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"All their errors and mistakes. Their despair. Despite the odds there is still hope. And so the journey to find the map of the soul begins."

Seokjin 3 August Year 22

It was inevitable. We were always meant to come back to this place. This is where it all started. Where I had learnt how meaningful it was for all of us to be together. Where I had found happiness.

Here, this place, was where I made my first mistake. It still held a place within me, a gaping wound, unhealed. An unspeakable error.

Everything that had happened up until now was meant to be. I was meant to be here. Now all I could do was make my mistakes known and find the true meaning behind the pain they had caused.

Only then could I begin to find the map of my soul.

These are the official
This English version has been heavily edited by me to make your reading experience more enjoyable!

Let the journey to the map of the soul begin!

BTS SMERALDO THE NOTES 2 (Edited & Translated)Where stories live. Discover now