3. Regret in Decision

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(Trigger warning: Suicide.)

The next morning I woke up to Edward not being on my bed, but I was on my bed and Edward wasn't in my room from what I could see. Good. Maybe he left, but nope. Dreams are made to be broken cause he seemed to be hiding. I could smell he was still there. The damn Leech was more or less curled up in the far corner of my room. The bed was so much more comfortable than the wall and floor. I...I guess he knew that and he preferred I sleep on my own bed. Guess he doesn't know I can sleep anywhere and be comfortable. Jeez, he looks as terrible as he smells. Damn parasite.

I decided to leave him be and just went to the bathroom and came back in my room to see him looking out the window. His eyes are so black. He had to be hungry from what I was told, but he's not eating. Just like Bella. He whimpered when I thought of Bella. Shit! He really can read minds! Oh that is just perfect! Just wonderful! I went over to him. "So you are a mind reader aren't you parasite?" I asked. He nodded his head. He's finally communicating somewhat to me. "I guess that's a yes. I'll be back I guess." I said going into the kitchen. After making breakfast for my Dad, I went and got the jar. The blood had clotted a bit, but nothing he couldn't eat.

"He might take it better warmed up son. Just to let you know." My Dad said.

"Good idea." I said covering the top with a paper towel and popping it in the microwave to get it warm. Yuck! Just Yuck! I'm setting a blow torch to this microwave. Day one of Hell on Earth.

I brought it to him, but still he didn't eat. "Come on. You need to eat a little something. Come on." I said. Still nothing. I didn't think I just did. I put my finger in it and then touched his lips coating them in the blood. It was a last ditch effort to get him to eat. It got a response from him though so maybe it'll work. Yeah. While I was staring at my finger in shock at what I just did trying not to throw up all over the place, he seemed to have ate the blood off his lips. I used the other end of the straw that had been in the jar this time as I coated his lips. Instincts must have taken over cause he actually started eating. It was so gross yet kind of fascinating. He was extremely weak feeding like really weak, but he was feeding relatively well. This was creepy and gross. He downed the jar in a matter of a minutes. He then returned to just starting out the window. He seemed to not be too happy about eating in front of me though. At least he ate. That was good. It was progress. "I got to go on patrol now. You'll be with my Dad if you need anything. Ok?....Wait. I don't trust you not to go after my Dad. I'm staying right here." I said. He looked back at me, nodded his head in acknowledgement and then went back to staring outside. "Alright." I said getting up and going to the garage.

I worked on my bike a few more hours then went back inside to check on him. He was not in my room. What the...Where is he? Oh the bathroom light is on. What's he doing in there? He's not taking a shower cause the water isn't running. I slowly walked in there and saw him leaning against the wall by the toilet and there was blood on the seat and blood on his mouth. His eyes were closed and his head was tilted back slightly. Did I poison him or something by not giving him fresh blood? My thoughts were answered by a slow head shake. I forgot this Leech can read minds. O...Oh. I think I know what happened. I slowly approached him. He opened his eyes upon hearing my feet move. I sat down in front of him and gave him a hand towel for his mouth.

"You ate too much too fast for you to handle I guess. It's ok I'm not mad." I said cleaning off the seat with toilet paper and flushing it. He nodded his head confirming with me that he had indeed ate too much too fast. Guess he really hasn't been eating for months. Shock to his system.

"Can you walk ok? You need to get back on my bed and just let you stomach settle." I asked. He nodded his head, handed me the towel, and really slowly walked back to lay down on my bed. I sat beside him on the floor. "Can you speak? Cause you haven't spoken anything." I said. He nodded his head. Ok. Maybe he just doesn't want to talk. That's good. Don't really don't like talking to him anyway.

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