Chapter Eight

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The evening turned out to be a disaster, after their family time with the babies, they put them down for their naps, but they weren't peaceful naps. They were fretting and whining until the early morning hour, leaving Sanem exhausted. He helped with what he could, but about 3:00am he passed out in the sofa. Ahh, the trials of parenthood, it had reared its ugly head, making her doubt her ability to cope with it all. Maybe he was right, they needed help. The first ray of light was visible when Sanem managed to get all three down. What had happened, they seemed to be so uncomfortable and her breast milk seemed to make it worse. She turned up the volume on the monitor and fell across the bed, all she needed was a good hour of sleep, or so she thought.

It was 8:30 when she heard the first piercing cry. She bolted like a bullet shot from a gun, straight to the nursery. She rubbed her eyes, trying to focus, " There, there, Ates my baby. It's ok." She picked her up, trying to soothe her. The baby squirmed and pulled her knees up to her stomach, clearly in discomfort. Sanem took her to their bed, to isolate her crying, and gently started to massaged her stomach, over and over. It seemed to help and she started to calm down. " It must have been something I ate." Sanem thought, trying to recall her eating from the day before. She held her hand over Ates stomach, feeling her relax and ease into sleep. Sanem closed her eyes, " I'll just rest for a minute, I'm so tired." She thought, as she drifted off to sleep. But her rest was short lived, as Deniz was the next to release his fury. She opened her eyes, not believing she had went so soundly to sleep, with Ates laying next to her. They was a rule they had agreed on from the very beginning, no sleeping with the babies in their bed. She jumped up, grabbed Ates and stumbled down the hall to the nursery. Getting her back in her bed, she reached for Deniz. He had the same reactions as Ates, so she knew it had something to do with breast milk, but how did she fix it. The crying of Deniz had woke Can up an he rushed in the door, " Sanem, are they still at it? He asked rubbing his face to wake up. She nodded, on the verge of tears, " Yes Can, I think it's my breast milk, something i ate is not agreeing with them. " She spouted, trying to calm the baby. But I don't know what to do to fix it." She cried, letting the tears from no sleep and pure frustration, flow down her cheeks. He took Deniz, " Come on babe, let's go sit down, have you had any sleep." He asked. " About 3 hours, before Ates started crying."  She mumbled, leaning against him for support. He propped Deniz up on his lap and Sanem explained what she had done to Ates to get her relief. So Can calmly and patiently rubbed his son stomach, feeling the heat from his hand, it eased the cramping and the baby begin to calm down. 

Sanem took stock of what breast milk she had pumped the day before and discarded it. As Deniz slept on his daddy's lap, she called her mother. " Mom, what do I do to get of the milk in my system, it has made the babies very sick, so I don't want to breast feed." She said, trying to hide her disappointment in herself. Her mother was more than supportive, trying to ease her fears,         " My dear, don't take this to heart, you haven't done anything wrong." Stomach aches are common, so you have to learn what to do to calm them and do it." She said, feeling for her daughter. " Do you need me to come and help you, have you slept." She asked. Sanem had never heard such beautiful words, " Yes momma, I would love it if you would come." She sighed. She smiled, " Ok my daughter, I will be on my way in minutes." Her mother said. Can was relieved, he had that meeting and the thought of leaving her alone with all of the babies, already had him worried.

They sat together, watching Deniz sleep. " Can I thing it was the cheese I ate yesterday," she said, still trying to make sense of what had happened. " I ate quite a bit of it, while I was making our sandwiches." I'm  sure that's what it was." She concluded, " but why didn't Yildiz have the same reaction as the others." She asked. Can traced her face with his fingers, " It's ok my love, they are fine and your moms coming to help so you can get some sleep." She still felt guilty, but she knew what not to do again. Can had put Deniz down and was taking care of Yildiz, " Sanem, go take a shower at calm down, when your mom gets here, you can go to bed." I have that meeting then I'll be back and take over." He demanded. She stood her her tiptoes, kissing his face all over,               " You are a wonderful husband, and I love you." She said. He smiled, " Don't forget that," he stated, " I'm going to hold you to that."  She smiled, as she danced into the bathroom. His heart was happy, he had all he ever wanted, so why would he need to be a model." He laughed to himself.  Within an hour of talking to her, Mevkibe was at their door, " MomMevkibe, come in." Can said, giving her a big hug. " Thank you for coming, I know Sanem will be so happy your here." We have them all down for now, but it's just a matter of time." He said, laughing. Sanem greeted her mom with a huge hug and kiss, " Thank you for coming." I have never felt so useless in my life, as I did last night." She revealed. 

Emre and Deren paced in the foyer, waiting for the group to arrive, " Where's Can?" Deren asked, shooting a look at Emre. He shrugged his shoulders, " All I know is, he said he would be here." He said. It was 12:50 when the group arrived, " Welcome, Ms. Gulden, Mr Erkem." Emre said, extending his hand to welcome. They nodded to Deren, " Ms. Gulden, is our pleasure to have you here." She said. Deren has a look of shock on her face, " The research she had done on her and the company said that Ms. Eda Gulden was a 48 year old widow, and had been left the jewelry business by her late husband. If this woman was 48 years old, then she definitely was a miracle of modern science. She was as flawless as a 20 year old, long black hair and a deep olive skin, that looked as soft as butter. Deren was in awe of her. Her stature was tall and slender, like that of a model, yet it was natural, stunning was not enough to say. Can was a couple of minutes behind the group, as he came in the door, the woman's face lit up, in a devilish sort of way. Can shook hands with Mr. Erkem, then turned to Ms.Gulden, holding out his hand. " It's a pleasure, Ms. Gulden, I'm Can Divit." He said, giving that smile that effected every woman around. Her eyes devoured him, it made him uncomfortable, but he stood his own. Her hand stayed with his until he pulled it away, " Please have a seat, sorry I'm running late, we had a bit of a drama night with the triplets last night." He stated, as straight forward as he could. 

" No, let's have an understanding right away," he thought, as he felt the heat from her look.

" The modeling job is out of the question, nothing will upset my family."......

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