part five: spooky

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"Huh?! Yeah I do know one.. But he's a very difficult person.. So people just give up even just with one look at him." Seungcheol stated and Soonyoung stared at him. Eyes glimmered with determination.

"Lead me to him!" Soonyoung commanded, Seungcheol just was dumbfounded. He stared his large eyes onto Soonyoung's appearance. Fluffy hair, fluffy cheeks, and a determined gaze. Like a tiger.

"But I don't want to." Seungcheol stuck his tongue out and turned back to resume his conversation with Jihoon. "Hoon! Was anything difficult today with the café?"

"You ask this everytime Seungcheol, no it's no problem. We're ghosts for crying out loud!" Jihoon mumbled, sounding clear at the last sentence.

"But—" "Go lead him to WW, Cheol." Jihoon knocked on his shoulder. "Before Seungkwan comes and him and Chan start arguing and then kissing. I don't understand them." He shook his head. Seungcheol nodded, going towards Soonyoung and dragging him out.

"Did you hear that?! He called me! He called me Cheol!" Seungcheol gushed over Jihoon's words as Soonyoung rolled his eyes. "Just lead me to the WW guy." He shrugged as he followed Seungcheol who had heart eyes engraved.

Seungcheol appeared at a corner. "Hmm.. He should be around his apartment.. WW!!" He shouted out as Soonyoung jumped at the gruff shout of Seungcheol. Soonyoung just stared along where Seungcheol was faced.

Very confused, he peered over Seungcheol's shoulder. "What are we supposed to be seeing?" He looked up at the older ghost, wearing a face of utter cluelessness.

Soonyoung stopped peering and looking behind him. Meeting a face instantly, he shrieked and clawed Seungcheol's shoulder in shock. "Augh!" He let out a shout as the man examined the other, his sharp eyes meeting Soonyoung's.

"Why did you bring someone, Seungcheol?" The guy inquired, pushed behind the mere cover of a cloak. His hair was ruffled, messy, like it had been trapped under the cloak for hours. Soonyoung would ask to pat it down, but this person's aura emitted spooky vibes.

"He wanted to ask for you to help him." The oldest responded to the man's questions. The other nodding eagerly and his eyes were brightened. The guy raised his right eyebrow, with a small smirk on his face. Glancing between Soonyoung and Seungcheol.

"M'kay.. Is that all?" The guy questioned and Seungcheol nodded. "That's it?" Soonyoung tilted his head so muxh to the side that he was sure that he would break his neck if he wasn't a ghost.

"Yup." Seungcheol looked down at the brighter, grinning boy with hopeful eyes and gave an unsure smile. "Have fun with your tasks. I'm going to see Hoon!" He waved to Soonyoung and dashed off.

"Tasks? What do you mean tasks—" Soonyoung reached out to Seungcheol's back whose was getting farther and farther away. "Tasks you do for me." The man in front of him responded, Soonyoung studied the other while the man was scanning with his eyes. He felt awkward, especially that a stranger is looking at him.

The only the he could tell was that the man had small amounts of stubble on his chin, and round lens glasses. "You'll do." The man noted. "Now you follow me." He ordered and spun around, pacing away while Soonyoung was jumbled with his thoughts entangled in his brain.

"Wait! I don't even know your name!" Soonyoung dashed behind him.

The guy faced Soonyoung abruptly, making the smaller bump into him. "Ouch.." He mumbled with a slight pout and rubbed his head. Looking up at the guy. Wait... This seems familiar.. Like at the party.. Wait. Is that guy the scary dude?

"I'm Jeon Wonwoo, you'll be accompanying me until you are chosen for heaven or hell. Or, until I decide you can go back to life."

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