prologue: a weird surprise

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As a smoke began to clear, a purple teenager with step forward towards the giant crater in the ground. She looked downwards towards the ember, fiery haired girl.

Twilight: "you will never rule in equestria!" "Tonight you've shown them who you really are! You're shown---!"

Her words got interrupted by baby girl crying on the crater to be sunset shimmer in baby form and wore small purple shirt and diaper. She got purple bow on her head.

With a gasp, twilight and applejack slide down the crater to where the baby sunset shimmer. Applejack lifted baby sunset from the ground to stop crying.

Applejack: "ssssh, there there sunset." "It's okay we're here."

Once they were out, applejack still got sunset in her arms sleeping. Rarity, rainbow, pinkie, and fluttershy surrounded her.

Sweetie belle: "aww she so cute."

Snips: "boss?"

Rarity: "what happened to her twilight!"

Twilight: "I don't know!" "I don't understand! This wasn't supposed to happen...this doesn't normally happen! I don't know why she looks so small infant..I-i should go back to equestria to find spell for her to returning her old self but after I have a dance with flash a bit.

Flash: "sure."

Sandalwood: "totally."

Applejack: "ah take care of her with help my mah family and friends for now on."

Twilight: "thank you aj."

Principal celestia: "that's sweet."

Sweet leaf, tennis match, and drama letter look at sleepy baby sunset shimmer in applejack arms.

Drama letter: "she adorable."

Sweet leaf: "Yeah."

Tennis match just sneezed really loud to make baby sunset shimmer wake up and begin to cry. Sweet leaf and drama letter look at tennis match with angry look on their faces.

Both: "tennis match!"

Cherry crash: "way to go tennis."

Blueberry cake: "aww poor thing. Did mean ol tennis match scare you with her sneeze."

Cloudy kicks: "it's okay pumpkin."

Drama letter: "there there."

Tennis match: "hehe, sorry about that."

Applejack claimed sunset shimmer down a bit but she got idea.

Applejack: "I take sunset shimmer to another room for something."

Principal celestia: "of course applejack."

[New story is out]

Baby sunset shimmer vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now