have a little alone time with his beautiful wife, the aroma of the cream always made him crazy, it was his  first memory of her. They reset the music and tiptoed out of the room. They headed for the kitchen, " Are you hungry, I'm starved," she said reaching for one of the  frozen meals that her mother and Melahat had made for them. Can shook his head, but he knew that wasn't the only thing he was starved for, but first things first. He jumped in to help her, insisting she sat down and watch while he heated up the dinner and made a salad. " It's the least I can do for you, after you have given me such a wonderful gift." He whispered into her ear, as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She turned, " What gift, I didn't buy you anything." She said, scrunching up her face. He moved close to her face, so close the hair from his beard scratched her lips as he spoke, " Not all gifts are from money, my love. You have given me three of the best gifts a person could ever want." His lips covered hers, they were gentle at first, but quickly turned to a desire that heated her to the core. Her heart beat fast, just like the day before in the shower, this man could bring her to the point of no return in a matter of seconds. His lips parted from hers, but just barely, " Sanem, you are my greatest gift, and I love you with all my heart." He said, his voice dripping with emotion and it barely able to hear. She initiated the kiss that time, with demand and force, she found his tongue with hers. She felt him flinch, then attack it with a vengeance. His hands moved over every part of her body, all at once, it seemed. The goosebumps had risen to the top of her skin and she was in full "turned on"mode.

He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, without losing any contact from his delicious mouth. He walked around the counter and to the sofa, she pulled away from his lips,     " Can let's go to the bed, and take our time." She whispered, looking deeply into his eyes. 

He crumbled, just at the sight of her, " Yes, Ok, whatever you want." 

" Yes....take me to our bed, I want all of you." She said, her body trembling like it was the first time......

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