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Across town, just as Jungkook was getting into his shower, the cast and crew of Souls of Seoul were rumbling in the old van to the outskirts of town. Minseok had barely slept the night before; he was psyched to get something today, wanting to get out early to get some good shots. Ji-hye was riding shotgun with him, her long blonde hair blowing in the breeze from the open window. The wind was warm, and fragrant, with the approaching summer's day, it would be a hot one, a hot week and a hot investigation.

Her long tanned legs were crossed, her small shorts riding up a little higher by design, she glanced to the solid, muscled man beside her. Minseok was all kinds of hot. Soft, beautiful brown eyes, shaggy hair such a dark brown it was almost black. He was gorgeous. Ji-hye was well aware she herself, was attractive.

So why had he never made a move?

She mentally shook those silly thoughts from her mind as they headed for their first day of filming the investigation. Behind them, in a black SUV, the team rolled on. Hyunwoo and Chan riding in the front, while Beom and Yeonha were mediating in the backseat, 'centering their power' they called it, before the investigation. A ritual that was just as much superstition, as was necessary. They turned onto the overgrown gravel path, where yesterday, Kim Taehyung had stopped to drop off his hitchhiker. Slowly, bumping along the long misused trail, the trees seemed to blot out the sun as they moved further in.

"This place is spooky." Chan remarked, glancing out the window, commenting moments before they rounded a blind corner and the hospital came into view. Yeonha, eyes wide, sucked in a breath, a sudden unaccountable chill running down her spine, and not at all pleasant. The others were in similar states of shock. The large, gleaming building sat a top a hill, probably once an imposing sight, now a foreboding one. They dipped down before cresting a smaller hill and entering rusted, crumbling gates. Signs hung off the wire proclaiming, 'No Trespassing' and 'Keep out Danger'.

They ignored these warnings, secretly thrilled, this would make excellent footage. There was a large horseshoe driveway that had probably once been for the drop off of patients, now choked with weeds. They drew towards the front doors, following as the van stopped, turned off the engine and then simply sat inside the vehicle looking out at the large, chained doors. No one was sure who moved first, but someone had, possibly Minseok, excited to get moving, or perhaps Yeonha, desperate to get going; her career on the line.

Soon they were all outside, a flurry of activity as Hyunwoo, the tech expert, pulled his equipment, and Minseok, trailed by Ji-hye, taking stock footage outside, all but skipping in enthusiasm. Yeonha stood before the closed doors, wind lifting her curly, dark hair and long flowing skirt. She always wore skirts, and a red shawl, that was her signature. The shawl was decorated with bells, and charms, protection trinkets she always explained.

It paid to have a gimmick.

Minseok panned the camera around to take footage of her standing there, it was good. This place had a vibe, a vibe that all but screamed horror movie. Yeonha moved forward then, striding up the stairs and under the overhang, long fingers reaching for the doors. She gasped dramatically, "He's here..." she hissed. "The doctor...evil..." she breathed stepping back. Beom gasped, Hyunwoo pulling out his recorder. Chan had his EMF reader. "This place, is evil, yet the souls are trapped." She shuddered again, before stealing her self and opening the door wide, almost smiling as it banged, echoing nicely. It was too good, couldn't have been any better if she had rigged it herself.

As the group shuffled in, something a floor above them moved, something that had been long waiting, suddenly rose once more. The click of shoes across tiles, and the figure disappeared.

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