8. I Can't Believe I Just Did That!

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In the morning, I woke up to the sound of Emily cooing and gently running her hands though the hair of a crying Edward. I guess he misses Bella today. I couldn't blame him. Last night was a bad night.

"Aww. It's ok. Come here and let Momma Wolf hold you Darling." Emily said. Edward nodded his head and sat up so Emily could sit on the couch. He then actually got into her lap and placed his head on her shoulder.

"Careful Em. He's tears have venom in them. Make sure you're not cut anywhere." Sam said.

"I'm ok Sam." Emily said. Edward seemed to be relaxing into Emily's arms as if a mother's touch was the best thing for him yet. He was still a kid at the end of the day. Maybe he appreciated a mother's love? Maybe she could get him to eat? I smiled and went to the kitchen to get food for myself and came back to sit by Emily. "Oh Jacob. He's so depressed." Emily said rocking him from side to side.

"I know. I can't seem to get him to do much at all including eat." I said as I started to rub his shoulder.

"Sadness will do that sweetie." Emily said. She was right. I didn't eat a few days after Bella died either and I guess it's worse for him. Emily passed him to me which made the others gawk at me. I flipped them off. Paul came over and ruffled Edward's hair really roughly to which he let out the appropriate response. A little growl that shook his body and sounded like a mad kitten more than anything. It was more funny than scary.

"What was that all about?" Paul asked.

"I guess he didn't like what you did to him." I chuckled. Paul made a mad face and then left. Did he think Edward was going to bite him? Heck no. Everyone else, but Paul seemed to laugh at Edward's poor excuse of an attempt to be intimidating as well. It was funny, but I know his poor vocalizations were probably because he was so weak from not eating well for the past ten months. Seven being away from Bella and three with me. Could he go longer? How much longer would it be before he killed someone?

I decided not to think about that and focus on Edward right now who had settled down from the ordeal with Paul and now had his eyes closed while his head rested on my shoulder. He physically looked so worn out. So weak from starving for nearly a year and there was nothing I could do about it. Nothing what so ever. He was pretty much limp in my arms as I held him close. He had been so torpid the past few hours that I was surprised he had even walked to Emily's house at all. Soon I worry that I'll have to put him out of his misery, but I'm not giving up on him just yet. Bella wouldn't want me to. She'd want me to never give up on him.

I continued to hold him until lunch time when I went over and had lunch with the pack. I felt so bad leaving him alone in the state he was in. Could he starve to death? If he could he was probably close. I looked over and he was laying there and every so often he would breath as if he was too weak to breath continually anymore. After lunch, I went to see my Dad who was fine thanks to Edward and came back a few hours later. I picked Edward up again and held him in my arms. Dinner came and went as well and I ended up falling asleep with him in my arms on the couch.

A few days later, my Dad was back home so we moved back there. I had to carry Edward all the way home this time. The poor guy. I sat him back down on my bed to which he moved to his corner. I sighed. That evening after dinner I went to back and stood in front of him. He opened his eyes to me. His eyes showed no light in them. He didn't speak and neither did I. I just continued to looked into his sad onyx eyes. Our eyes locked for the third time just looking into each others eyes. And then it happened. I fell to one knee and everything changed. He began holding me to the Earth. Nothing mattered but him. Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Did I just do what I think I just did?! Oh man Sam is going to have a fit! I just Imprinted on the guy. Edward looked at me confused. I can't believe I Imprinted on him and without even trying.

"Edward. Ummm. Edward. I....I think I just Imprinted on you. A...An Imprint is like your Soulmate bond. We...We can't be without them. We can be anything they need us to be though. Friend, lover, protector, playmate, anything. D... Do you accept the fact that I Imprinted on you?" I asked stumbing on my words a bit. What is wrong with my mouth? Edward didn't move. He didn't speak. He just looked at me with his sad onix eyes. Was he going to say no? To my surprise he wrapped his arms around me trying to hug me. A strange sound came from his mouth. It was so light and wispy like a whisper on the wind that I couldn't make it out. "What did you say?" I asked.

"Yes.....I.....accept." He hardly whispered out. His voice could only go that loud. Oh my poor Imprint. I had to calm down the wolf inside my head bouncing up and down with joy saying "He said yes! He said yes! He said yes!" over and over and over again in my head. Great. His thoughts are going to pop up now. This is going to get embarrassing. Calm down you're acting like a pup!

"Thank you." I said finally with a smile and carried him over to the bed for cuddles. He loved cuddles. He laid down and nuzzled my chest and shoulder this time. He jumped a bit at the sound of a wolf howling and buried his face in my shoulder shaking. I recognized the howl. "Shhhh. It's just Sam howling. The pack can read each other's minds so he knows I Imprinted." I said rubbing his back. He settled down quickly after that.

"It's a good thing you did Jacob. You saved his life." Sam's thoughts rang in my head. Yeah. I probably did save his life. I went to sleep smiling that night. I wonder what morning will bring?

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