Chapter Three

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They finally had all three down at the same time as were able to take a breath. Sanem curled up on the sofa with a book and Can was making tea, " Hey sweetie, what did Emre want earlier, you never said." She asked laying the book down across the chest. Can shook his head, " Nothing  much, he asked about the little ones, and you of course." He said trying to evade the topic.             " And....what's going on in the agency, they need you to come in, don't they? She asked, sure that's what he was hiding. " Well, it's not a necessity, but they have a couple of possibilities for clients, but I told him I couldn't." You need me here and I want to be here." He said, bringing her tea. She smiled, " Thank you, but do you need to go, or should I say do you want to go." She said,  searchIng him for an answer. He shook his head, " No, I don't want to go, and I think they can get by without me." Don't worry about it, Deren and Emre can handle it." He answered, dismissing the thought of going to the office. He sat down beside her, hugging her up next to him, " Right here is where I want to be, next to you, so don't try and get rid of me." He demanded, passing off the idea of returning to the agency without another thought.

Deren was rushing about as usual, barking out her orders to CeyCey. Emre and Leila had just came back from a lunch meeting with the bankers. "Deren, what now, you have to learn how to calm down." Emre stated, rubbing her on the arm. " Is Can coming to the meeting with the jewelry co., they have specifically asked for him to be there." She screeched feeling her heart race from all the caffeine she had consumed that day. She held her head, " Oh Emre, what are we going to do if he won't come."  Emre smiled, " We'll make it just fine, don't worry." Can has his hands full right now, and his main  concern is Sanem and the babies." He told her, trying to calm the situation. She knew that was true but this was a big account, and they needed it. They were all curious as to why they had asked for Can to attend the meeting, they probably were fans of his and wanted to meet him. But whatever the case, it would take a major act to get him there.

Sanem and Can had both dozed off, slumped together on the sofa. Aziz and Mihriban peeked in the door, " Aziz, look, they are both out, how sweet." She said, hugging his arm. They had brought some dinner for them, they wanted to help out as much as  possible, but they were both stubborn and had refused most of their help. They went down the hall to the nursery to peek in on the babies. They seemed to all be sleeping, so they tiptoed back down the hallway. Just as they reached the door to leave, Deniz let out the first wail. In an instant Can was up and on his way to the nursery, eyes still half closed. In turn, Yildiz chimed in, angry that her sleep had been disturbed. Aziz and Mihriban watched him in amusement, as he stumbled down the hall. Sanem stirred on the sofa, slowly getting up, " Can, I'm coming, where are you." She mumbled. She turned to see the couple standing at the door, " Oh, dad, Mihriban, what are you doing here." She said, a bit confused.  She didn't wait for their answer as she heard Ates, join in to the choir. She turned and rushed down the hall, " Mommy's coming my dears," she called. Can had picked up Deniz and Yildiz, but Ates was in a fighting mood. Sanem rushes in, " Its ok baby, it's ok," she said, picking her up. " Are they all hungry at the same time?" Can asked, juggling the pair. " They need a diaper change, then eating." She said, " and your dad and Mihriban are in the living room." She said, trying to act like a seasoned mother. 

Can reached for two bottles from the insulated bag in the nursery, and diapers from the dresser. He had become quite good at changing their diapers, no matter what they had done. The crying continued while he changed them, but Yildiz was calmed down after that, waiting patiently for her food. Sanem had Ates under control, dry and happy, being the only one latched on to mom for her lunch. Can had both of the other ones tucked in his huge, long arms and headed to the living room, " Dad, Mihriban,....welcome to the Divit 3 ring circus, have a seat and enjoy the show." He said smiling from ear to ear.  His dad laughed a huge laugh, " Son, you have this all figured out, don't you? You both are magnificent." They sat down, and Mihriban took Yildiz from his arms, trying to help, but was quickly put in her place with a Divit squeal, " Sorry, she's a bit of a daddy's girl, here you can take Deniz." He offered, giving her a wInk. With Ates the smaller of the three, she ate the most, and enjoyed it more. She was finally full and happy and ready to see her grand parents, as they walked to the living room. Grand papa Aziz, was quick to take her from Sanem's arms as she entered the room. 

Sanem smiled, " I'm so glad to see you both, I think you're our first visitors." She replied. " We brought food for you." I know you have to be exhausted." Mihriban told them, pleased to be able to help. Sanem clapped her hands, " I'm sure Can's happy about that, he's been the one trapped with all the cooking." Sanem said, blowing Can a kiss. The proud grandparents watched as the babies ate and prepared to take another nap, " Such a gift we have been given." Aziz said, his eyes glistening with tear of joy. Mihriban agreed as she helped Can tuck the babies in for their afternoon nap. When they joined Sanem and Aziz in the kitchen, Aziz took Can aside, " Emre told me of the new potential clients today." It sounds like a great deal." Were you planning on making the meeting, they had asked for you to attend." His dad said, with a hint of curiosity. " Dad I'm not going, I want to be here for Sanem and the babies, this is the most important bonding time of their lives, and I want to experience it all." He replied, with his voice low so Sanem didn't hear. His dad nodded, " I understand son, but Mihriban and I will be more than glad to come here and help her while your gone, it shouldn't take long." He urged. Sanem walked up, " Help with what, Can, do you need to go to the office." She asked. " You can go, if you need to, don't feel you can't." She said. " What time is the meeting?" She spouted, putting her hands on her hips. He explained the details, and Aziz offered their help while he was gone. " See, I'll be fine, go, help them out." She insisted.

Reluctantly he agreed to go, but it was totally against his better judgement. " What about Yildiz, you know sometimes I'm the only one that she wants, and she can be quite the stinker if she wants to be." He spouted, but the 3 insisted.

" Ok, I'll go, but just the meeting and back, that's all." 

He really didn't like the agency being so demanding on him. He wondered why the clients wanted him there.

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