Chapter 23

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Hullo everybody! I'm so sorrrrry that I haven't updated the last couple of days. I won't make excuses, just forgive me? And I know y'all have been waiting and waiting and waiting for this next chappie, soooo I won't torture you too much longer. I hope this chappie will make up for it, 😉 Enjoy the show ladies and gentlemen!

Not. r-ere-ad or ed-i-ted duh duh duh duh duh duh duhhhh!

Sophie didn't want to leave Brant so Keefe kindly volunteered to wait for her family at the front of the building. She was sitting next to Brant in a slightly uncomfortable chair, trying to wrap her head around everything. The main question she had was: How? How had he found Brant? Did he have help? Did it take him all week? If he went into the fire to get him why wasn't he burnt? 

Sophie's head was exploding with so many questions when her family entered the room that she  barely registered their presence. But she got jolted out of her Question Hurricane when Jolie yelled Brant's name and rushed over to him. Sophie was suddenly aware of how much shock, joy, love and tears were crowding the room.

 Jolie was hugging Brant as tight as she dared, since she didn't want to do any more damage than there already was. And sobbing like there was no tomorrow. Grady and Edaline were still standing at the doorway, holding each other's hand for bloody murder while tears streaked their faces. Sophie hadn't realised it but her face was soaked with tears as well. She stood up to give Jolie and Brant some space for a reunion. She hoped he would wake up soon. 

Sophie glanced around the room, Keefe seemed to have waited outside. She shrugged, he probably knew this was a family moment. Wait, family. Was he ok? Sophie suddenly felt an urge to go check on him. He was most likely fine, but she had to make sure. She scooted past her parents and out into the hallway. He wasn't outside the door. Nor was he down the hallway. Sophie walked around for a bit until she finally came across the Hospital Cafeteria. She knew Keefe loved to eat, how was he so fit? 

But sadly he wasn't there. So she turned around and started walking back to room Twenty-one. But stopped dead in her tracks as she spotted a large boy with a head of blonde hair in the children's Arts N Crafts room. Sophie had never seen an Arts N Crafts room in a hospital before. She slowly walked through the doorway and towards Keefe, praying her clumsiness would hold off for just a few more steps. 

When she reached him she could see he was drawing a portrait of someone with crayons, the portrait was in its early stages so she couldn't determine who it was. Keefe didn't seem to notice her come in, she sat down next to him which made him notice her. He quickly snatched the paper he was drawing away and looked away from her. Even without looking directly at his face Sophie knew he was not ok. She didn't feel words would do anything at that moment so she did the only other thing. She reached out her hand and laid it on top of his. He tensed for a moment but then began to relax and turned towards her. His eyes looked bloodshot and his hair looked more messy than "styled messy" like it usually was.

 "It's ok Keefe. Your "family" may not have many... moments, but they aren't your only family. What you did for me and my family today, I could never repay." Keefe looked away, but Sophie wasn't finished. "Don't you see Keefe? You are family. Your there when I need you. You help me when I'm in trouble. And you let stuff go that should be held against me for the rest of my life. And most importantly I am her for you too. I just hope you know that. And I hope you feel that you can speak freely to me about anything." Sophie just spoke from the heart, she didn't know half of what she was saying but she knew that it was true. His head turned back to her, fresh tears were running down his face as he tackle hugged her. 

"You really mean it?" He asked in a muffled voice. 

"Of course!"Sophie replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the universe. Keefe seemed to relax all together the longer he hugged her. And Sophie smiled to think it was finally her  turn to help him. 

After a short while Keefe pulled back and wiped his wet face on his hoodie sleeve. "Sorry, I'm making this all about me. Although I am the most handsome man in the universe!" Sophie rolled her eyes and laughed, she was happy to see his snarky side returning. He gave her his trademark smirk. "So what should we draw, and I gotta warn you I have been crowned the Crayon King!" Keefe asked. 

"I dunno what were you drawing when I came in here?" Sophie asked, her curiosity taking over. Keefe seemed to think for a second. 

"Just one of my friends..." He answered vaguely. 

"Really..." Sophie said. "Well mind showing me?" 

"Yes actually. It's terrible." 

"Oh come on, nothing you draw is terrible." Sophie stated obviously. Keefe stared at her for a second. 

"Wanna bet?" 

"Yeah, ok this is what we're gonna do. Your gonna go on your phone and find a picture of her Then your gonna hand me the drawing and we will compare them." Sophie said plainly. 

"Fiiiiiiiine. you know your cute when your bossy." He replied, taking out his phone from his back pocket. Sophie blushed and was glad he was looking at his phone. After what seemed like ages he held up his phone in victory. "TA-DA!". His phone was faced toward him so sophie still couldn't see who it was.

 "Ok, hand me the drawing." He stared at her eyes for a second until groaning and pulling a crumpled piece of paper from behind him. He handed it to her. It wasn't even a completed sketch but it looked familiar... 

"Turn them around in ONE. TWO. THREE." Keefe  called. They both turned around their photo/drawing after three. Keefe was right it was terrible. It looked nothing like the girl in the photo.

 The drawing had a soft jaw line, medium sized soft lips and the start of eyes that looked like they would be round. The hair and the nose hadn't been drawn yet. The girl in the photo had a fierce jaw line with a small tight smile, her nose was quite pointy with almond shaped dark brown eyes that almost looked black. And raven black hair in ringlets.

 "It's uh, not that bad..." Sophie lied, handing him the drawing. Keefe laughed. 

"Come on Foster. It's terrible! Come on say it to my face, you know you want tooooo!" He said scooting closer to her until his face was directly in front of hers. Sophie bit her lip, she really did want to. "Fine. It's terrible! It's the worst portrait I've ever seen! Like I could draw better than this! It's so bad that I-" 

"Ok Foster I get it!" Keefe said cutting her off. Sophie laughed. 

"Want to try again?" 

"Yup, whoever loses has to let Biana style their outfits for a month!" 


They Started drawing with the Infamous crayons and tried their best to copy the picture exactly. And they laughed and forgot about everything crazy in their lives and just had fun enjoying each others company.  

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