11. Why Are Kids so Curious?

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I woke up a few hours later still in wolf form and Edward curled up beside me with his eyes closed. He looked so comfortable and relaxed two things that I thought I'd never see in him. Sam was still talking to my Dad about Imprints and how much of a natural I was being a wolf. Oh great. Edward probably needs food too, but he's got a good grip on me.

"He's so cute like that Jacky." My wolf side said. Oh would you pipe down and leave me alone for five minutes? I slowly ran a paw down his back and he stirred a bit, but didn't open his eyes. He really was weak again. He really did use all his strength to at least try to protect me. After all the hate I have thought after all I've said he still said yes to me Imprinting on him. "Lick him again Jacky." My wolf side said. Hell no! Not this time. I decided to shake him instead gently with my wolf paw. He opened his eyes this time.

"Hi." He whispered out.

"Hi. You said you like mountain lions? I think I'll try to find you one." I thought smiling. Ok. I will admit. He does look kind of cute curled up next to me in my wolf form and wearing my clothes that are too big for him. He was so tinny.

"I could come with you. Help you catch it." He said trying to stand up and manage to on very unstable feet. He swayed from side to side. I was scared he would fall.

"I don't think you should hunt yet. You can barely stand." I said gently sitting him back down.

"I could help you drag it. You could get hurt." He said. Then, it hit me.

"Edward. I'm not as squishy as Bella. I can heal myself in a matter of seconds to a couple of days. I'll be fine. Let someone take care of you for once instead of you taking care of them all the time. Besides, you've gone ten months without food and just got back on it. You couldn't drag a house cat across the living room floor." I said. He must have been a wreck trying to keep Bella safe.

"You're sure you'll be safe?" He asked.

"Yes." I said. I picked him up by the back of the shirt and carried him outside. Like a pup. Jeez maybe I am quite the natural at this wolf thing? It's no wonder he didn't fall out of my shirt as I carried him. He curled up in the grass and I headed out to get a mountain lion. We can freeze the meat and make a blanket out of the skin. At least we can do it for him so he doesn't feel too bad about feeding. I never thought a vampire would hate eating. You learn something new every day. Does he even like what he is? It took me all day, but I finally found one. I carried a good-sized mountain lion back, sat it down in the trees behind my house, unfazed and went through my window, got some pants, put them on, and went to get him.

"Found one. It's in the trees over there. We'll use both the meat and the skin for food and a blanket." I said. He nodded getting up and very slowly walked over behind the trees. I sat down on the grass and waited for him. A good five minutes passed before he came back and sat down beside me with a sniff. His eyes were still the same black. Maybe a tad lighter, but not by much. I went back into the trees, got the mountain lion, put it the freezer in our garage, and came back to sit with him. "So, Ummm. Why were you changed? If you don't mind me asking." I asked. I hoped it wasn't too personal to ask him.

"Was dying of Spanish Influenza. I didn't choose to be a vampire if that's what you're asking." He said not looking at me. Oh the poor guy. Reading about it was bad enough in school, but being part of it? Brutal.

"So I'm guessing you don't like what you are." I said.

"Yes. I hate every minute of it." He said.

"I see. I misjudged you a lot." I said.

"It's ok. I still can't believe you Imprinted on me. After all I did with Bella, you still Imprinted on me." he said looking at me with tears in his eyes.

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