Chapter Ten

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Sanem was sorry to see her mother go, but she had her husband to take care of too, so she gave them all lots of kisses, and got in the taxi. She promised she would be back in a few days to help her again, if it was just with the cooking. Can was grazing in the kitchen, devouring the delicious things that his mother-in-law has made for them. " Man, she made some delicious dishes Sanem, do you want me to fix you a plate? He asked. He noticed the change in her mood, but wasn't sure why, " Are you ok babe," what happened" he asked her, pulling her I close to him.       " Tell me sweetie, what's wrong?" He looked her in the eyes. " Can, why did you not want do the modeling for the jewelry company, and I want the truth." She demanded, folding her arms across her chest. He hung his head, she always read him like a book, " It's just not for me, ok, I don't want to be away from home that much and I just don't see the reason for it." He stated, reaching for more food. Sanem was looking at him with that sideways look, " What was the woman that owns the company like,  is she married? She asked, as she made herself a plate.           " She was older, but I don't think she is married, she's a widow. She really didn't say much." 

Emre threw his hands up in the air, " Leila why did you call her." He spouted, sorry they had even considered the jewelry campaign. Leila stomped her foot, " Because she's my sister and she had a right to know, that's why." She spouted back to him. Emre demanded to know what she told her, " You did tell her that Can left as soon as he noticed her interest in him, didn't you." He asked. Leila shook her head, " I did, but still she should know if there's  another woman after your man." Don't you agree?" She spewed, daring him to deny her statement. Deren walked in the office, " Whats wrong, I can hear you down the hall." She said. Leila explained their conversation, and that she had called Sanem and told her about Ms.Gulden. Deren slapped her hands together, " Good, I was thinking about doing that myself, I'm glad you did." She said. Emre knew he was out numbered, so he agreed is was the right thing to do. " So what are you going to do about the campaign, are you going to give it up or not. I don't think we need those kind of people around." Leila announced, ready to fight for her sister. " I think the proposal is null and void at this point, with Can literally walking out on the meeting." Emre said, ready to put the discussion to rest. Leila was satisfied with his answer, nodding her head she turned to leave his office. She stopped and looked at Emre, " I hope that someone would do the same for me, if there was a woman threatening the safety of my home." She stated, looking at Emre for assurance.

Sanem cleared the table from their dinner plates, " Can, what are you looking at on your computer? She asked, curious as to what made him feel a hundred miles away. Can looked up,         " Just looking at some nanny services, I think we need some help, on a more regular basis, don't you. I know your mom is more than willing to help, and so is dad and Mihriban, but we need a professional." He said tapping the seat beside him, for her to join him. She sat down, " Look, we can have someone just for the babies, or someone that helps with the housework and cooking, what do you think." I just want you to be able to go take a shower or something when you want to, and not have to wait for someone to come over." He said, reaching for her hand. " So, are thinking about returning to work on a full time basis, and not being here with us." She asked, feeling her stomach jump up in the throat, and the tears burn her eyes. " No, not at all, but at some point I will have to go to the agency on occasion, and I would feel better if there was someone here to help you." I'm not going back until I absolutely have to my love, I love spending all my time with you, and my babies," You're not getting rid of me so easy." He said, looking at her, seeing the tears starting to form. " Hey, babe, what's wrong, I didn't mean to make you cry." Ok, we won't talk about it now, we'll just keep on doing what we've been doing, it's fine." He said, wrapping his arms around her tightly. He felt her body melt into his, and felt her insides tremble as the tears came. She tried to keep the tears back, but all the emotions from what Leila had told her, and the memories of all the other women, made her feel inferior, and now she was barely able to take care of herself. She had never really thought about it until now, what he must think, looking at her. She barely had time to comb her hair, let alone put makeup on, but he had never been one to like a lot of artificial beauty.

He held her until he felt her relax, " Ok, are you better, we don't have to do this now, I just wanted to checkout some things, that's all." He said, closing his computer and laying it to the side. " What's going on Sanem, I know you to well for you to tell me, nothing." He looked into her eyes, that feeling of protector filled him, she was everything to him, and if she was hurting then he was hurting. " Tell me." He begged. She closed her eyes, " It's stupid, I know, but I feel so ugly right now, just like I'm barely together sometimes. I don't want you to regret me, or the fact we had all these babies at one time, or the fact you have to help me so much, or....He held his finger up to her lips, " Stop, stop it now. I would never regret one thing in  my life now, it's all that makes me breath and my heart beat." He said, wiping the tears that still remained on her cheeks.    " What has brought this on, you know that's not true." He said quietly, his face resting against hers. She gently scratched his beard, " I know, but when you didn't tell me about Ms. Gulden, and her intense interest in you, I thought you were flattered by it." She said, moving back to look at his face. " Who told you, did Emre, or was it Deren." He said, instantly feeling shamed by her feelings. She shook her head, " it doesn't matter who did, it only matters that you didn't." She said, closing her eyes to keep from looking at him. She was embarrassed at her feelings, but she had been though a  lot, when it came to this and the fact he kept it from her, made it seem more than it was. 

He had vowed not to hurt her again, like he had in the past, when it came to the women.......               He knew how it made her feel, so he had to tell her, " I'm sorry, I should have told you, but it was such a shock to me, I just wanted to forget it." He said, stroking her hand with his fingers.....

She laid her head on his shoulder, " I can handle anything, if you are open and tell me." But I want to hear it from you." She said. 

He kissed her head......he still had a lot to learn from this woman, and he wanted to learn it all..........

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