14. Why Did I Think That Was Cute?

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I woke up the next morning still in the car. Edward was still curled up on the seat. I saw him so differently than I had before. Dare I say his mind was broken by Bella's loss. I doubt he'll ever fully recover. The poor guy. He just...He just wants someone other than his family to give a damn about him and I was going to do that even if we never became lovers. I was happy just being a good friend.

I thought of things we could do today. Maybe I could officially introduce him to the pack? Yeah. Yeah that way he knows who they are and spend time with them now that he's more fed and alert. Then, maybe he could take me to his special spot in the woods. Wait. Was that where I saw Bella that one time? If so, thank goodness we burnt that one vampire away from it. Only the red head remains.

I looked over to him. He was snuggling the bear. I smiled. I really had been a dick to him. Even a vampire doesn't deserve to see their mate laid out on a table like that. I think I broke his mind further that way. Sometimes I can hear him whisper to someone at night and it's not one of his family. I gently ran a hand though his messy bronze hair. He gently opened his eyes with those long eyelashes parting to reveal those black eyes with flecks of brown.

"Morning." I said.

"Morning." He said.

"I see you like the bear. I said.

"Yeah. I love him. Thank you so much." He said.

"I have idea. Today you want to meet the pack officially?" I asked.

"Sure." He said.

"Awww. Jacob's bring him to meet the family. That's so cute." Jared said across the Reservation.

"Oh just you wait till you Imprint. You won't be laughing then! We have no privacy as wolves! I'll be hearing every thought!" I yelled back.

"Yeah well boop to you too! Bird!" Jared yelled and flipped me off.

"Yeah. You got a little bird, but that bird can't fly! Edward can also read your mind." I yelled back laughing a bit when I heard Jared gasp.

"What was that all about?" Edward asked.

"I can hear really well and read the other pack member's thoughts." I said.

"Oh. That's really cool. I'm not the only mind reader." Edward said.

"Yeah. Let's switch seats and get over there." I said smiling. After I fixed my Dad breakfast and he said he was spending the day with Charlie, we switched seats and headed over to Sam's house.

I parked the car, got out and let out a woop. They all came running out. I got to the front of the house and Edward followed leaving his teddy in the truck. Good idea. Wouldn't want Paul to get it. He stood behind me trying to hide. I don't blame him. It's his instincts to fear an entire pack of us.

"Where's Edward?" Sam asked.

"He's behind me hiding." I said.

"Come on. Don't be shy. You are protected by law." Sam said and Edward stood beside me with his teddy. I didn't even hear him get it. That was fast. He can probably out run me then. Vampires and Shape Shifters run at about the same speed one hundred miles an hour.

"Aw you look so much better than you did the first time I saw you. Still smell that hurt in you and you're still pretty thin." Sam said.

"Thank you." Edward said.

"I'm Sam. I'm the alpha. This is Paul, Embry, Leah, and Jared." Sam said pointing to each as he spoke their names.

"Who's Bata?" Edward asked. I chuckled and Sam smiled.

"You're standing beside him." I said.

"You're Beta?" He asked.

"Yep. You're one lucky boy." I said.

"Wow. He's holding onto that teddy bear really tightly and covering his face. What? Do we scare you?" Paul said grinning ear to ear like a Cheshire Cat and stepping to be within inches of Edward. Edward put the teddy to his chest.

"Knock it off Paul." Sam said sternly.

"Don't start a fight you can't win Paul. Jacob is the true alpha. He's better than you will ever be. You need know your place." Edward said not even looking at Paul. Oh man I had no idea he was this savage! A whole host of woops and yells and sick burns came from the rest of the pack. Even Sam laughed on that one cause it was true. I even have two lines of wolf blood in me. Paul scoffed.

"What did you just say say to me you little blood sucker?" Paul asked.

"Paul no need to get angry." Sam said breaking up a fight that was surely about to happen.

"Oh I'm not angry. I'm just surprised that a creature that has no business being an Imprint talked back at me." Paul said getting even closer to Edward. Jared and Embry pulled Paul back away as I slept in front of Edward.

"Back away from him." I said sternly. If he wants round two, I'll give him it.

"You have a problem with Jacob's Imprinting, you fight me about it Paul. It may be a first for our tribe, but Edward garners the same respect that any Imprint gets. Enemy or not." Sam said. Paul went back into the house grumbling. What Edward did was funny and he even had his teddy. Why is that cute to me seeing him hug that teddy?

"Paul's a hothead. He got mad that someone stole his Durito once. I did too, but that's not the point. Paul is always stealing my food and I had enough." I said through my thoughts at Edward to which he nodded his head.

We both went inside with the rest of the pack and Emily asked Edward if he would help her cook. He went with her. Can he even cook? Emily was gushing over how good he looked from the last time she saw him. I will admit he looks one hundred times better than he did before and his eyes weren't even fully gold. I could hear her amazed that he moved so quickly around the kitchen. The food was done in no time.

Edward helped carry the food out as Emily smiled with joy. All of us dug in. Being Shape Shifters we have huge appetites. Edward then sat beside me with his teddy and I wrapped my arm around him protectively. Sam smiled and kissed Emily.

"Is she your Imprint, Sam?" He asked curiously.

"Yes. She's the love of my life. I would die for her." Sam said. He knew Edward was being curious and respectful.

"I'm honored to be Jacob's." Edward said and everyone, but Paul awwed and Jared once again was making smooching sounds. We aren't that close yet. And for once Paul didn't try to steal my bacon. Edward was smiling again. A strange crooked smile that I found cute too. After breakfast we sat outside on Sam's porch and watched the rest of guys wrestle. He met my family and they were ok with him. How would his family react to me?

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