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" Hey Leo" I smile and wave at him releasing a nervous laugh. I look at the door and back at him getting ready to bolt. I sprint towards the door.

He grabs me by the towel literally dragging me back to the bed and threw me over his thighs.

"You know what you did way wrong right?" I look up into Leo's eyes lacking any signs of play. He's no longer the playful boy I grew up with he's more- serious, muscular, hot and successful and did I mention sexy and hot.
"I was just trying to have some fun. Loosen up a bit." I say trying to stand up but being held down my his hand.

The fuck is this. I HAVE A BOYFRIEND! For eight damn years.

"Oh so dumping water on my head is fun? It seems like we both have different ideas on what exactly 'fun' is" he glares down at me. I smile sheepishly.
"You Know what happens to bad girls?" He whispers slowly raising my towel. A blush crept up onto my face making me look like a cherry as I try to scramble out of his hold. Nope. Not today.

"Umm they get a second chance and a day out?"
"No they get punished." he strips me of my my undies and add fast as you could say 'imma lamma' his palm landed on my butt giving it a hard slap.

"Don't cuss. You just keep digging yourself into deeper trouble." he says shaking his head slowly
"Hey! I'm not one of your little submissives. Let go of me this instant Leonardo."
"But you want to be. " I hear him say under his breath
"What?! Hell no."
"Just shut up and take it." Five more hard hits land on my ass making me yelp. Tears gather in my eyes ready to spill but not out of pain but out of pure humiliation.
My best friend for over twenty years is spanking me. On my bare bottom

Is it bad that this turn me on?

Ten spankings later my ass is probably glowing red and my body hangs limp in shame. He gently places me laying on my belly and I hear his foot steps fade. Seconds later he came back in and I hear the sound of a cap popping open . I cold substance is being rubbed on my back side soothing the pain.

Out of boredom and to distracted me from the sting on my backside I gently mumble the a song from that one movie that brings me happiness- Hakuna Matata. Leo chuckles above me and started running his fingers through my hair.
"Your one weird girl, Liv. One weird weird girl."

I groan turning over and laying on my ass making me wince. I gently sit up and looked around. After what Leo did yesterday you'll expect him to wake me up with a breakfast in bed or cuddles as an apology but no my asshole bestfriend is laying half naked with the upper half of his body hanging off the bed and a book by his hand.

Not just any book but My little pony. A 26 year old reading a MLP book. I turn around looking for my phone but I left it in the movie room. I find his phone and take a picture quickly sending it to my phone quickly and hiding it somewhere in his gallery  incase he deletes it.

I hop into the shower and washed up in my lavender body wash and strawberry shampoo. When I'm done putting on my body products and underwear, I walk up to my closet and pull out a beige romper and brown strap sandals.

I throw on his shirt and lay there for some minutes and am idea pops into my head as I stare at Leo's slightly snoring form. Getting bored by each the passing second

'Haven't you learnt your lesson' my subconscious scolds.


I grab the book and fold it apologizing to the cute ponies on the cover. I smack him on the head making him snore louder and mumble.

Why isn't he waking up!?

I straddle his tummy and gently shake him.

"Leo. Do you wanna build a snow man?" I whisper.
"It's winter?" He sounds annoyed. I guess I'm doing a good job.
"Yes. Come on lets go and play"
"Bitch last time I checked it was summer time. Get off me before I make your ass fifty shades of red." his says half awake. With that I jump off him.
"I'm gonna make breakfast." I skip out of the room
"Make some waffles"  he yells after me.
"Make em' your self" walking down the stairs I resisted the urge to slide down the beautiful railing . I stop when random scenes of how bad it would end plays in my head. I could end up on the floor with broken limbs.

Some time later Leo walks into the kitchen in a black suit, white shirt and red tie in his hands. He gives me a sheepish smile making me roll my eyes and walk towards him.

He can solve math equations in seconds but yet he can't knot a simple tie?

"Will you ever learn to knot a tie?" I murmur knotting it and looking him in the eyes.
"Nah,not as long as I have you around to do it." he says walking past me and swatting my ass.
"There's gonna be a day where I get marry to Aiden and won't be here as your slave. So start learning to do this for yourself." He stops chewing a strip of bacon and glared at me.
"There's no way you're marrying that pest. I won't let it, I don't approve and will never approve." he scowls at me.
"Not your decision" I sang.
"Whatever let's go. I'm running late anyways." he grumbles pushing his plate away. We walk into the garage filled with cars and bikes.
"Pick one." I point at a grey shining Audi calling my name. We jump into the car zooming off with 'Whoopa' blasting through the speakers . The song eases the tension that built up on the house as we sung along bobbing out heads.


"I'm bored." I whine playing with a stapler. Leo is about to go into a meeting and I'll be suck here. All by myself.
"Then follow me"
"I can't do that"
"And why?"
"Because Marsai will be there"
"It's Marsha and she'll be busy through out the meeting"
"Still...." he huffed running his hands through his hair and lightly pulling at them.
"You know what do whatever you want to do. I'm out. Do not trash my office." He walks out slamming the door shut.


I jump to my feet and walk to the mini bar and quickly fixing myself a drink.
I should probably call Aiden. He picks on the third ring.

"Hey babe" I say In a chirpy tone.

Blunt much?

"So where are you?" I ask. God this is getting awkward.
"Home." My eyes twitches out of annoyance.
"Why are you responding like that?"
"Like what?" I finally snap.
"Like I'm not your girlfriend. Like you're mad at me or something." he sighs
"Where are you?"
"Starbucks." The lie comes out smoothly and without any hesitation
"Your Snapchat location is on"

I'm beginning to hate technology.

"Ok ok you got me." I sigh taking a sip of my drink
"I gotta go." he was about to hang up.
"Wait!!" I scream into the phone probably making him deaf.
"I'll stay at your place tonight. I'll make it up to you for a week, please?" I plead, trying my best to reason with him.
"I'm not sure. I won't want to keep you way from your new boyfriend"
"He's not my boyfriend you are. Please just give me a chance to make it up to you. Please?"
"Ok. But on one condition. No Leo." He warns
"Yay. Ok no Leo. Of course. Infact who's Leo?" I jump around grinning like the idiot I am.
"See you later babe. Love you" he cuts the call and I drown the remainder of my drink.


I wake up to someone sprinkling water on my face.

What the actual duck!?

I open my eyes to see an irritated Marcy (yes I finally said her name right) glaring down at me with a bottle of water in her hands.

"Get away from me or out shove that bottle far up your ass you'll squirt water for weeks" I say making her scoff and wrinkle her crooked nose
"Get up you look like a wet sewer rat. Have some decency or at least pretend to have some. Anyway Leonardo will be here in a minute so fix your broke self up" she turns her nose up .
"Bi-" I raised my hand to smack her right up r head
"Olivia" a voice says from the door.

Oh shoot me now

(ᵔᴥᵔ)(ᵔᴥᵔ)  (ᵔᴥᵔ)(ᵔᴥᵔ)

So who do you think it is?? Feel free to comment

Hey thanks for reading. vote, share and comment. The next chapter will be full of drama. Thank for reading see you soon

Jaycee ❤️

My Best Friend Is My Dom (18+)Where stories live. Discover now