Chapter 24

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Neve's POV

It's been a few days since we made love, but now I'm relaxing in my Ember's bed alone, her having left to go on a mission.

I'm not allowed to go on another mission since I went against Ember's orders. She also doesn't want me to be in danger. I easily accepted her terms, not wanting to worry her. I need to be focusing on taking down the Hunters.

Still relaxing, I shoot up in bed when I hear the door slam closed with yelling. Ember and Mark must be back, but something seems wrong.

Walking down the stairs, I am shocked to see Mark lying on the couch, barely conscious. I rush over to his side, Ember nowhere in sight. There is a crash coming from the kitchen, so she must be in there.

"Mark, can you hear me?" I ask, trying to keep him awake. I don't want to find out what happens if he passes out and doesn't wake up.

"Loud and clear, Frost," he mumbles, blood rushing out of his face at a rapid pace.

Frost is my code name, as Flame is Ember's. I don't know why he is using my codename, but I just smile at him sadly.

Ember walks back into the room, a bowl of water and a cloth in hand. Her face is covered in blood, but is seemingly fine otherwise. She kneels beside him, and slowly starts cleaning the wounds that are all over his body.

I take this time to inspect the damage, and I am taken aback. He has massive lacerations across his chest and arms, with one on his face. "What happened?" I ask Ember, needing to know what caused so much damage.

"The Hunters jumped us. They somehow knew where we were going to be, and attacked before we could even think to protect ourselves," Ember informs, sounding shaken up.

The silence between us is deafening, everyone lost in their own thoughts. I break the silence. "Where is Ally? Is she okay?"

Ember nods. "She wasn't hurt too bad. She is helping other members back at headquarters."

We fall back into silence, Ember cleaning Marks wounds. Every few seconds he will grunt in pain, especially when she hits an open wound.

She moves to his face, and Mark asks, "Do I still look pretty?" He pauses, before saying determinedly, "I won't let this ruin my chances with girls."

I smile, reassuring him, "Yes, you still look pretty. You look even more badass now."

"Hell yea!" Mark exclaims, before wincing at the pain that his actions caused.

The cut on his face is right above his eye, he's lucky they missed it.

The fact that he could have lost an eye makes my anger spike, feeling it rumble deep in my chest.

We need to destroy the Hunters soon, and I may have a plan.

"Ember, I know how we can defeat the Hunters. Mark, once you're better, we will need your expertise." I start explaining the plan to them, and they agree that it just might work.

Watch out, Grim, we are coming.

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