20. As Good as it Can Get.

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Well, it's almost time to give Edward his birthday present. I wanted to make his birthday special. He has been the ideal partner. No wonder Bella loved him so much. Edward can't eat cake, but that doesn't mean he's not going to have one.

It seems like only yesterday I was frozen in my place looking at a malnourished vampire I thought I hated. Now look at us. Lovers to the end. We still haven't kissed yet, but that's ok. I'll let him kiss me in his own time. I still can't believe we're together.

I've never seen Edward more like a teenage vampire than I have this past few months. He has completely dropped the human cause everyone at the Rez knows what he is and he's no harm to anyone. Today I think I'll take him to First Beach with me.

I woke this morning with a stretch. Edward was curled up beside me. I ran a hand through his messy hair and he hummed. At least that got his attention without me screaming.

"Morning Wolfie." Edward said.

"Morning beautiful. Happy Birthday Lion Cub." I said patting his shoulder. Was going to pat his hip, but thought against it.

"Thank you." Edward said.

You want to just walk around the Rez until it's time to go to your house? Maybe show you places us Rez kids hang out? " I asked.

"Sure. I'd love to just take a walk with you. You give me a reason to live. I love you even though Bella will never go away, I still love you." Edward said.

"I love you too." I said as I took my hand in his. My Dad said Charlie was picking him up for an all day fishing trip. My Dad said he needed to be around Charlie more. It's also spaghetti night which means Charlie may blow up the house.

We held hands on the way there. Edward's hand fit so perfectly in mine. How in the world does it fit so perfectly? When we got there, all the pack was playing soccer except Leah. I chuckled as we walked away from their game. The beach was pretty today as it wasn't too cloudy and every now and again the sun would peak out of the clouds and Edward's skin would sparkle.

"You like the ocean?" I asked.

"Yes. It's a very mysterious place. And pretty too." Edward said.

"Cool." I said.

"I could not ask for a more perfect birthday gift than you. You are the only reason for me to be alive, if that is what I am." Edward said.

"I am sorry for the way I treated you when I first saw you. I....I judged you without getting to know you." I said.

"It's ok. I...I don't blame you." Edward said.

"I...I have a question." I said.

"What is it you want to ask?" Edward asked.

"Did Carlisle change you?" I asked.

"Yes. I've been with him all my vampire life, if you don't count the few years I hunted humans." Edward said.

"Was everyone else?" I asked.

"No. Jasper and Alice weren't changed by Carlisle." Edward said.

"Alright." I said.

"I was one of them your great grandfather found hunting on your land." Edward said.

"Really? So we have history together in a way. That....That is amazing. It's like we belong together." I said.

"Yeah. Maybe." Edward said.

"What did you think of him?" I asked.

"I was afraid he was going to kill us, but Carlisle talked to them and explained what we were. He signed the Treaty. I was very respectful of your great grandfather's pack. I never saw him in wolf form. I can only guess his coat looked kind of like yours." Edward said.

"Alright. I...I think we should head back to the car and go to your party. My gift is already there." I said. I kept my mind purged about his gift. I just hope he likes it. We got into the car and drove off.

Once we got there, everyone hugged us and said happy birthday to Edward. We then went into the dining room where there was a lion cake with one candle in it cause one hundred and six candles would burn a house down. I wonder if they have and that's why there's only one candle?

"Emmett nearly burnt the house down with Carlisle's cake once. It wasn't very pretty." Edward said reading my mind.

"The cake was so bright it could blind a blind man." Alice said.

"Happy Birthday to- Oh my Lord Carlisle the table is on fire!" Emmett said smiling.

"Yeah. It wasn't a very happy birthday. I was sitting inches away from the table when it caught on fire. There was no cake. Just fire." Carlisle said.

"I can't understand why." I said sarcastically.

Esme lit the candle, we all sang happy birthday, and Edward blew out the candle. I ate about half of the cake. Edward seemed more relaxed at his birthday than he did at mine. Maybe it was because mine went off without any problems. I still kept my present a mystery in my mind as we all went into the living room for presents. I wanted him to open mine last. He was fine with that.

Carlisle's gift was another book this time having a cat on the cover. Emmett gave him some pencils for writing music. Rosalie gave him some paper for writing music on. Esme gave him a classical music cd and so did Jasper. Alice gave him a new shirt with a cheetah on it. Now it was my turn.

"Close your eyes and hold out your hand." I said. Edward did just that and I slipped it on his wrist and latched the clasp. Oh it fit perfectly! "Ok. Open your eyes." I said.

"It's...It's woven multicolored bracelet with a carved wooden wolf that is utterly realistic dangling from it. It's even made out of some brown wood that looks like your skin Wolfie. Jacob did you make this? Thank you. I love it." Edward said.

"Yes. I did. You understand what the bracelet means don't you Lion Cub?" I asked.

"No. I'm ashamed to say I don't Wolfie." Edward said hanging his head. I put my hand under his chin and brought his face back up.

"It's a Quileute promise bracelet. It's like a promise ring." I said. Everyone either screatch like a mouse was in the house or awwed and hugged both of us while Edward looked at the bracelet trying to process what I just said.

"Promise ring?" Edward finally said tearing up.

"Yes. Promise ring." I said. He started crying and hugged me.

"This is so wonderful. I can't put into words how much I love this." Edward tearaly said.

"You're welcome Lion Cub." I said.

"Does your Dad know?" He asked.

"Yes. He knows. He approved of it. He even made sure it was made right." I said.

"Ok." Edward said.

"You want to go to your meadow and relax?" I asked.

"Sure." He said as we both got up and walked out to the car. We drove to our spot and got out. We held hands as we walked into the meadow. The bracelet looked so beautiful on his wrist. We got to our medow and sat down in the flowers. Things couldn't get any better than this.

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