Chapter Nine

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The vision of Sanem entered his head, " He wouldn't let this happen," usually he didn't notice things like her looks towards him, he was quite use to that, but this woman was sending out all kinds of messages, without opening her mouth. He was quite uncomfortable, shifting around in his chair. She hadn't said more than a few words the whole meeting, just looks, the ones that would make anyone blush, even Can Divit. Emre was aware of it, seeing how it was affecting his brother, so he tried to divert her attention, " Ms. Gulden, we have a couple of very good candidates for the ad, will you take a look." He said, reaching for the portfolios. She held up her hand, " That won't be necessary, I'm looking at the model I want for my jewelry designs." She said, her eyes drilling into Can. " But, these are very good models, I'm sure they would do an exceptional job." He ordered. Can looked away from her, but felt her eyes still looking at him.              " I'm flattered, but it isn't possible for me to model your line, for one I'm not a model, and my family comes first. So my answer would have to be no." He said looking straight in her eyes. She smiled, " What does your family have to do with it," she stated, " I'm sure your wife would want you to be successful, right. And this could prove to be very successful." She said, her tone dripping with innuendos. Can knew this woman wouldn't take no for an answer, so the looked at Emre with that, "I'm out of this one" look. Can stood, nodded, " If you will excuse me, I have a very important date and I can't be late. She nodded and smiled smugly, " Of course, we can continue this conversation at a later date, maybe over dinner?" She said, touching him on the shoulder.

Mevkibe had taken over, letting Sanem get some much needed sleep. They babies were happy and content for the moment and she had decided to make their dinner for them. She knew they both could use the rest. She knew Cans favorites and was more than happy to make them. All three of them were on the floor, listening while their grandma was cooking. She told them stories about their mother and all the trouble she got into, and laughed at them all. It was barely 2:00 when Can came home, " Son you are home early, I didn't expect you until later. How was the meeting." She asked. " It was fine, it turned out, they didn't need him after all." He said  avoiding her eyes. He quickly dived down on the floor with three babies, giving them lots of kisses. " Is Sanem asleep? He asked as he cuddled with Ates. Mevkibe told him she was, but she should be up soon. Can was still thinking about the woman from the jewelry company, how brazen she was. He never let woman like that get to him before, but she seemed to have a more than obvious agenda. Sanem had been through a lot because of the women that tried to gain his attention, and he wouldn't  allow her to be hurt again. Even though she never had anything to worry about, all those other women couldn't make him forget about her. 

Emre and Deren paced back and forth in his office, " Well now we know what she expects, and we know that Can's not going to give it to her, so where do we go from here." Deren stated, still appalled at Ms. Guldens actions. Leila came in,," How did the meeting go?" She asked, giving Emre a peck on the cheek. " It's bad Leila, really bad." He said. " It seems this woman is just a little interested in my brother, and not just for a model, if you understand what I'm saying." Emre spouted, pacing with his hands on his hips. Leila's mouth dropped, " Doesn't she know he's married?" She asked. " Yes, Can made that quite clear, but she seemed unaffected by it, it made Can  very uncomfortable, so he left." Deren said. Leila smiled, " Good for him, they have both been through a lot over things like that." She replied, shaking her head. Emre and Deren both looked at each other, " It doesn't look like we'll get this campaign, so let's move on to the other one." Emre stated.

Can had never been so thankful for his mother-in-law as he was now. With having such a bad night and then the disgusting meeting, the last thing he wanted to do was cook. He felt like he needed to hold each one of the babies, and especially Sanem, tightly to him, and not let them go, she had made him feel threaten. Sanem came in looking refreshed and rested, " Well Can, your back early, I thought you would be there the rest of the day." She said, kneeling down to kiss her husband. In a impulsive move, Can pulled Sanem down next to him and wrapped her up in a huge hug, covering her neck with kisses. Mevkibe cleared her throat, " Ok kids, let's not have that, not in front of me and the babies." She said, acting embarrassed. They all laughed, as the babies all let out their high pitches screeching. Sanem asked, " How was the meeting, did they convince you to be the next big model? She asked, giving him a wink. His heart sank, did he tell her the truth or did he lie,..." No, they decided to go a different way." He stated, looking at her in a way she didn't understand. " Well, that's their loss, you would have been the perfect and most gorgeous model ever." She spouted flamboyantly.  He laughed, " I hardly think so, my dear." He said, giving her a hug. Feeling so thankful for her and all the love she gave him. As right on cue, Deniz let out his wail of hunger, with both parents attention focusing back on their duties of love. Sanem scooped him up and started to the nursery, when Ates decided to join in a chorus with her brother, Can laughed, grabbing Ates. " Ok, my little flower, we won't leave you out, but it will have to be the bottle for you, my abilities are not as advanced as your mothers." He said, pinching her nose. And as in true fashion of the Divit triplets, Yildiz wouldn't be left out either, and demanded her daddy. Mevkibe shook her head, taking Ates from Can, " Here, I'll take this one and you take Yilly, she won't have it any other way you know." The grandma said, following Sanem to the nursery. Can picked up his oldest daughter, " Yilly, huh, I like it, how about you? He said, as she grabbed his beard, cooing, as if she approved of the nickname. He kissed her in the forehead, " He wouldn't let anything hurt them, nothing, if it was in his power, his babies would never experience what he did as a child." He thought.

" They would always know how much he loved them....

" SANEM,.......would always know how  much he loved her......

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