Baylor Bail-Out

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WARNING: The Following has been rated TV-14 for Drama, Mild Suspense, and Violence. Reader's Discretion is Advised.

Dr. Sam Beckett: (Narration) My name is Dr. Sam Beckett. It has been 25 years since I First Quantum Leaped. But now I'm back to change a few more things before I retire. Al has graciously agreed to be my Observer as I once again step into the accelerator to change history. So I once again find myself leaping from life to life to put right what once went Wrong. Only Question is... Where will I end up Next?

Stallions Gate, New Mexico. January 3rd, 2021.

Sammy Jo: We'll have to put off your Final Leap until February Sam.

Present Sam: That's fine. It gives me more time to tell my Story anyway. Now, on to my next leap...

Miley: Who was next?

Present Sam: It turns out my next two Leaps were somehow connected to something big that happened to two Different Teams...

(Sam Leaps in)

Bryce: Coach, you coming?

Sam: Yeah, I'm coming. Where are we, even?

Tevin: Stillwater, Oklahoma. We have a Chance to win the Big 12 Conference with a Win here and Next Week in Fort Worth.

Sam: I like our chances.

Phillip: Come on, Art. We gotta get a move on.

(Sam got up from his seat on the bus and then saw his Mirror Image)

Bryce: Coach, something Wrong?

Sam: Oh Boy...

(Theme Music Plays)



Scott Bakula

Lisa Ortiz

And Dean Stockwell

Based on the Original "Quantum Leap" Series created by Donald P. Bellisario


Guest Starring

Dennis Quaid as Sam's Host

Present Sam: (Narration) You know, Quantum leaping has taken me to some interesting people. Lee Harvey Oswald, Dr. Strange, Sonic, Cosmo, and Dale Earnhardt. But never a Football coach until today.

(Sam got off the bus)

Sam: Sir, I need to look at our Playbook.

Phillip: You should know it, Art. You're the Coach.

Sam: But my Memory is Swiss Cheesed a bit, and I need a Refresher!

Phillip: Swiss Cheesed Memory? What kind of Excuse is that?

Sam: Please... Just let me view it one more time and I'll be ready for the Game.

Phillip: If you say so.

Meanwhile in The Project Quantum Leap Waiting Room...

Quantum Leap: The Next Leap (Season One)Where stories live. Discover now