2. Cold One Headache

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I worked on my bike for a few hours before going back to my room. He was still in the exact same position as I had left him him. He did seem pretty pathetic curled up on my bed and any interaction I tried with him didn't seem to work. The guy was not talking. He wasn't trying to explain himself or defend his actions. I have no clue why Sam would just let him stay here. This guy nearly killed Bella and I'm suppose to be buddy buddy with him? Not going to happen Sam. I will never like the guy no matter how long he stays here. He should be torn apart, but I have to harbor this disgusting blood sucker in my house until the pack decides what to do with him. He's stinking up my room already. I need to buy some air freshener if I am ever going to survive living with this foul-smelling nuisance. What game was this guy playing? If he wants death, I'd gladly give it to him. Enjoy it even. Nothing would make me happier than to sink my teeth into his stony flash and tear him to pieces. We stayed in silence for a few more hours before I left for lunch, talked to Sam about taking care of vampires like I had just got a new disgusting pet that I would have to take care of, and came back to him. He hadn't moved. Maybe I can get him talking. Find out why he left Bella so broken in the woods.

"Your name is Edward right? You're a Cullen? Animal hunter?" I asked my voice clearly stating I didn't want to interact with him, but had no choice. He didn't speak. "You're a mind reader? Right?" I asked. Bella had spilled the beans to me about the Cullens. That's all she ever talked about was this guy and his family. No response. "Can you speak? What's so special about you that made Bella so depressed huh? Or did you just get your little blood sucking hooks into her. What did she gain in your relationship?" I asked annoyed at his silence. Nothing from him. This was infuriating! He wasn't moving or speaking. I'd have better luck, more enjoyment, and less headache talking to a pet rock! He just had his eyes closed or sometimes even open like he was just looking straight ahead. What was wrong with this guy? He seemed almost in his own little world.

"You can talk to me you know. It's going to get pretty boring with you so quite." I said. Still he wasn't speaking. " You can talk can you?" I asked. I even wondered if maybe he was mentally challenged cause he was not reacting in the slightest. I growled thowing my arms up in the air in defeat. This guy was making me so mad I was surely going to faze. "You do deserve to die you leech, but I have my orders not to kill you. Be grateful for that." I growled. That got a blink and a sigh out of him, but nothing else. This was so stupid keeping a blood sucker in my room and having to feed him. This was so stupid. So very stupid. "Are you hungry? Sam told me to get you some food. Are you really hungry or is this a scheme to get free food out of us? Your eyes are black though. Sam told me that means you're hungry so maybe you are hungry? Huh? You want some food? You got to tell me. Come on speak!" I said rather angrly and grabbed the front of his shirt at his chest to pull him close to my face. Dead eyes. Literally dead eyes. This guy wasn't even alive. It makes me sick.

I dropped him roughly and he curled right back up. I sighed angrily. He just wasn't communicating with me. I sighed again giving up trying to communicate with him. I guess I got to get him some food now. Yuck! It is going to be gross, but I do agree with Sam. He has to eat if we are to bring them together again. He already bit her once. I saw the teeth marks on her wrist. Maybe Sam was wrong about the Soulmate thing and Bella will just forget about him. I hope so. One can only hope.

I walked out of the house, tied my pants to my leg, went into wolf form, went into the woods, and managed to catch a rabbit. I managed to get the blood into a mason jar without vomiting all over myself and brought it to my bedroom with a straw. Good thing I have a strong stomach or this would be impossible to do, but I'm buring both of these things after this. I sat the jar down so I didn't spill and sat down beside the bed. I shook his shoulder and he opened his eyes to me.

"I brought you something." I said not too pleased about what I was doing. I could care less about what he needed. I picked up the jar and turned the straw towards him and put it near his mouth. He didn't eat. He didn't even open his mouth, but he did at least look at the jar. "It's rabbit. I know you hunt animals. It's really good cooked so I bet the blood is good too." I said trying not to gag on my own words. He still didn't take a drink. I sighed and decided to leave him alone with it. Maybe he doesn't want to eat in front of me. I tried to smile and sat the jar down on the table. I got back up and walked out shutting the door a bit as I left. I decided to make the meat of the rabbit for supper tonight and started cooking.

After supper, I went back and checked on him. Not one drop was drank. I sighed and tried again. I sat down beside the bed. I took the jar and tried to get him to eat again. It was no use. He either wasn't as hungry as we thought or he's just not eating for me. "Alright. It'll be in the fridge if you want it." I said. I shook my head and got back up with the jar. I walked out and put the jar in the fridge and came back to lay down on the floor by the bed. I placed my head on my arm and started drifting off to sleep. This is going to be hell. This is going to suck. Pun. Not. Intended.

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