4. What Now!?

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The next morning I woke up to Edward not hugging me. I quickly looked around the room and found him in his usual spot looking out the window. I felt horrible about last night. I walked over to him and he didn't seem to look at me. I smiled at him trying to be more friendly than I had been. "You keep looking out the window. You want to go outside?" I asked. He seem to nod and really slowly followed me outside to my back yard where he seemed to just lay down in the grass. I had a feeling he'd be fine. He looked like he wanted to be just left alone today. I understood. He cried for seven hours straight last night.

I nodded my head and let him be while I did some patrolling. I came back around noon and he was still in the same spot as he was this morning. He seemed to be ok just laying there so I decided to work on my bike. I can't seem to get it to stop leaking oil. Man, Bella would have enjoyed riding this with me.

After about a half an hour later, I heard something somewhere between a gasp and a weird squeak. What was that? Of corse if he had nabbed an animal I couldn't blame him, but it didn't sound like any animal I knew and that's when I heard someone talking. Embry? Oh did he just attack Embry? I raced over there to find Edward with his head on Embry's shoulder. He wasn't eating him that's for sure otherwise Embry would have not have been so calm. What was he doing here? Oh right. He wasn't there when we first discovered Edward. Who or what made that noise then? I carefully walked up to them. Embry turned his head.

"Hay Jacob." He said waving.

"Hay yourself. You scared me. I though you were being eaten. You made a weird noise." I said.

"I didn't make any weird noise." He said.

"Then, what did?" I asked.

"Him. I think I spooked him." He said pointing to Edward who more or less was just leaning on Embry with his arms slightly around him. Mouth even turned away from the neck. How thoughtful of the Leech.

"You spooked him?" I said smiling at the thought of him getting spooked by Embry of all people. Embry.

"Yeah. Guess he didn't know I was part of the pack. I stared sniffing him in wolf form and I guess that startled him a bit. He's cold to the touch." Embry said.

"Well, that's why they're called Cold Ones Embry." I said.

"How's he doing? I heard he was staying here a wile." Embry asked.

"He ate once." I said not telling Embry that he threw it back up. That would be embarrassing.

"That's so cool. He warming up the longer I hold him." Embry said.

"Well, you're distributing heat from yourself to him making him less cold. Now you're sharing the heat." I said.

"Wow! How do you know that?" Embry asked.

"I actually payed attention in class." I said giggling. Embry giggled too.

"It's so weird having a Cold One in my arms." Embry said.

"Yeah? Trying living with one. Speaking of which, can you watch him while I catch something for him?" I asked.

"Sure thing Jacob. He seems ok with me right now." Embry said.

"Thank you." I said hurrying off. I came back with the mason jar and sat down next to Embry.

"Can I feed him?" Embry asked.

"Um sure. He may not eat thought." I said.

"I can at least try." Embry said passing Edward to me as I passed the jar to him. Embry put the straw near Edward's mouth. He didn't start drinking. I hoped Edward would humor him and start drinking a bit.

"Come on. It's good. It's ok to eat over here as long as it's Jacob catching things for you. Come on." Embry said. He did bring up a good point I didn't think about. That maybe why he doesn't want to eat. He's afraid to, but he still didn't eat. Then, Embry made the groosest decision I have ever seen in my life! Embry actually took a drink of it!

"You know. It's not that bad. Has a strange taste to it, but not that bad. It probably tastes better to you than it does to me." Embry said.

"I think I'm doing to be sick." I said. Ok Dacula one and two. Creepy. Creepy. Creepy. Gross. Gross. Ugh! Oh, good grief. Oh Lord. What have I gotten myself into?

"I thought it would help." Embry said innocently. Good Lord Embry.

"Come on. Humor the guy. Please." I thought pleeding with him now.
Edward seemed to have gotten the message cause he actually took a few mouthfuls and slowly continued going until the jar was empty. I smiled. I knew we wouldn't get this lucky any time soon. "Thank you. You made his day." I thought.

"Oh. He's eating. My strategy worked. That's a good Cold One. I know you're hungry." Embry said. A Shape Shifter cooing to a Cold One? That's a first and of course it would be Embry.

"Yeah. You have the magic touch. He doesn't eat much for me." I said.

"I guess he likes me better." Embry said.

"I guess." I said. He seemed to be a bit stronger at feeding, but not by much.

"He's not so bad. I thought Cold Ones were supposed to be mean." Embry said.

"They are. Not all vampires are as nice as the Cullens. You got to be careful." I said. Edward was pretty much catatonic anyway. I doubt all vampires are like this.

"Alright." Embry said. Edward now had his eyes closed. I doubt he was sleeping. They can't sleep. Embry wrinkled his nose. "Wow he does stink! It's sickly sweet and repellent. It hurts my nose." Embry said.

"Yeah. Try having that smell all the time in your room." I said. I'm getting tired of trying not to gag all the time.

"Does he have any other clothes? Those look really worn out." Embry asked.

"No, but I'll give him one of my long sleeve shirts." I said.

"Alright. Is he sleeping?" Embry asked.

"No they don't sleep." I said.

"Alright." Embry said.

"Well, it's getting late. I need to fix supper. Come on Edward. Let's go inside." I said.

"Ok. See you tomorrow." Embry said. Edward really slowly followed me back into my room and sat in his corner while I cooked my Dad some deer chili. After dinner, I then went into my bedroom. I went to a drawer and pulled out a long sleeve shirt. This should work I think. I went over and started to unbutton his shirt. I gently slipped it off his shoulders and once I got it off completely he covered himself with his arms. "I'm not looking. Arms up." I said. We were both guys anyway so it shouldn't have been too weird. He put his arms up and slipped them into the shirt. "There we go. Something warm and clean and not falling apart." I said and had to stifle a laugh. The shirt was kind of big on him, but at least it was clean. I then settled in for the night beside him. Had he been wearing the same clothes since he left in September? Good grief. That's so sad. The last clothing Bella touch he kept on himself. Was that a worn hole in the shirt or had it been eaten by moths right off his chest? Poor guy.

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