Hope Is Alive: Part 1

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WARNING: The Following has been Rated TV-14 for Drama, Mild Suspense, and Violence. Reader's Discretion is Advised.

Dr. Sam Beckett: (Narration) My name is Dr. Sam Beckett. It has been 25 years since I First Quantum Leaped. But now I'm back to change a few more things before I retire. Al has graciously agreed to be my Observer as I once again step into the accelerator to change history. So I once again find myself leaping from life to life to put right what once went Wrong. Only Question is... Where will I end up next?

A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away...

Narrator: Turmoil has Engulfed the Galactic Republic! The Taxation of Outlying star systems is in Dispute. Hoping to resolve the Conflict with a Blockade of Deadly Starships, the Greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to the Small Planet of Naboo! While the Congress debates endlessly, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched Two Jedi Knights, the Guardians of Peace in the Galaxy, to settle the conflict...

(Sam is Shown Leaping in)

TC-14: This way. My master will be with you shortly.

Sam: I have a bad Feeling about this.

Qui-Gon Jinn: I don't sense anything.

Sam: It's not about the mission, master. It's about something... Elsewhere. Elusive.

Qui-Gon: Calm Down on your Anxiety, Obi-Wan. Keep your Concentration here and now where it Belongs.

Sam: But master Yoda said I should be mindful of the Future!

Qui-Gon: But not at expense of the Moment. Be Mindful of the living Force, young Padawan.

Sam: Yes Master. How do you think the Viceroy will Deal with the Chancellor's Demands?

Qui-Gon: These federation types are Cowards. And Negotiations will be short.

Sam sees his Mirror Image.

Sam: (whispers to Self) Oh Boy...

(Theme Music Plays)



Scott Bakula

Lisa Ortiz

And Dean Stockwell

Based on the Original "Quantum Leap" Series created by Donald P. Bellisario



Guest Starring

Liam Neeson

Ewan McGregor as Sam's Mirror Image

Natalie Portman

Jake Lloyd

Ian McDiarmid

Ahmad Best

Pernilla August

Frank Oz

Hugh Quarshie

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