1. An Unwanted Discovery

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A few days after the Leech Sister was in Bella's house, I got a call from a crying Bella saying Edward was dead. Alice couldn't see his future anymore. Good, but celebrating was not in order because Bella came back more depressed than ever! Great. I couldn't believe what was happening. My life only got worse when a few mornings later there was the person I hated the most laying under a damn tree in the middle our village! I'm going to enjoy ripping him apart. I quickly turned into a wolf and hurried over there only to stop dead in my tracks at what I saw. I turned back human behind a tree and put my pants back on. He....He was just laying there. Motionless. His clothes looked so threadbare. What the heck? Sam quickly pulled me over way far way from everyone so we could talk alone and hope the Leech didn't hear us.

"Yes Sam?" I asked.

"A Cullen wouldn't willingly cross the Treaty Line unless he had a death wish. This guy wants to be killed. Or something's wrong with him. Most likely something is wrong or he was chased over the border by something or someone." Sam said.

"Oh you have to be kidding me! We aren't going to kill him?" I asked.

"He's not really doing anything, but being here. Other than that he's broke no other laws from what the others and I have seen. You have any idea why he is here?" Sam asked.

"He thinks Bella is dead." I said sighing. That was the only reason I could think of.

"Jacob, what did you say?" Sam asked. I sighed again.

"His sister showed up at Bella's house cause she somehow saw Bella cliff jump, maybe she's the one that can see the future, and when I showed up she stopped seeing Bella somehow and thought she was dead. And the Leech here called and asked for Charlie and I said he wasn't there and was arranging a funeral. And then the guy hung up." I said.

"Jacob. He must have thought you meant Bella." Sam said.

"I know, but what do we do about him? Chase him off with a boom?" I asked.

"Now let's not get violent Jacob. He's just laying here." Sam said.

"Is there no way we can get rid of him?" I asked.

"Not without cause Jacob." Sam said.

"I have cause. It is because I hate him." I said crossing my arms.

"Be nice Jacob." Sam said.

"Fine." I said giving in.

"For now let's just approach him. He looks ragged. He may not want to die. He may have been hunting and just stumbled here and is afraid to move now that it's morning. Accidents happen. Let's not jump to conclusions. Let's talk this out first with him. Then, we can decide what to do with him." Sam said. I nodded my head and the pack approached him. Again. He didn't move. His eyes were closed. I moved closer and shoved him with my hand. That got a response. His eyes slowly opened, looked at me, and then closed again. The heck? Sam then approached him, shook him a lot harder than I did, and the Leech looked up at both of us.

"Cold One. Cullen, you know where you are?" Sam asked. The Leech Edward only nodded and then looked away from us. "Ok. You know you're not suppose to be here. Don't you?" Sam asked. Again he nodded his head. "Do you know you're in a lot of trouble being here?" Sam asked. What is with these questions?! Edward again nodded. Sam sighed, looked sad for some reason, and then blocked his mind from me. "You leave now, we won't bug you. You just go on your way and get out of here." Sam said, but Edward didn't move. His coal black eyes just looked into the distance. Sam sighed again and motioned for all of us to back up. We did just that and moved to a distance that he couldn't hear us. A good two miles away for good measure. We don't know how good his hearing is. Hopefully he's not the mind reader.

"Ok. We'll give him a few days. I don't think he's going to hurt anyone. I can tell in his eyes he wants death. If he wondered on here by mistake, he would have left right then. This guy is not acting right and I know why. I know why Bella has been so depressed. They are Soulmates. It must be like a wolf's imprint. They get depressed away from each other." Sam said and I about threw myself into a tree. Damnit!

"What do we do now?" Paul asked.

"It looks like the guy hasn't eaten in months and I mean not just a few months it's been months. I've done research on these Cold Ones. We got to get him to eat. If we tell him Bella is alive, he might kill her out of hunger by accident. If we can get him to eat well enough that he's not a threat to Bella, then we can tell him she's alive. Jacob, you will be the one to get him to start eating cause you caused this mess. I'll talk with your Father and tell him what's up." Sam said.

"Alright." I said going back over where Edward was still lying. "You're not going to be killed. We refuse to kill you. I refuse to kill you. I'm not going to kill you. I'm taking you to my house until we decide what to do with you." I said picking him up. He felt so light. Too light for my liking. Too light to be normal weight. Aren't vampires supposed to be heavy? He was so light I could mistake him for human except for his coldness and smell. Edward didn't even respond. He just kept his eyes closed as I carried him to my house where my Dad and Sam were holding the front door for me. I nodded my head and my Dad nodded back. I laid him down on my bed and he just curled up onto a ball. I sighed and went to the garage to work on my bike. Things couldn't get any worse than this. I'm not going to kill him. That would be too easy. He deserves to live like this for hurting Bella the damn parasite!

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