Chapter Twelve

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Sanem woke startled, " What time is it." she thought, her mind in a fog. She looked at the clock, 3:45, the babies hadn't woke up to eat yet. She climbed out of the bed and hurried down the hall, almost afraid to look. Her mind was going off on a fit of terror, with her imagining all sorts of things. She pushed the half open door to look inside, her heart jumped, as she saw Can sitting there feeding Ates, with Deniz laying long ways in his lap, watching. He was whispering to her in her ear, and she was mesmerized at what he was saying. She would never get tired of seeing this, here was this huge muscular man, in only his boxers, his hair flowing down over his shoulders, looking totally like a god from Greek mythology, rubbing noses with his little daughter. It was the most perfect thing she had ever seen. Her mind played back the events from a few hours before, the raw desire they had lived through, made her shudder at how good it made her feel as she relive it in her mind. Was this the same man, the one that took her on the most unbelievable ride of her life, he was now a devoted daddy, trying to make his babies laugh. He looked up see her there, " Hi, I didn't want to wake you just yet, so I thought I would do it myself." He said smiling at her. She sat down next to him, " You're doing great, my love." Where's Yilly," she asked. " She's already done, fed and changed and back down." He stated, quite proud of himself. 

All the babies were fed and dry, content to finish out their night of sleep. Sanem had gone to the kitchen to brew some tea, when Can walked up behind her, " Are you ready to go back to bed." He asked, rubbing his hands up and down on her arms. She leaned her head back against his chest, " I think I will drink some tea first, how about you." She said. She handed him a cup of tea, and headed to the sofa. He followed her, glad to spend this time with her alone. These moments seemed to be far between, and they missed just the closeness of it. She remembered when most of her time was spent outside in the garden, now she was always listening for the slightest sound from the nursery. She leaned her head on his shoulder, " Thank you for taking care of them this morning," she said. He smiled, " I don't think it's quite morning yet, but you're  more than welcome." He replied, kissing her on the top of the head. " Come on let's go back to bed, your day will start early enough, so let's get some more sleep." He suggested, taking the tea cup from her hand. She followed him back to bed, but the need to sleep wasn't there for her. Can was out in a matter of seconds, leaving her alone with her thoughts. She hadn't written in a couple of weeks, the time was always filled with something else, but her notebook seemed to be calling her to the garden. She slipped out of bed, wrapped her most comfortable cardigan around her, grabbed her notebook and the monitor and went to the garden. 

The lights were still strung there from their wedding, and always shined their light making this area very inviting. Her mind was full of of her life and all that her days consisted of. Her pen couldn't write fast enough to get everything down on paper, it all came to fast. She didn't know how much she had missed this, her escape, this was the definition of herself. She wrote everything that had happened since the last time she had visited her notebook. " It was so much." She thought, " How did they do it all, and it would, more than likely get to be more, as the children get older. How her life had changed from the first book, their love had been so hard to hold on to, but just their determination to do so made her proud of them. Would she read their life to their children as they grew up, she thought, " Yes, I definitely will. They will know the heartache and joy that her and their dad had gone through, and how they never gave up on their one and only love. 

The day had started, with the sun beaming out from around the trees. It was almost time for them to be up again, but her time had  been well spent. She had written pages of her memories down in her notebook, all her thoughts and dreams along with them. She first whimper from the nursery pulled her thoughts from her writing, back to her life at hand. She was needed, they called her, drawing her back to her heart. She quickly ended her writing and hurried to their room before they woke Can. Deniz was fussing about, so she picked him up, changed him and started to feed him. He was always ready to eat, but more than that, he wanted to feel her. He was so much like his dad, his little hands stroked her skin as he ate, his eyes giving her that look that made her melt. She smiled at him, talking softly as he ate, " You will be the woman slayer, there won't be a girl or woman around that can resist you, just like you father." She said, tracing his face with her finger. He flinched at her touch, but soon closed his eyes, enjoying this special time with his mom. He fell asleep as he ate, but she continued to hold him, she felt so close to him like this, and she knew one day he wouldn't want her to do this. The rustling from Yildiz convinced her to put Deniz back to bed and focus on her oldest daughter. It was very seldom that Yildiz was as vocal as the other two. She was willing to wait for mom, but if she sensed daddy there, she would demand his attention. So strong and serious, along with curious, she could see her running the agency some day, probably all by herself. An advertising prodigy, if you will, guided by her dad and her uncle. She was so excited to know what life had in store for her special children, the ones she fought so hard for and waited for them to all be together.

His phone woke him,  he wasn't in any mood to talk to his brother, but knew he should. " Emre, what makes you call so early in the morning?" He asked, rubbing his eyes to focus, noticing Sanem wasn't in bed. " Good morning Abi, how are things?" He asked, dreading to get to the point. " It's all good, what's going on." He replied as he crawled out of bed. " Well it seems Ms. Gulden would like another meeting with you, and she's very adamant about it." He stated. Can fell back on the bed. " Emre just tell her I  not interested, how hard can that be." He spouted, feeling his anger rise. Emre sighed, " Well, she is being very persuasive, it could be worth a lot of money for the agency, and for you as well." What do you say?" He asked, hoping Can would reconsider. Can walked down the hall to the nursery, just as Sanem was putting Yilly back in her bed, he watched them as they had their time together. He stepped back in the hall, " Ok Emre, if she's so adamant about another meeting, this one will be on my terms." He said firmly.  

" Tell her I'll be more than happy to meet with again, but it will have to be at our home." He said. " I won't take the time away from our routine to meet anywhere else." 

Sanem smiled, overhearing the conversation, " I think he finally understands." She whispered quietly, her heart filled with love for him .........

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