An Old Memory

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WARNING: The Following has been rated TV-14 for Drama and Mild Suspense. Reader's Discretion is Advised.

Dr. Sam Beckett: (Narration) My name is Dr. Sam Beckett. It has been 25 years since I First Quantum Leaped. But now I'm back to change a few more things before I retire. Al has graciously agreed to be my Observer as I once again step into the accelerator to change history. So I once again find myself leaping from life to life to put right what once went wrong. The only question is... Where will I end up Next?

Stallions Gate, New Mexico. New Year's Eve 2020.

Donna: Halfway There, Sam.

Present Sam: Very Good, very good.

Miley: So what happened next?

Present Sam: Well, it turns out that I got a Blast from the Past...

(He is shown leaping in)

Sam: Here we go now... Memories Return. I have a good feeling about this one... (saw his mirror image) Welcome Back, Mr. Stratton... I missed you.

(Theme Music Plays)



Scott Bakula

Lisa Ortiz

And Dean Stockwell

Based on the Original "Quantum Leap" Series created by Donald P. Bellisario


Guest Starring

Dennis Quaid as Sam's Mirror Image

Present Sam: (Narration) So you're probably thinking, "Sam, this seems familiar". Yes, you're right. My leaping Career has almost come full circle with my leap back into Tom Stratton. Yes. However that he's older in this one must mean I need to Alter his Future just a little before moving on.

Tom's Wife: Tom? Is that you?

Sam: Yes, I'm back.

Tom's Wife: I've missed you, Tom.

Sam: I know you did. It's been a long time since I broke the sound barrier with that jet.

Tom's Daughter: Daddy?

Tom's Son: It's you! You're back!

Sam: Yes, I'm finally Back after my... Service tour. Yeah. That's it.

*Al Appears*

Al: Well, this is a familiar sight... almost.

Sam: I feel right at home in the First Person I ever leapt into. So, what's the skinny?

Al: Ziggy hasn't read your purpose here... yet.

Sam: Figures...

Al: Anyways, Donna Needs me to complete some Research, and She says someone came here to Visit you.

Sam: Who?

Al: That's for you to find out after you figure it out. Anyways, I gotta do this Research. (He opens the door) See ya around. (Goes through and exits)

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