The School Rule

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"Jungkook.." Taehyung looked with his wet eyes. He wanted to schold him, push him away or even ask him to leave. But seeing his face when he was feeling so lonely made him lose his anger away and he jumped into embracing the boy in a tight hug.

Jungkook who was taken aback with the sudden action held Taehyung with one hand while he used the other hand to maintain balance. Once he was sure they wouldn't fall flat on the ground, he brought other hand to hug the boy tightly.

"Hey..... what happened Tae? You know how I worried I was?" He spoke gently, caressing his hair.

Taehyung buried his head into Jungkook's chest and hugged him tightly but at the same time scolded him. "You ashole, you pushed me and humiliated me in school and now you are asking me what happened."

Jungkook seemed to be completely shocked by the piece of information but maintained his calm. He slowly pulled Taehyung away and cupped his face, "Walk me through what I did Tae?"

Taehyung hiccuped as he cried and spoke, "I thought the no talking in school rule was stupid and decided to talk to you but then when I did, you had the audacity to scold me and ask me to never touch you. And then you text and call up like nothing happened. Ashole."

Taehyung hadn't lifted his face up and cried into Jungkook's chest. Jungkook was soothingly caressing his back, feeling guilty about a situation that wasn't in his control.

Once he felt Taehyung calm down a bit, he pulled him apart and cupped his cheeks.

"Tae, I am sorry for that behavior. And I promise I won't do anything like that. Ever again.

But can you promise me one thing?"

"What"? Taehyung asked still sniffling.

"Let's not break the no talking in school rule. Let's just say I am not myself when I am in school and you are the last person I want to hurt." He said moving his thumb gently on Taehyung's cheeks.

It was such a difficult piece of information to grasp. "What do you mean?" He asked confusedly.

"Let's just say there are some things I can't tell you right now and the best way for us to communicate now is after school. Can you trust me on that? Please." Jungkook was pleading.

The whole suggestion seemed so weird but knowing Jungkook, he felt that must have his reasons.

"Not even a hi?" Taehyung said in a low voice.

"Yes, not even a hi. But after school when we catch up, you can jump on me and I wouldn't mind." He said smiling sadly.

It didn't matter when he got to talk to Jungkook. What mattered was that he got to talk to him and he was fine with whenever or where ever that was. So he nodded weakly.

"Now, tell me how much making up do I have to do because having to stay without talking to you was driving me crazy."

It was only now Taehyung was able to comprehend how close they were sitting and how sweetly Jungkook was holding him.

He recalled that despite the rude behavior, lately Jungkook had been the only person to be there for him and he felt sudden butterflies swirling in his stomach. On cue, his eyes darted to Jungkook's lips which held a sweet smile.

A kiss.

What??? What the hell am I thinking Taehyung thought. I can't be thinking about getting a kiss from Jungkook. I was crying in his arms only few weeks back about the heartbreak. What the hell is wrong with me.

"Earth to Tae." Jungkook said, waving his hands infront of Taehyung.

"Don't be an ashole anymore." He said and hugged him again.

Jungkook who had started to fall for Taehyung knew that the boy only thought of his friend but the comfort Taehyung was showing right now made his heart beat go crazy. He could only pray that Taehyung didn't hear it.

When the crying boy calmed a bit, it was only then Taehyung realized that the boy had sneaked into his room like a thief.

"Why did you sneak into my room like a thief? In fact why do you always do that?" He said pulling apart.

"Because you shorty" Jungkook said putting his fore finger on Taehyung's forehead and spoke, "Always have a way of worrying me."

"Serves you right." Taehyung said, poking his tongue out.

"Promise, we will always communicate when things go downhill." Jungkook said, holding his pinky finger.

Taehyung huffed and teased, "Are you a 14 year old kid or what?"

"Should I seal it with a kiss then?" Jungkook teased back, not knowing the impact his words had on Taehyung.

"Shut up, Ashole." Taehyung said trying his best to hide the blush.

The two conversed for a while, both trying to calm their beating hearts unaware of each other's emotions. Jungkook hoped if Taehyung could reciprocate his feelings while Taehyung thought if Jungkook had those feelings now too.

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