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(An: sorry I kinda rushed this first part.)

"Ugh my head." Dr. Bright groaned as he regained consciousness.

        "What the hell is going on!" Dr. Rights shouts as she feels like someone had just run her over with a truck.

        "Why do I feel like Clef and Bright did something stupid again?" Dr. Kondraki says as he pulls himself to his feet.

       "Sorry Konnie, but this time I swear it wasn't me." Clef says as he too gets back on his feet.

       The four scientists of the SCP Foundation take a moment to get their bearings before checking their surroundings. They're in a theater.

      "A theater? How did we get here?" Dr. Rights questions.

      Instead of getting an answer they are greeted by the sounds of multiple groans coming from across the theater. These groans came from SCP'S 105, 049, 073, 076-2, 040, 053, 166, 035(who was put on a humanoid mannequin), and 336.

     The four Foundation staff freeze up upon seeing the SCPs out of their containment chambers. Meanwhile a storm of questions were asked by the now fully awakened SCPs.  Questions like "where are we?" "what's going on?" and "how did we get here?" filled the room. The only exception was Able (scp 076-2) who immediately after seeing Cain (scp 073) tried to manifest a weapon but found himself unable to do so.

    "What?! Why can't I summon a weapon?! What's going on?!" Able shouts in outrage.

    As if to answer his questions a disembodied voice speaks. "Do not fear. You have been brought here to watch a few things. For those of you who have anomalous abilities your powers will be locked until the viewings are finished afterwards you will be returned to your reality. You are here to watch certain individuals from your reality. If you are hungry to the left there is a door that leads to a buffet. To your right is a door that will lead to the bathrooms. Violence amongst each other is not possible here so don't bother trying. The first viewing will start shortly, please take your seats." The disembodied voice explains.

     There was a brief pause before everyone reacted. Able lunged at Cain in an attempt to strangle him but before he could make contact he was forcefully thrown into a seat. Iris(scp 105), Epon (scp 166), and Lilith (scp 336) were confused but inevitably took a seat seeing as how there seemed to be nothing else they could do. The plague doctor (scp 049) and the possessive mask (scp 035) found this place to be very fascinating and took a seat to see where this goes next.

    As for Dr's Clef, Bright, Rights, and Kondraki, they too decided that this place was worth studying and were interested in the individuals they will be viewing. From what they could tell this place is an SCP, who knows what kind of knowledge it might share. The four scientists took their seats and waited for the show to begin. 

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