Meeting dream?

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Fresh never meet Dream before, well he did briefly but he doesn't think Dream actually saw him when they were in the same au those few times. He got hints of dreams personality before all this started to happen.

He's met nightmare a few time now since that time when fresh accidentally ended up in nightmares home au that he lives in currently.

So he got a bit curious as to what dreams like now.. so he decided to find out how Dream is now.

He may never have gotten to meet Dream before... this stuff all happened but he is curious about Dream. Like what's he like now? Sure Error told him that everyone but himself, fresh, and geno are yandere's and all.

He still doesn't know what a yandere is, because somehow, error erased everything  that had the word yandere in it, so even if he wanted to look it up, he can't.

He hasn't been able to look it up since he asked Error what a yandere is and error just straight up erased the whole word in the multiverse.

So Fresh himself, isn't ever likely to know what a yandere is unless geno finally tells him or error himself tells fresh what a yandere is.

And he doubts they ever will, which somewhat disappoints him but oh well, what kind of broski is he if he always continues to push at them just to know what a yandere is or means?

So he won't ask every time, though he may ask every now and then, not too often, just because he's still curious. Or he can tease Error a bit and fake whine to him about you promised to tell me! Kind of thing.

Though that doesn't mean fresh will know anyways, so fresh shrugged it off and headed to the au that he spotted Dream in with his furbies.

Fresh was humming as he walked through the au. He was heading to that one area where Dream was supposed to be at but Dream could have moved from his spot.

After all, Fresh hasn't checked it since he first saw Dream in this au.

He felt something touch his shoulders, "oh! Your like a walking rainbow! Awesome! And your unmarked as well! Do you mind if I mark you?" He heard from behind him, which caused him to turn around and face Dream.

His glasses turned to 'oh sh**', welp, he didn't even hear Dream following him but then again he was distracted.

"Oh uh sorry broski, no can do my fine potato chip. No marking me." Fresh told Dream who pouted at them and then tilted his head, thinking.

A look of realization hit Dream, "ah! You must be fresh! Ink told me about you! I haven't really met you before but you must have seen me around a few times. I'm Dream!" Dream told Fresh who nodded at that.

Fresh knew who dream was already, he knows quite a lot of different monsters.

He is a bit curious about Dream and nightmare, if only because of them being guardians and all that.

He won't let anyone mark him however. Sure he can still try to be friends with them even though they are different then usual. He's still willing to try, he just won't allow anyone to mark him though.

He let out a hum, thinking now, but blinked out of it when he noticed Dream waving his hands in front of his face.

"Hm?" Fresh blinked at Dream who smiled again.

"Ah! You finally back from your thoughts. Want to hang out for a bit?" Dream asked, still eyeing fresh's arms.

Fresh let out a sigh, "ok, just for a little bit. And no trying to mark me."

Dream let out a delighted gasp at that, "ok! Want to make flower crowns then?"

Fresh nodded at that and they walked around to find the flower field, they both sat down.

They ended up making a few dozen of flower crowns, fresh noticed the time.

"Well broski, it's time to go now. See you later!" Fresh told Dream, teleporting away.

Dream pouted, he told ink that he was hanging out with fresh and ink wanted to come over but was busy with some other business.

Oh well, looks like they can ask to mark fresh next time together.

After they hang out again of course.

Dream teleports out of the au he was in.

Fresh smiled, he escaped, he's pretty sure he saw Dream text someone while they were making flower corned and he was being sneaky too. He also didn't notice that but he caught on and left early.

He's unsure who Dream texted but if it was ink, he needs to be ready to run, at least for now, since ink wants to get into the anti-void and ask error to mark him and all.

He will have to talk to ink later about not trying to immediately mark anyone or any monster. But for now, he was going to go check on error and geno and hang out with them.

Finally finished with 860 words. Hope you like and comment what you think.

Sorry it took so long, hope it was worth the wait.

Ja ne~!


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