9. Progress! Finally!

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I jolted awake to the sound of screaming coming from the corner of my room. It was defently Edward. I got up and ran to him my wolf eyes going over his body to see if was hurt. Why was he screaming and crying? I looked at the clock in my room. It was three in the morning. I gently touched his shoulder. He jumped and looked at me. My wolf's heart broke.

"Jacob?" He asked whimpering.

"Yes?" I asked backed.

"Bella's gone." He whispered breaking down again. I pulled him close as he cried into my shoulder. You just got out of your mind hole Edward I guess.

"Jacob everything ok in there, Son?" My Dad called from his room.

"Everything is fine. Edward was just screaming in the middle of the night." I called back.

"Just like Bella did. You guys going to be ok in there?" My Dad called back to me.

"Yeah. Just like Bella. Yeah. We're fine." I called back. Oh Lord just like Bella! He had been going through what Bella had gone through. Why hadn't I made the connection before? It's because you hated him. You couldn't see his suffering matched Bella's cause you didn't care. Well, I care now. I care a lot. I don't want him to die! I don't want to have to kill him!

"Ok. See you in the morning." My Dad called back and could hear him settle back down in bed. Edward just continued to sob in my arms. He was suffering just as much as Bella had. I hugged him tightly. He needed to know I was there for him now.

After about a minute, I felt strange. Oh my! Was I feeling Edward's pain? I think I might be. Oh goodness I feel like I'm drowning. I...I can't catch my breath. I can barely breathe. It hurts to breathe. My heart feels like it's been torn out of my chest. My chest feels like my heart is bleeding. My stomach is all in nots, but doing cartwheels at the same time. I feel like I'm going to be sick. Oh Edward, is this how you felt all this time? You poor boy. Tears fell from my own eyes as I laid my cheek in his hair. I could feel he was depressed. I could feel the hurt inside him. Did Sam feel this before I did? Did everyone sense Edward was hurting and my hate was blocking it? I think so.

"Let me calm him. Let me calm him down." My wolf side said. Oh my. Alright. If it'll help him, I'll let my wolf side take over and take care of my Imprint. I hugged him tighter sticking my nose and lips in his hair. He didn't stink anymore. His sickly sweet and repellent smell was gone. He smelled of honey and lilacs and sunshine. Such a beautiful scent.

"Shhhh. Shhhh. I'm here. You're ok my Imprint. Shhhhh." I said.

"Imprint?" He asked softly.

"Yeah. Imprint. Remember I Imprinted on you. Do you still accept me?" I asked.

"Oh. I remember now. Yes. I accept." He whispered. I smiled. I was still overjoyed that he said yes. Once Edward had calmed down, I felt as if my head was finally above water and I could breath again. "How long has it been?" He airly breathed out. He had no idea how much time had passed?

"You've been here three months. Ten away from Bella." I said.

"I....I need to go..." He started to say as he tried to stand up, but fell down again. He's crashing physically now. Oh no. Too weak to even stand. Had he not even been able to feel hunger until now he was dissociating so much? Was it because of the trauma I caused him or just leaving Bella in general? In any case, Edward was trying to get up to go hunting and falling down every time.

"No. No. I'll get you food. I'm allowed to." I said. Helping him to a sitting position against the walls of the corner again. He needed their support. His head lolled to the side. I had to hold his head.

"I hate hunting. I hate killing." He murmured. Oh he hates to hunt to eat for food? Oh eating must be his least favorite thing to do.

"It's deer blood in the fridge. I used the meat to make food for my Dad and me. It's still pretty freah. Ok? I'll go get you some if you're hungry. You hungry?" I asked and slowly, but begrudgingly he nodded his head. I smiled and got up to get a jar. I knew he had to be, but I wanted him to tell me he was hungry. I wanted him to want food and know I wasn't forcing it onto him.

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