Saving Sonic the Hedgehog

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WARNING: The Following has been Rated TV-14 for Drama and Mild Suspense. Reader's Discretion is Advised.

Dr. Sam Beckett: (Narration) My name is Dr. Sam Beckett. It has been 25 years since I First Quantum Leaped. But now I'm back to change a few more things before I retire. Al has graciously agreed to be my Observer as I once again step into the accelerator to change history. So I once again find myself leaping from life to life to put right what once went Wrong. Only Question is... Where will I end up Next?

Stallions Gate, New Mexico, December 2020.

Miley: So where did you leave off last time?

Present Sam: Oh Yes. Right. I leapt out of Earnhardt and into another time period. It looked like a important event.

(Camera shows him Leaping in)

Sam: Where am I?

Man: Tom! It's time for a Meeting!

Sam: I'll be there in a minute!

He then sees his Mirror Image.

Sam: Oh Boy...

(Theme Music Plays)



Scott Bakula

Lisa Ortiz

And Dean Stockwell

Based on the Original Quantum Leap Series Created by Donald P. Bellisario


Prior to E3 1995

Written By John Andrews

Guest Starring

Owen Wilson as Sam's Mirror Image

Executive: I think we should Release the Saturn to Select Retailers now. It's been doing Good in Japan.

Sam: I need to See the Design First. Then I'll write a Six Page Essay on what I think should happen. If it's a Positive Review, go ahead. If it's Negative, Push the release to the Planned "Saturnday".

Executive: Fine, but we need the American Profit soon. It's Just as Important as Ours Back home, Mr. Kalinske.

Sam: Yes Sir.

Miley: So you were in Los Angeles For E3 before the SEGA Saturn Released.

Present Sam: Yes. Now, Leaping about through time,   I've never been a businessman, but this Leap turned out to be my First Chance to be one.

(Al Enters through the Imaging Chamber Door)

Al: Whoa Sam... You just got Whisked from one Coast of the Country to another!

Sam: But that doesn't have to do with who I am and why I'm here!

Al: Right. (Presses buttons on Handlink) The Date is May 1995 and it's the day before the Electronic Entertainment Exposition, otherwise known as E3. Your name is Tom Kalinske and you are the CEO of SEGA of America and Former CEO and Chairman of what is now known as LeapFrog.

Quantum Leap: The Next Leap (Season One)Where stories live. Discover now