13. Was That a Smile?

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It's been a month and Edward was eating on and off, but he tried his best to stay consistent. His eyes were just starting to turn a goldish color. Black with flexs of brown was the best he could do right now. The poor guy still screamed ocationaly at night, but most nights I could hear him softly crying. My hair had grown a bit which made my wolf fur longer, but that was ok. I could stand even colder temperatures now.

Things were about to get bad again when Charlie asked if I would take back Bella truck. I said yes and I left with my Dad and Sam to pick the car up. I also smelled Edward's scent on the rocking chair, so I took that too and Charlie didn't mind. I'm worried for him though.

I could feel that Edward was sad he was alone, but became a bit happier when my Dad and Sam came back. This was a good test on our Imprinting. Our first time away from each other and it was an all day affair cause I had to go Port Angeles for some scrap mettle. Edward didn't seem to depressed and neither did I right now. So far so good on Edward's part. I more worry about his unstable mindset than I do about our depression from being away from each other. Hope he doesn't go for the lighter again.

Picking up the parts was an easy task and Edward seemed fine, so I decided to hunt for more scrap. I then came across an antique shop and what do I find in the window? A really really old teddy bear. Edward might like that. Something to cuddle if I'm away. I was working on something for Bella before she died. Maybe I could give that to him too? I'll need to tweak the design a bit, but nothing too major. I parked the car and walked in.

"How much for the bear?" I asked the owner.

"What that old thing? It's over a hundred years old. It was made in 1902. You can have it." He said placing it in a bag and handing it to me. I smiled and brought the bag back to the truck. I couldn't wait to give it to him.

It was night by I time I got near the Reservation. I was almost home now. I need to close my mind off so Edward doesn't read it.

"Awww. Jacob's gone and got the Cold One a present." Embry said through wolf telepathy.

"You're joking? Already Jacob? Let me guess a ring?" Jared said laughing through wolf telepathy.

"What was it Jacob?" Sam asked calmly through wolf telepathy.

"It's just a teddy bear that's just as old as he is. Nothing much. Just something to cuddle and calm him down when he gets into his night screaming fits. Plus he's not giving my Dad a hard time. He deserves a reward for being so good. Oh this is old it's got bones." I said through my wolf telepathy.

"Now that is sweet Jacob. I'm sure he'll like it. I'm not one to judge a man if he has a stuffed cuddle buddy." Sam said through wolf telepathy. I parked the car and got out with the bag.

"Bella?" Edward said running out only to find me and the truck and not her and the truck. "Oh.....I forgot. It still smells like her." He said tearing up. Oh Edward. He opened the driver door, got in, closed the door, and curled up on the driver's seat with his nose in the seat. Now would be a good time to pull out my present. I got in the other side and shut the door. I still kept my thoughts closed to him.

"Hay. I know. Her scent makes me cry too. I loved her too. She was my childhood friend." I said rubbing his back.

"I'm stupid to think she was alive." He sniffed out.

"You're not stupid. It's called being hopeful. When my Mom died, any car I would hear I though it was her car and would run out to meet her only to fall down in the dirt in tears that it wasn't her. A loss is a loss even if we don't grieve the same way. It'll take time to heal." I said as I continued to rub his back.

"Thank you Jacob. Your words comfort me. Why are you blocking your mind from me? Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"No. I don't want you to ruin the surprise by reading my mind. Now close your eyes." I said smiling. He closed them. I pulled the teddy bear out so it was facing Edward wile covering my face with the back of his head and started to gently move his arm up and down like he was waving at Edward. "Ok. You can open them." I said. Edward opened his eyes and gasped.

"I...I...Where?...Oh my...You're giving this to me?" He said gently taking the bear from me and holding it gently.

"Yes. I was driving and saw it in the window of an antique shop. It was just begging to be taken home. I got it for free. He's the same age as you. He's from 1902. I know you probably needed to burn yours cause you got sick." I said never breaking my smile.

"Thank you. He's one year younger than me. Thank you so much. This means so much to me." He said and then for the first time he smiled at me. It was a crooked smile that made my heart melt.

"You're smiling." I said.

"Yeah. I love the gift." He said reaching over the console to give me a hug with the teddy still in his other arm.

"You're welcome Buddy." I said. My wolf side may love you, but I don't just yet. But I'm starting to.

"If it makes you feel any better, I can't bring myself to see you as anything but and really close friend. Maybe some day." He said.

"Yeah. Some day. You want to say in the car?" I asked. He nodded his head. I inclined my seat and so did he. He curled up in the seat inhaling Bella's scent. I laid on my back and closed my eyes. I was pretty tired from a long day. I drifted off to sleep within minutes.

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