10. What Did He Just Say?

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Morning came earlier than I hoped, but that was alright as Edward was on top of me this morning. Good that poor corner needs a break from him. I swar it's more worn than the other three corners of my room. Or maybe he was too weak to get off of me and into the safty of his little corner. I ran my hand through his messy hair. He jumped a bit. Edward was still not use to having someone's hand in his hair I guess. He was even shaking a bit. Was he afraid of me?

"Morning." I said smiling. He didn't smile back. I'll make him smile someday. I hope. I sat up and he sat up with me. I couldn't stop smiling. His eyes looked brighter. Nothing else had changed, but there was light in his eyes that wasn't there last night. "You feel better today? You're eyes are a lot brighter." I said still smiling.

"Yes." He said softly.

"You want something to eat?" I asked. His eyes hadn't changed a bit so how long will it take for them to be gold?

"Yes please. I....I can't stand very well." He said softly looking at the floor. I knew what he meant. He still was as weak as a new born fawn from him coming off of a ten month starvation period and was crashing like a lightning bolt now that he was probably becoming unnumb. I nodded and went to the kitchen to see Sam there. Great.

"Hay Jacob. How's your Imprint doing today?" He asked with a smile.

"He's eating." I said.

"That quickly? You really saved his life." Sam said.

"Yeah. I'm getting him another jar." I said.

"Well, today spend time with Edward. Bond. I'll take care of your Dad." Sam said.

"You mean it?" I asked. Oh shut it my wolf side!

"Yes." Sam said.

"Alright. I'm feeding him again." I said getting another jar and walking back to my room once I warmed it up. I helped him sit up. "Sam's here. He's going to take care of my Dad while we bond a bit. Get to know each other more. You've been so quiet these past three months. You've hardly talked at all." I said.

"So I heard. Alright." Edward whispered shrugging his shoulders. I smiled and sat beside him with the jar and put the straw from the other jar into the new jar. I again had to hold his head up. He timidly, but quicker than before started eating. He once again started growling like lion cub and his hands kneaded in his lap. Once he was done, tears seemed to form in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked. I was so worried something bad had happened to him while he fed. That he was in pain and I couldn't feel it.

"Today isn't a good mental day for me. I...I miss her." He whispered bottom lip quivering. Aww. He misses Bella. He must have loved her so much.

"Oh. I see. You miss Bella today. It's ok. You want to just stay here in my room under a blanket?" I asked. That always seemed to help me when I was sad.

"Yes please." He whispered slightly louder. His voice could only go that loud though. Hopefully his voice will get stronger as he gets stronger. I nodded and quickly got a big heavy fluffy blanket I use to use and wrapped it around him. He curled up into it leaving nothing, but his nose sticking out. I about laughed at the sight of him curled up in a blanket like he was cold. A Cold One being cold now that was a laugh. I sat beside him and he laid his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders.

"So tell me. What you like to do for hobbies? I work on motorcycles and cars." I asked.

"I....I listen to music, read, I have a special place out in the woods that I call my own. I like to stay there a lot. I...I journal." Edward said softly.

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