Chapter 4~

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She was a pretty little thing, quite modest. Nothing too special. If this life was a movie, she'd be nothing but a background character, you thought to yourself. Phew, you could drop your guard now, Akito wouldn't be too fond of such a fragile being.

You smile, frantically shaking your hand in a friendly gesture to relax the tension building in the two of you. She politely introduced herself and you returned the formality. After awhile you two got comfortable with each others company and you soon picked up how eager the girl was about learning which zodiac character you belonged to. That fact gave you the upper-hand to tease her, which you did, leaving her in the dark. She frowned sarcastically and left to prepare food.

"Y/n, how come we are blessed with your presence today?" Shigure, ugh. You turn and bow slightly. "Wow Shigure, how lovely it is to see you again!" He didn't shake the subject. Typical. The cold stare soon caused you to break.

"Okay, you sussed me out." You chuckled. "Akito got sick of me, Hatori thought it be a good idea to leave him be, you know how it is. And so the thought hit me , why don't I come meet the newbie you were highly romanticizing about to me a couple weeks ago."

You saw Yuki's eyes light up after that comment, knowing exactly what you were doing. "Interesting choice of words there, but I understand. Please, make yourself at home." His diligence really pissed you off sometimes. Of course he didn't buy the story, but yet no suspicion was raised. You predicted that outcome before you arrived.

Kyo was next to show up. "Why's she here?" before a slight glare as he walked off. "Hello kyo! I wasn't aware of your being here. Its lovely to see you again though." he was not amused by your arrogance. "You psycho." Those words weren't new to you at all. Everyone in the zodiac referred to you as something along those lines. Guess why? Because you loved Akito while the rest despised him. "Is that how you treat all your guests? Even after all the trouble I went through to come here." You pouted.

Observing the girl while trying not to raise concern wasn't an easy task but you coped. After all, that is your specialty. Dinner time came as Tooru Honda layed out rice balls for everyone. "Your cooking is divine!" you exclaimed, which made her smile. "And you are quite cute, shame I don't swing that way otherwise I'd come rescue you from this house of beasts." That comment left a sinister era before Kyo, who was sat outside yet still listening in, to bark out "You make it sound like we are keeping her hostage." He sounded plainly agitated. "Well why such a beautiful young woman would willingly like to stay in such a boisterous environment is beyond me." you cackled. Shigure soon piped up, "We not all that terrible Y/n, you're going to scare the poor lady off." He's so calm and collective, sometimes you cant tolerate him. "Your right, I better keep my trap closed. After all, this place doesn't look as miserable as it once did. She must be doing you all good."

you left soon after that. Shigure was tempting you to stay the night yet I just used the common 'I want to get back to Akito.' phrase. He knew your obsession so never contemplated your reasoning. You headed back to report your findings. While leaving you noticed Kyo on the roof, nothing you hadn't seen before. "See you later you grumpy old cat!" you called out at him. "Shut up, pig!" was the reply you got. "Oh so Y/n is the pig?!" Tooru questioned yuki, who in response just nodded. "Damn cat! you blew my cover!" You started walking away, giggling to yourself.

Authors note: Sorry this is a bit rushed and not that interesting as I'm ill at the moment and in all honestly had no idea what to put in this filler chapter. I'll try and make the next more interesting but for now I hope you enjoyed (:<

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