The Strange Case of the Foxes

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WARNING: The Following has been Rated TV-14 for Drama, Mild Suspense, and Violence. Reader's Discretion is Advised.

Dr. Sam Beckett: (Narration) My name is Dr. Sam Beckett. It has been 25 years since I First Quantum Leaped. But now I'm back to change a few more things before I retire. Al has graciously agreed to be my Observer as I once again step into the accelerator to change history. So I once again find myself leaping from life to life to put right what once went Wrong. Only Question is... Where will I end up Next?

Stallions Gate, New Mexico, December 2020.

Present Miley: So this is the Waiting Room?

Present Sam: Yes it is. This is where the Leapees end up. We've had some pretty interesting ones, such as Andrew Ross, Victor Panzini, Ray Harper, Kenny Sharp, Tyler Means, Lee Harvey Oswald, Ruth Westmeier, Elvis Presley, Cosmo, and even Doctor Strange!

Miley: When did you leap into him?

Present Sam: When I Returned to leaping this past September. And that's where I left off on my story. One moment I was in Cosmo, and the next, I leaped out into another person.

*the Camera shows Sam Leaping in*

Sam: I don't Know where I am... Or who... Or what for...

Maria: Doctor Strange? Is that you?!?

Sam: Maybe...

Maria: Just come here! I have someone you may want to meet!

Sam: Oh Boy...

(Theme Music Plays)



Scott Bakula

Lisa Ortiz

And Dean Stockwell

Based on the Original "Quantum Leap" Series created by Donald P. Bellisario


Written By John Andrews

Present Sam: (Narration) Leaping about through time, I've been able to be a few heroes. But my leap into Doctor Strange was my first time into an actual superhero.

Maria: Strange, this is my Friend, Dr. Emily Fox.

Sam: Hello.

Dr. Fox: Hello, Dr. Strange. You must meet my husband someday. But he is very busy most of the time, as Am I.

Sam: Then how will we meet up?

Dr. Fox: Why don't you come to our house when we next get home!

Sam: Sure, that can work.

(Al enters through the Imaging chamber door)

Dr. Fox: We will be honored to have the Sorcerer supreme at our mansion.

Sam: It will be an honor for me.

Dr. Fox: I'll see you then. (She leaves)

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