Chapter Four

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Emre and Deren hurried to the door of the agency to greet the group. " Welcome, welcome, come in." Deren expressed, extending her hand to the gentleman. He excepted it with pleasure and then turned to Emre, " Mr Divit, it's a pleasure to meet you," he said nodding his head.      "Please, its Emre,....Mr. Erkem, follow me to the conference room." He said, leading the way down the hall. "And your brother, will he be joining us? He asked. Emre still hadn't heard from Can to confirm that he would attend, so his answer would be vague. " Can has had a life changing situation develop recently, so it may not be possible for him to be here today." Emre explained. " But we are hopeful." Mr. Erkem seemed to accept the that as he took a seat. " Well, normally It wouldn't be a problem, but the owner has her heart set on dealing with Can himself." He said, shifting nervously in his chair. " Oh so you aren't the head of the company, so sorry, I miss understood." Emre said, looking at Deren. " And who is the owner of the company, if I might ask?" Deren spoke, tilting her head to one side. " Yes, our owner is Ms. Gulden,"  he said, " It seems that she is a fan of Mr Divits and would like for him to model for  the new line of jewelry that we have coming out." She is aware of his style and his love of accessories, and this line would be  perfect for him." Mr. Erkem explained. Emre smiled, " I'm afraid you will be disappointed if that's the reason you wanted my brother here today, he isn't the type to expose himself to the public." Emre gave Deren a quick glance. Deren nodded, " Yes I agree, Mr Divit would never agree to that, especially now." She told him.

Can jumped out of his truck and sprinted into the agency, he always hated being late, but saying goodbye to Sanem and the babies had been harder than he expected. And the fact that Sanem was laughing at him didn't make things easier. So what if he had tears in his eyes as he kissed each one of them goodbye, so what if he had to go back three times to do it, that was his choice. He could still see her face as he hugged each of them, " Can, my love, our only going to be gone a couple of hours, it will be ok." She snickered. He gave extra attention to Yildiz, he knew she would be upset when he wasn't there when she woke up. His mind was still back home with them as he hurried down the hall towards the conference room. CeyCey waved and called out to him, Can waved back and hurried on to the meeting. He knocked and opened the door, " Good morning,  I'm sorry that I'm late, but it has been a busy morning. He stated, extending his hand.   "Hello, Can Divit, pleased to meet you." He smiled, " Yes, Mr Divit,  I'm Mete Ekrem, the pleasure is mine." He said shaking his hand. He nodded to Emre, and Deren, " What have I missed," he asked, taking a seat. Emre stood, taking charge of the meeting, " Can they want us to supply the public with a new updated campaign on a new line of jewelry they have designed." Mr. Erkem, would you like to fill him in on your proposal." Emre said, giving Can the eye of beware. " Yes, I would be happy to," Me Erkem said, " The owner of the company has been a fan of your work for some time now, and she would like to commission you to model our latest line of men's jewelry." In fact it's the only line of men's jewelry of its kind, in the area. Can looked at Emre, " Excuse me, but I am not a model, nor do I want to be. I am flattered at the offer but, my plate is over flowing at the moment with personal commitments." He spouted, with a look a annoyance. " I'm sure we can find a more than suitable professional model to take care of this type of work." Can announces, shifting in his seat. The thoughts running through his head, " Is this the reason they wanted me here for this meeting." What a waste of time."  He stood to leave, " Mr. Erkem, my brother and the creative director of the agency are both more than capable to take care of your company, we all are looking forward to working with you." He reaches out to shake his hand. The gentleman returned the gesture, " Ms. Gulden will be disappointed to say the least,  so don't be surprised if she contacts you again." He said, raising his eyebrows. Emre and Deren both stood with their mouths open, as Can left the meeting. He headed to the office area, to say hello to the few there that were his friends. CeyCey met him at the coffee bar, " Canbey, good to see you, how are your children and Sanem?" He asked, pouring him a cup of tea. Can patted him on the back, " they are all doing very good." Sometime soon you will have to come and visit, I know Sanem would love for the babies to get to know the uncle CeyCey as quick as possible." He said giving him a smile. 

Aziz and Mihriban were trying to take care of Yildiz, which was very upset at the moment. She was having to wait for Deniz to finish eating so it could be her turn. The bottle just never satisfied her and most of the time she rejected it completely. The only one that could coax her into taking it was her daddy, so grandpapa and grandma didn't have a chance. Yildiz loved that time with her mommy. The routine seemed endless, as the older couple looked at each other over the changing table, what a respect they had for Sanem and Can, they had to have the best outlook on their lives. They had excepted this challenge of three babies at one time, as if it was nothing, and did it with ease. Sanem had passed Deniz to them at the changing table, after the burping and took the still fussy Yildiz, for her lunch. Sanem laughed, " Listen here my dear, you have to learn to be patient, especially if it's your brother, he takes his time and you know it." She lectured her, nuzzling her nose against her neck and kissing her. She always listened so Intently, with her eyes open wide, Sanem knew she would be the one she could depend on to know the rules. The one that would keep the other two in line, just like a big sister should. She was the oldest by 4 minutes, and she took that role seriously, always observing and taking everything in. The next one born, had been Ates, she was a little lazy about coming out, content to linger there as long as possible. She seemed to be dreaming about what was about to happen, but her baby brother Deniz, was more than anxious to arrive, and all but pushed her out of his way, with them coming almost simultaneously. All of them so different, so unique, and wonderful, just like their parents. With Yildiz finally full, changed, and ready to go down, they all flopped on the sofa, exhausted. Mihriban looked at Sanem, " You know I have such a respect for you both, your patience, your love for each other, It's so inspiring." She said, as she wiped her forehead. Sanem nodded, " Thank you for your help, this is the most joyful task that I have ever been given." She said, holding her hand to her heart.

" With all the trials in our lives, to have this as our reward......

"Well, It shows that we were meant to be."........

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