Chapter 14

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Song of the Chapter : Scared by Jeremy Zucker

Draco's POV

     Even though my strength is limited I know Hero isn't going to be waking up anytime soon and we have to get out of here. It's already taken me forever to fully wrap my head around what just happened.

                             Hero is Snape's daughter.

     Never in a million years would I have figured that out, and I don't think Hero had the slightest idea either. But looking back it makes sense. Snape almost fainted the first day in class, and each day after that he made always sure she was okay. I mean, he gave me detention for insulting her.

       I can't imagine how Hero feels. She was in the same room with Snape multiple times and had no idea who he really was to her. Even though she never really talks about it, it's obvious how deeply she craves a family. The only person left was just killed in front of her eyes.

      She hasn't moved once since she fell asleep. Every once in a while I catch myself placing my finger under her nose to make sure she's still breathing. As selfish as it is I can't stop thinking about what happened between her and I before. Never in my life have I hated myself more for being cruel. She's right - I'm not the only one with problems. Sometimes it seems like it, but I know that's only because she hides her pain. I know as soon as Hero wakes up she's going to ask if I'm alright and her dad just died.

      Eventually I manage to stand. I place one arm under Hero's knees and the other under her shoulders. Before exiting through the door I take one last look at the pool of blood in the middle of the floor and Snape's dead body.

                   I wish she didn't come here.

Hero's POV

     I wake up to a migraine and an ache in my chest. For a moment I forget what has happened but it quickly fills my mind.

          "I was starting to think you were actually dead." Draco chuckles.

     My eyes open and look around. It looks just like my room but twice as messy. It's the boy's dorm.

      "I didn't know where else to go," he says. "But Zabini and Nott said they would stay elsewhere until you were feeling better."

    I sit up and pull my knees to my stomach. My clothes are still covered in blood.

      "I was going to change your clothes but I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."

         Draco waits patiently for me to speak but I'm not sure what to say. Everything is still a blur. The only piece that's clear in my mind is the dead body which is behind my lids each time I close my eyes.

             "Are you hungry?" "Thirsty?"

            "I'm all sticky." I respond. "I want to shower."

    Draco lets out a big sigh of relief and smiles. "I'll show you where the bathroom is."

    He hops off the bed and begins walking out the door and I follow slowly behind. We take a few steps and then turn into a small bathroom.

              "I'll be in the room-"

      I interrupt, "You're not going to shower too? You look like you need one..."

     He looks down at himself confused then realizes I'm joking and rolls his eyes. Once again he tries to leave the room but I stop him.

         "Can you pretend you need to shower?" I say softly. "I don't really feel like being alone."

      Draco's eyes widen but he agrees. He helps me get out of my clothes then takes off his own. I pull back the curtain on the shower and step in carefully. The water stings the marks on my back. Draco's fingers slowly trace my spine.

              "I tried my best to make the scars small." he tells me.

     I grab the soap off the shelf but he quickly takes it out of my hands and starts to wash the blood off. It hurts like hell but I manage to get through it.

     Once we're finished Draco grabs two towels and throws one over my head playfully. I pull it off and wrap myself up.

                    "Here," he says. "This is all I have."

     I grab the white button down shirt from him and put it on. Once he finishes getting dressed we head back to the room. When we walk in Blaise is waiting on his bed.

         "Thank Merlin you're okay!" He shouts while rushing up to hug me.

      "I told you I had everything under control." Draco snaps. Blaise ignores him and continues to hug me.

             "Could you cut it out?"

      I let go of Blaise and look at Draco who has a dirty look on his face.

      "I just wanted to stop by," Blaise sighs. "But I'll leave you two alone."

Draco's POV

     Once Blaise leaves I feel the tension in my body release. I know she's not my girlfriend or anything, but I know that I don't want any other guy touching her that way. It makes my blood boil.

        "What was that about?" Hero snaps at me.

        "He likes you, I can tell."

 She scoffs and rolls her eyes. "What's wrong with that?"

                         Don't make me say it.

      "Nothing's wrong with it." I correct her.

    "Alright," she laughs. "I'll just tell him he can come back then-"

                  "No!" I shout. "Can you just come here?"

    She smiles and walks over to me sitting on the bed. I rest my head against her chest and she runs her hands through my hair.

      "I know you don't know how to act when it comes to this stuff," She whispers. "But eventually you're going to have to figure it out."

     I sigh. I want to figure it out. She deserves that. And with the amount of boys that want to claim her I need to figure it out soon.

    I lift my head up and look at her. "Are you okay?" I ask.

             "No," she replies. "But it's okay."

     My heart sinks at her words. No one's emotions have ever bothered me before. I've always been a pretty selfish person. And I know a lot of the time she's not okay, but hearing her say it out loud pains me.

                   "I'm so sorry."

     Hero places her hands on the sides of my face and rubs her thumb back and forth. I put my hands on top of hers and close my eyes. Her hands are ice but they bring me more warmth than anything else.

       "I'm scared to fall for you." I admit to her.

      Her eyes meet mine. "Why's that?"

    I pause for a moment. The list of reasons why I'm scared could go on for hours. I've never done it before. A lot of people say it's one of the most powerful things in the world and I'm not sure I like how that sounds.

       "I don't think I'll ever be enough."

      Hero leans in and kisses me gently. My instinct is to pull away but I remember her telling me it's okay and let it happen. As she pulls away she gives me a heartfelt smile.

        "You are enough," she answers. "You just need to believe it yourself."

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