The Britt Allcroft Cut

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WARNING: The Following has been Rated TV-14 for Drama and Mild Suspense. Reader's Discretion is Advised.

Dr. Sam Beckett: (Narration) My name is Dr. Sam Beckett. It has been 25 years since I First Quantum Leaped. But now I'm back to change a few more things before I retire. Al has graciously agreed to be my Observer as I once again step into the accelerator to change history. So I once again find myself leaping from life to life to put right what once went Wrong. Only Question is... Where will I end up Next?

(Sam Leaps in)

Man: Britt, this is the Draft of the Script. Do you like it?

Sam: Yes. I do.

Man: This Film will give kids their first view of Thomas on the Big Screen... But we have Problem.

Sam: And what is that?

Man: The Boomer Scenes... May be too scary for viewers.

Sam: What? I'm sure it can be released as an Unrated Cut.

Man: I'm not as Confident as you are, Miss Alcroft.

Sam: Miss? (See the Name Britt Alcroft) Sodor? Thomas? Lady... Ohhh...

Man: What's the Matter?

Sam: Oh Boy...

(Theme Music Plays)



Scott Bakula as Sam Beckett and Peter Fonda

Lisa Ortiz

And Dean Stockwell

Based on the Original "Quantum Leap" Series created by Donald P. Bellisario


Written By John Andrews

Guest Starring

Deborah Pratt as Sam's Mirror Image

Alec Baldwin

Michael E. Rodgers

And Colin Firth as Christopher Awdry

Present Sam: (Narration) Quantum Leaping has given me a shot at the big time only once as an Understudy Actor. But now, I was in the Director's Chair. Which is a much bigger responsibility.

Sam: Action!

(The Actors said their lines)

Miley: Cool.

(Al then enters through the Door but Sam noticed After the Scene ended)

Sam: Cut! Everyone take 5!

Alec: Alright, Britt. Looking Good So Far.

Sam: Good, Mr. Baldwin.

Peter: Keep it Up, Alright? It's working well.

Sam: I will.

*he goes to see all*

Al: Your host seems concerned that she won't be able to finish her movie.

Sam: I'll make her do it whoever she is in this leap of mine. I guarantee it!

Al: Your name is Britt Allcroft.

Sam: I'm the TV Creator of Thomas...

Al: Exactly.

(Sam saw his mirror Image)

Sam: This is great! I'm in the middle of the production of Thomas and The Magic Railroad so maybe I can release her version of the movie as an unrated cut!

Al: Ziggy isn't as confident as you are, Sam. She says there is 46 percent chance that the Executives agree to release both what happened in the original history and a Director's cut.

Sam: I'll convince them. Even with my Swiss cheese memory.

Al: It won't be easy. Good luck. (Walks out the door)

Sam: Alright, Back to action! Rehearse Final Scenes!

Alec: Junior, do you realize who this is?

Michael: I reckon it's a very beautiful engine. Say... This is the lost engine! Are we glad to see you? Now we can go back to Shining Time!

Present Sam: (Narration) No matter what, We kept rehearsing lines and scenes day in and Day out, but one day a Man came up to me.

Christopher: How's it been?

Sam: It's been good. The filmmakers won't accept my Director Cut as it is deemed too scary for children.

Christopher: I see.

Sam: But I do have a pan, Mr. Awdry. I will convince them to make my Director Cut Unrated and be Direct-To-Video.

Christopher: Oh good. It won't be easy, Miss Allcroft. It's still unlikely.

(Al Appears)

Al: He's right Sam. It never comes out.

Sam was left Speechless.

Present Sam: (Narration) Despite Odds being low, I kept arguing my Case to release the Directors cut alongside the movie as Unrated. And Surprisingly...

Executive: We accept to release the Thomas and the Magic Railroad Director's Cut after the modified one comes to stores. You'll make more money that way. Thanks for telling us about that, Britt.

Sam: You're welcome.

Al: Sam... You've overcome all odds Again to change history! Britt never sells Thomas and Friends and the Director's Cut makes a lot of money for her!

Sam: Cool.

Al: And Get this, Thomas is now on a Yearly basis  thanks to PBS starting in 2002!

Sam: Wow.

(Sam then Leapt out and leapt into someone else)

Man: So what do you plan to do with the Country when you're elected, Mister Kennedy?

Sam: Umm... Can you repeat the Question, Sir?

Man: What do you plan to do if you're elected, Mr. Kennedy?

Sam: Well... Umm...  I'll... Give me a minute. (To self) Oh Boy...

Head Writer: John Andrews

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