Chapter Eighteen

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The second day of school was easier than the first. Deniz and Ates seemed to have a small meltdown when it came time for Sanem and Can to leave the school, but Yilly took over, leading them back to their rooms, while their parents snuck out the door. Can looked at Sanem when they got to the car, " if that happens again, I'm taking them home." He said, with tears rimming his eyes. She smiled, " They will be fine, it's just new." She said. Bedir had called earlier, but she wasn't able to talk, so she called him back. " Yes, I know I'm a little behind." She said, rolling her eyes. " Look we just got the little ones in a school, so I should be able to devote a little more time to writing." She explained. She grimaced a bit, feeling a bit sick at her stomach. Can touched her arm, "You ok?" He asked. She waved at him, signaling she was fine. She promised to call him back later in the week with an updated chapter. " It's just nerves," she said, " Don't worry, I have a lot to do." She told Can, feeling the nausea ease up. " I don't know why you agreed to another book so quick, it's to much." He spouted, lacing his finger through hers. She smiled, looking out the window. 

She went straight to her desk when they got home, grabbed her notebook and her blanket. Her favorite place to write was, of course, the garden, so she curled up in her chair and went to her last page. Her mind had gotten so involved in writing she didn't realize it was time to pick up the children. Can came out, " Sanem, it's time to go." He said as he walked towards the car. She raised her head, no it can't be, she thought, where did the time go. She met him at the car, " Did you get a lot done?" He asked as they started down the road. " Yes, but it went by so quickly," she said, a little embarrassed. The ride back home was their usual chaos, they all wanted to talk at once, which made Ates upset, because what she had to say was always more important. The same nauseated, uneasy feeling came over Sanem, as she tried to listen to them. She closed her eyes, leaning her head back, Can reached for her hand, " Babe, what's wrong." He said. Yilly hushed the other two siblings, " Quiet, mommies head hurts." She said, trying to whisper. By the time they had reached the road leading to the farm, she couldn't wait any longer, " Can, pull over now," He did so, immediately, she jumped out and ran to the back of the car, throwing up everything she had consumed earlier in the day. Her mind was racing, " I can't get sick," she thought, as she steadied herself on her feet and walked back to the door. Can looked at her concerned, she smiled slightly and motioned him to continue. All three children were silent as they went down the long driveway to their house. Can got the kids their snack and Sanem brewed some tea, Can watched her as she tried to hide her discomfort. 

The afternoon was filled with their activities, they loved playing outside, and Sanem sat in her chair, watching over them. Still she felt the uneasiness she felt before, almost a weak feeling. She felt of her forehead, no she didn't have a fever. It must be a stomach bug, was her reasoning, it had to be. Can did more than his share the rest of the day, cooking the dinner, and taking over the bath time chore, as Sanem cleaned the kitchen. They both tucked the kids in bed, trying to get them to calm down. They had all taken a sudden liking to their new adventure, and couldn't wait for the next day to start. Can and Sanem both collapsed in their bed, but Can was still worried about Sanem, " Babe, are you sure your ok?" He asked her, rubbing her back. She shook her head, " I'm fine, I think it's just a stomach bug, I'll be fine by in the morning." She said, taking his arm and wrapping it around her. He kissed her on the shoulder, feeling her breathing go steady and shallow, as she drifted off the sleep. 

Her eyes opened and she looked at the clock, 5:15 it's still early, she thought, but that feeling was there. She slid out of bed easily, so she didn't wake Can, and went to the bathroom. She knew this feeling all to well, but how did it happen. She checked the small calendar she had in the drawer, she kept it to keep track of her cycles. She marked her day of the month with a small heart, in the corner of the square. Yep, she was 3 weeks late. She sat down on the side of the tub, that's what it is, she said out loud, her whole body getting a chill. She dug around in the bottom drawer and found an unopened pregnancy test that was left from the triplets. The nausea was getting stronger as she sat there, staring at the box, "I don't even need to take it, I know"  She said to herself. But she forced herself to do it anyway. As she waited for the line to form, her mind was already preparing for the results, " Oh my god, I hope it's not triplets again, she thought, her stomach lurching at the thought. But if it is, it is, her head told her. You will deal with it. The 5 minutes seemed like an hour, but......there it was, two blue lines, as bold and bright as it could be. 

In that 5 minutes, she had already excepted, devoted and opened her heart to her baby. That love of a mother for her baby had been planted, and it was deeply rooted. She let the tears form, but they were tears of joy and thankfulness, that she could bring another life into this world for the man she loved with all of her heart. Her head was in a fog, how would she tell him. Would she tell him secretly, or maybe a big production, with everyone here. It really didn't matter how, she just knew he would be so happy. She heard the alarm go off, as she looked at herself in the mirror, " Time to get started momma." She whispered, with a smile. Can was up and already headed to the kitchen, and the kids were rolling out of their beds. This day was started......Can was cooking, he insisted they eat a food breakfast, and of course the two girls were arguing about what to wear. Yilly was picking out Ates's outfit, and she didn't like it. " Daddy, let me wear this." Ates said, running into the kitchen, holding up her princess dress up dress. Can was laughing at her, " No, that's not a school dress, so let Yilly help you find something," he said. He yelled a Deniz, " Getup son, it's time to get dressed, come on, let's be good for mom this morning." He said. She watched from down the hall, " What a chaotic Divit morning," she thought, as she walked to the kitchen. 

His face lit up as she walked in, " Good morning my love, feeling better." He asked, smiling

" Can, I'm pregnant." She said, holding up the pregnancy test.....

Well this ends Part 3 of the Memories series. I know, but there will be a Part 4, watch for " Lasting Memories.....The Ones That Fill Our Hearts." I will post it later, as it develops. I hope you have enjoyed this part and will continue to read my stories. I enjoy writing and hearing from each of you, as you follow my stories. Please watch for my notifications on my updates. We may revisit the beautiful cottage on the sea in Spain, or follow the on their honeymoon in Peru, I haven't decided yet, but whatever it is, they will be in love and happy. Stay safe❤️❤️❤️

Please continue to read the " Memories Series"

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