My Angel

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When Aragorn awoke again he can feel a breeze on his face. Opening his eyes he noticed the tree tops moving above him. Taking a minute to assess his surroundings Aragorn then focused on Galadriel that was riding close by.
"How long till we reach Gondore" Galadriel looked at him calmly knowing her words were going to make him have a mix of emotions and was worried to send him back into a panic.
"We are a few minutes out..... we have been on the road for a few days."
Aragorn's eyes widened a few days they have been on the road for a few days. How long was he out for??? Why were they moving so slowly???.
"We need to move now. Why are we going so slow" Aragorn looked around seeing that they were in fact going a steady pace not fast enough for his liking.

"We couldnt ride fast with the cart we had to transport you in a comatose state, I sent more men ahead when we were 2 days in. They should already be there. We cant smell smoke or hear any weird sound so things in Gondor seem fine." Breaking threw the last tree line Aragorn stopped the cart climbing out and could see Gondore across the vast land in front of them.

Getting on a horse Aragorn took off as fast as possible racing towards him kingdom. Not seeing any smoke or any  indication of a battle he felt himself calm a little but kept up the speed. Entering the first part of the city everything seemed normal but the faces of some seemed off like they were trying to avoid eye contact. Racing forward he yelled for civilians to move. Getting to the castle he felt his heart drop as one of his advisors looked at him with a tinge of worry and sadness.

"What's happened?" Aragorn asked as he slid off the horse hurrying up to his advisor. "Listen my lord we, we were unprepared and it was just such a small cost to save the city." Aragron was confused looking around everything seemed fine but obviously not something was very wrong. Looking back at his advisor he frowned. "What was a small cost?" The advisor clammed up seeming petrified which caused Aragorn's blood to run cold. "Where is Legolas and Angel?" The advisor seemed reluctant to answer and Aragorn grabbed him by the collar pulling him closer. "Where are they?" Legolas is in the prisons sir.... he attacked some of the men when he road back" This confused Aragorn why would Legolas attack his men. "Where is my daughter?" The Advisor looked away not wanting to meet his eyes again. "Where is my little girl" one Galadriel's men ran out of the castle. "Thank the gods you are here Aragorn your people have gone insane." Not letting go of his advisor Aragorn looked at the other man. "What do you mean?"
The man huffed hurrying over. "They gave her to them to the enemy they gave your little girl to them as a peace offering to save themselves. When Legolas got here and found out what happened they locked him up. I already sent troops after them to catch up we should get word back in a day or so where they have taken her."

Aragorn felt his heart breaking and let go of his advisor and dropped to his knees screaming. They have his child they have is little girl and who knows what could happening to her right now. How could his people do this to him, how could they send a poor defenseless child off with monsters. Standing back up Aragorn could feel his stomach turning thinking of all the possibilities of what could be happening right now to his daughter.
Galadriel had arrived and was talking to her soldier and frowned when she was told the news.

Aragorn slowly stood he could barely hear the muffled voices around him. Aragorn felt as if he was on auto pilot.
Arriving at the dungeons he frowned when he saw Legolas sitting on the floor with his head down. Legolas's blonde hair looked less shiney and his skin pale. Aragorn rushed over to him. "Legolas" throwing open the doors Aragorn stepped in grabbing hold of Legolas's shoulders. "Legolas are you alright" Legolas slowly looked up tears rolling down his face.
Aragorn got a better look at him and felt his heart breaking. Legolas had dark circles around his eyes, tear tracks down his face, his nails were cracked and bleeding, there seemed to be a bruise across the side of his face and part of his shirt was ripped. What had gone on here while he was gone.
"Legolas" he shook his friend, his love. "Speak to me"

Legolas looked up again and the look on his face made Aragorn's heart feel like it was being squeezed.
Quickly he gathered Legolas in his arms and picked him up carrying him out of the cell. Passing Galadriel on his way he shook his head at her concerned face. "I got him go get settled we will talk later."

Walking to his room he set Legolas down on the edge of the bed and kneeled down holding both of Legolas's hands. "Please say something to me, anything, yell at me I dont care just say something" Aragorn begged looking at the man he loved.

Legolas let out a shakey breath focusing on Aragorn and a new flood of tears escaped. "I tried, I swear, I tried...but....but...I wasn't strong enough, they took her, she was handed right over to them and they took her. I can still hear her screaming for help the fear in her eyes... AND NO ONE DID ANYTHING!!!!"

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