Chapter Eleven

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Why did he not know these things about her, this was her make-up, her spirit and her soul. She would have understood  if he had told her about that overly attentive jewelry company owner, but he didn't trust her enough to do that, she had to hear it from someone else. All he tried to do was protect her from hurt, he knew how she felt about the other women that had plagued him in his life, although they meant nothing to him. "The truth Can, that's all you need to remember, tell her the truth." He screamed to himself, as he held her. He yearned to make love to her, but he knew she would much rather  him soothe her by holding her and just being there.  The sun was going down and they knew the babies would be up soon for their evening feeding. They had their routine, the feeding, and their bath and a good relaxing massage with the cream that their mommy made. That was their time together, he always looked forward to it. 

Can and Sanem went down the hall to the nursery, they wanted to get everything setup for their baths. It took a while for the process, but it all depended on who woke up first. Deniz was the one that wanted to play more during the bath time, but absolutely loved the massage part of it. Ates wanted to eat right away, that was the most important time for her, but the massage from her momma always made her happy. Yildiz was the most serious, she loved the feeding time, it allowed her that moment of alone time with mom, but the bath and massage was more of a learning experience for her. She listened so closely to every word that her parents said to her, and to her sibling for that matter, you could almost she her filing all the information away her tiny brain. Her daddy's voice was the most stimulating for her, it made her pay more attention and her reaction to it was much more obvious. It made Sanem so happy to see the two together, they were like two peas in a pod. " Ok Yilly, let's get this bath over with." Can said, taking her from her mother, after the feeding time was over. Can always gave her the bath, and Sanem gave the massage. " Time to get all clean and ready for the massage, you know that men love for their women to smell good." He said looking at Sanem and giving her a wink. She smiled, knowing the importance that the smell of her cream had on him.

This routine took almost 2 hours, but they loved every minute of it. With them all feed, bathed, and relaxed to a coma stage with the massage, they put each of them in their beds, turned on their favorite music to listen to and lowered the light to very soft glow. They stood at the door looking at their most valued possessions in the world. Can put his arm around Sanem, " This is why I didn't take that modeling job my love, I might miss getting to do this with you every night." He whispered in her ear. She felt that shiver run down her body, the one she got when she thought she couldn't love him more.....but did. She smiled at him, " Thank you." She said. Can hugged her a little tighter, " For what?" He asked, kissing her on top of the head. She answered in a instant, " For loving us, all of us. You make us the happiest family in the world." She kissed his cheek, but he turned his head to meet her lips with his. Those sweet, tempting lips that drove him crazy, that made him want more than a kiss. That spark of desire that was always there, flamed up to a blazing fire, with just a kiss. He would never be ready for the effect she had on him, it always seems to take him by surprise, like it was something new and different, but yet it was the most recognizable think in his life. She filled him with that desire to live, and to experience all the things they were designed for. He had been led to this road by her love, and he would travel it with an open heart, full of love. 

He led her to their bedroom, " Sanem, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about that woman, but I didn't want to hurt you." He said, moving her hair from around her neck so he could kiss it. She welcomed him, moving in for a more intimate encounter. She wanted to feel his body next to hers, feel that soft firmness of his abs, the touch of his beard slightly brushing against the face, his breath slowly and steadily warming her skin, these were the things that turned her on. She trusted him more than anything, but that hadn't been the point, they had vowed to always tell each other the truth, no matter how painful. Since the very rocky beginning to their fairytale love affair, and the lies she had been  forced to tell, they promised to be open and honest,....but he hadn't been.

 This  whole marriage thing took a lot of work, he thought, as he tried to make her feel better, but he would work as hard as he could for the rest of his life, just to have her next to him. He stroked her hair, he needed her like nothing else in his life. She moaned with satisfaction as he let his hands slid down her back and to the round fullness of her hips, his heart started beating harder and his breathing was more shallow and not as easy. She whispered his name, almost undetectable, but he heard it, " Can, I need you." He heard. The removal of their clothes had become a part of their lovemaking, it stimulated them both especially Can. Her hands on him set him on fire, and she knew just how to do it. He was frozen in a state of hypnotic splendor, as she unbuttoned his shirt, her face so close to him, he could feel the air she breathed, making him have goosebumps. She felt each one as she slid the shirt off of his broad shoulders, her hands gliding over that taunt skin. The shirt fell to the floor, she remained so close she couldn't see his face. Her hands found the button on his pants, she didn't fumble with it, she slowly slipped the button out of the buttonhole, her mouth gently sliding down his chest. Her lips parted and her breathing becoming deeper and louder, as she let her tongue barely touch his skin. He tasted like nothing she had ever tasted before, his body had developed a thin layer of sweat caused by her delightful display of undressing him. She could devour him and never think a thing about it, how he made her feel was not anything she could describe with words, but it was like she became someone else. 

He stared at her, as she lowered his pants down to the floor, this was something new for him, even after 2 years of marriage, she still had to be the most exciting woman he had ever known. His body twitched with anticipation, as she made her way back up his body, slowly running her hands up his legs, he quickly stepped out of his pants and kicked  them to the side. Still not looking at his face, she felt and saw the effects she was having on him. She felt his eyes on her, as she slid the straps of her dress from her shoulders, letting her dress fall quickly to the floor in a heap.

She slowly raised her eyes to meet his gaze, " Can, this and the truth is all I need in my life." She whispered.

His eyes filled with tears, " You have them both, from now on." He said softly. 

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