Chapter Sixteen

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The agency took the campaign for the jewelry company, with one of the top models in Turkey as its spokesperson. Ms.Gulden was more than pleased with the layout of the ad, and with her new found love interest, even though the model was 20 years her junior. Can wasn't ready to return to work yet, no matter how hard Emre tried to persuade him. The couple was still determined to do the raising of their 3 babies on their own, although at times,  it felt like Yildiz was the one doing the raising. Over the months that followed, these 3 tiny humans took on the look of, clearly individual people. Each had traits that made them special, Ates was always daydreaming, off in her own little world, Deniz was rambunctious and full of life, he was the one to crawl first and the one to do all the exploring. Yilly, studied everyone, always listening, only vocal when it served a purpose, she always let them know what she thought, before they even asked. Can took more of the responsibility when Sanem took her notebook and went to the garden, her writing had become a big part of her life again, with Bedir  pushing her to let them publish the notebook that she had kept since the first day she learned she was pregnant. All the good and bad, the ups and the lows that took them to the depths of hell, but she was hesitant. Can had left the decision entirely up to her, she knew her heart, and he knew she would make the decision that was best for their family. 

Another book? She had swore she wouldn't, but this one was special. It was full of the happiest times of their lives, and also the saddest. Could they handle it, she wondered, but that was why she had written it in the first place, help other couples to cope with the loss of a child. Her mind thought logically, but her heart was still raw from the events that led them to where they were now. Her story needed to be read, listened to, understood, like nothing else she had ever written. But first she would read it to her children, from the first page to the present page, it was their story......No one had seen the notebook, read it or even looked at one page of it, except Can, until now......With their children nearing their one year birthday, she felt the need to start sharing with them, the road that led them to this time. They already shared her joy of books and loved to listen to her read, even Can would take his turn in reading to them at night. Ates especially, it was her favorite time of the day, her eyes were always focused and you could tell she was concentrating on every word. Deniz was usually the first one to fall asleep during the story time, and Yilly, well let's just say she was the one to say if the story was good or not. 

She decided that on their special day, she would introduce them to her notebook. That would be the book she would read to them each night. One chapter at a time, she might even add a little embellishments as she went along, but the story of their family would tell them of the love that lives in their hearts. She would let them know the strength their parents had, just to carryon so they could be this happy, loving family. She would do this first, then she would think about publishing it, for all to read. Can was busy at his computer when she walked in from the garden, " Are you busy babe, I need to talk if you can." She said, hugging him from behind. " Never to busy for you love, what's up." He said, patting her hand. " It's about the book, or my notebook, I should say. I'm not ready to publish anything yet. But, I do want to read it to the children first." She stated, looking at him intently. " What do you think, I mean, from the beginning, the first day I found out I was pregnant." She said, looking down at the floor to avoid his eyes. " Sanem you know our children better than anyone else, you and I formed their heart and souls, so if this feels right to you then that's what we'll do." His words dripped with emotion, from heartache to joy.  She knew it was the right thing to do, and she felt relief in her heart. " Good, then it starts tomorrow, after their birthday party," she replied, clapping her hands together. 

The party was simple, just family, and just small gifts. Grandmama and Grandpapa Aydin brought each of them a new stuffed animal. MeMe and Poppy Divit, brought them each a new book to add to their collection. Aunt Leila and Uncle Emre, brought them new teething rings, which was very well received. The couple had hoped to be pregnant themselves by the time the triplets turned one, but some problems had kept them disappointed and still trying. The day was exciting and filled with so much love they could hardly stand it. With them all three walking and toddling about, it took the whole family to keep them all in one place. The three were exhausted and ready for naps, so Sanem and Leila put them down. " Abla, Bedir has been pressuring me to publish another book, and I have the notebook that I started writing when I found out I was pregnant the first time. It has everything in it from day one. It started out with the joy we felt, but then to the pain, and how we melted together with love to make it through." Sanem said, holding her sisters hand. " I wrote it to help other parents that have lost babies, so I will read it to the babies first then, I want you to read it." She whispered, trying to control the tears. Leila hugged her sister,  " Sanem, I will read it with joy, I know some day we will have a family to, but it's just the waiting that tests your heart." She said sadly. Sanem's heart cried for her sister and Emre, but she knew it would happen for them one day. 

The party lasted long after the babies were down for their naps. They had missed visiting with their family, so they were making up for lost time. It was funny, all that Can and Sanem had to talk about was each funny and different thing the kids had done over the past few days, but nothing seemed more important to them than that. By the time the kids were up from their naps, the family was ready to leave, with all the kisses and goodbyes said, everyone was gone. It was always a hectic few hours before their bedtime, fixing the dinner, then the never ending chore of getting them to eat all their food, a bath, and the good relaxing massage with their cream. It had been one of the things that had remained solid In their routine. Then lastly, the bedtime story, but this night would be different, special, not just for them but for Can and Sanem also. She knew this wouldn't be the only time she would read them this story, but the first time meant so much more.

Sanem would start the story for tonight..... " We have a new story tonight, my babies." She said, getting their attention. Ates was automatically tuned in, focused just at the tone of her mothers voice. Deniz was hard to settle down, but Yilly always held his hand, sitting next to him, just like a big sister should. She was so beyond her age, so like a little mommy, it made Sanem laugh.

" This story is about you, each one of you, and how you came to be our babies." She said, looking at Can, as he stood by the door, listening, as if this was his first time to hear it..........

This was the first of many times she would read them their story.....

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