Seokjin: 12 May Year 22

469 24 10

I Will Not Give Up
Part 11

I walked into Gyeongil Hospital. Hoseok and Jimin had to be here already. They had to be somewhere.

It was a strange coincidence. Hoseok had fainting spells. And before that day on the bridge, he'd never been hospitalized for them.

And Jimin had just moved to the outpatient ward into the bed right next to Hoseok.

If they hadn't ended up together by coincidence like this, I wouldn't have been able to find out Jimin was hospitalized or been able to save Hoseok from the accident.

I was on the second floor in front of the emergency door. I checked my phone. 14:15:45 PM. I smirked.

Because of everything that had happened with Yoongi and the fire, I'd been so tense. And Taehyung had showed to that day too. Things hadn't gone as expected. Jungkook went into the motel later than last time and Yoongi was more seriously hurt as a result.

But that didn't matter. He was alright. And something that small wouldn't shove me into the same time loop again. In some ways I'd become more careless. I had to be more careful.

I looked over at the elevator. After 15 seconds ....

"Jimin!" I shouted.

Surely enough, Jimin appeared near the elevator. He looked around after hearing his name. He couldn't see me from where he was standing.

There was a large window behind me. The afternoon sun shone brightly behind me. Jimin took one small step towards me. I kept my head down and opened the emergency door. I quickly ran up the stairs three steps at a time.

I passed a woman wearing a hat on the stairs. She was holding a little child's hand. I made sure to stay on my side to not bump into them.

Hoseok would pass this woman a few seconds after me. He will think it's his mother. But she's too young.

Before Hoseok could spot me on his way past the woman, I opened the emergency door to the third floor and waited in the hallway.

I kept the door open to see what Jimin and Hoseok would do when they passed me. If they passed the third floor.

Hoseok ran down from the fourth floor and through the third floor's emergency door.

"Mother!" I heard him call after the woman.

Jimin opened the emergency door on the second floor.

Four or five seconds that, there was silence, nothing but the sound of breathing from running up and down the stairwell.




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