6. This is so Gross! So Unbelievably Gross!

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Waking up sleeping beside him, I gently removed him from my arms and went to get my Dad breakfast. I couldn't believe we were doing this. This was going to stress him, but beneficial to him. After breakfast, I went back into may bedroom and sat near him. He was once again looking out the window.

"You want to go lay in the grass today? It's a nice day outside." I asked. He nodded his head and I lead him to the back yard. I didn't see any sign of the pack yet, but they couldn't be far. He curled up in the grass and seemed to just snuggle into it. I smiled as he seemed so content just to be in the grass. I kept purging my mind about what's to come so he didn't bolt. Then, I had an idea. I sat down, pulled him into my lap, and laid his head on my chest. The back of his head facing me. I wanted to make him as comfortable as possible. Sam and the others came an hour later.

"Hold him tight Jacob. He's going to squirm a lot." Sam said. And I held him. This is going to be so gross. The grossest thing I've ever done. He looked at us in a mixture of confusion and fear. He tried to break my grip, but he couldn't. Once he opened his mouth to make a noise, that's when Sam acted and started gently moving the tube down his throat. He thrashed quite a bit more trying his best to get away from us, but eventually swallowing the tube. "Don't let him bite the tube! Watch his teeth if he snaps at us! His bite with injuries is deadly!" Sam yelled. Edward's hands clawed the air to no avail as he made high pitch cries. They were not human, but animal. A cat. A kitten to be specific. A little kitten crying.

Once the tube was down far enough, then came the blood gently poured into the funnel and down the tube. He seemed to half way settle down. He stopped thrashing at least and clawing at the air, but the cries remained. He either was calming down getting fed or he realized there was no point in fighting so he's saving his strength. It was breaking my heart to hear the cries and see he was crying. I still had to hold him there as the last of blood left tube. Sam started removing the tube as gently but quickly as he could. Just as he was pulling out the last of it, he reeled back in pain screaming and holding his hand as well as the tube. Edward buried his face in my shoulder burring it a bit with his tears as his entire frame shook.

"He bite you?" Jared asked.

"No! It was my fault! I nicked his front teeth! I'll live! Man his gums are pale! He needed this blood!" Sam shouted.

"Sam, we're not doing that again." I said trying to calm him down. Tears pricked my eyes as he every so often would squeak out a scared kitten like cry.

"No. We're done with that." Sam said looking at us. "Jacob are you cold?" He asked.

"That's not me shaking. That's him. Calm down now. It's over. It's over." I said.

"Alright." Sam said and left with the pack. I sat there rocking him in an attempt to calm him down.

"It's ok. It's ok. It'll never happen again." I said burying my nose in his hair. Even though he stunk to high heaven, I kept it there. Once he had stopped shaking so much, I carried him inside where my Dad held the door for me. To him it must have sounded like we were torturing the poor guy.

"From the sounds I heard, I'm guessing it didn't go well." My Dad said. I just shook my head and I carried him into the bedroom and laid down on the bed with him. He held me tight. Any normal person would have their arm broken by now by the strength. I didn't mind as he was scared out of his mind. I continued to rub his back and hold him as tightly as I could. There was no way we could ever do that again. It was too stressful and too traumatizing to do again. Sam came to help my Dad with dinner as I was still trying to calm him down. The kitten cries had stopped and he was just a shaking scared ball in my arms. What was I doing comforting a parasite? I guess it's because I care about him? Again. I need to let go of my hate. I'm letting go of my hate. For Bella. I forgive him.

"You're ok. You're ok. I promise you." I said rubbing his shaking shoulders. After a few more hours, the shaking stopped. Thank goodness. He seemed to calm down enough that he loosened his grip on me. I guarantee I'll have bruises in the morning. I kept my head on his as I drifted off to sleep.

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