7. How will we be?

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The bridge of my heart was wooden from the beginning
Than it saw the bicycle and car, so the type of it was change ... it got harder

My heart was very soft ... it was a sidewalk ...
but it was beside of a mountain that one day it broke and broke my heart too ...

The mountain even be a mountain ...

So I made my new bridge so powerful and change it to the thing which don't know me and another

You are the most innocent of sinner and drowned in the doom of your sins without knowing it yourself ...

Always and always I repeated that I changed because even though I had promised, but sometimes I behaved like before ...


Always the strangers know everything better and hurt me less than a person who near me

If you love me, be the stranger most stranger for me

I can learn the strangers that how can they know me
But I can't do anything for the people around me who want be a stranger for me

Can you understand this?

This difference like a difference between a person who sleep and a person who pretends to be sleeping

they wanted to be strangers but expected me to love them and beg them to stay with them :|

I didn't need to be with them to understanding this
I knew they lacked love
Because I was near to them and knew them more than themselves
And I just had to respect them

But not anymore
I got tired

If they want, they can't be far away from me so, teasing me
But when I want, I can far away from them and threw them out of my life

Well ...
You can be a stranger only when I'm not here and when I come back, I will see your new face ... again in a new time ...

But when I always see you and I'm here, being stranger is a cruelty for us when I know that your eyes have a lot lights of memories ...

They are not any memories ...
They are the memories that I don't want to remember them and tell myself that I was broke with these lights of memories in your eyes

So I decided to didn't see your eyes ... I can't didn't see you when you are here, so I went away from all the places that you could be there ...

Don't treat me well because I can't keep my calm and teasing you

Don't see me ...

Don't open the way to talk with me ...

Don't touch me ...

Because I can't know you now and you can't know me

I'm even afraid of the shadow like me ...

Let me to love you just in my heart
Because you can't love me as like as I love you

The dream of love that I had in my head was more than the passion of two people to take over each other ...

I ready to fight for you but, you can't fight for me

You told me that I can't cut my communication with my family

But I sure that you are the one who will leave me like another
And you are the one who can't leave the family in the future ...


The best friend or best person for the people is themselves

The books are helpful to the extant that they learn the custom of friendship and humanity, not to the extant that drown and swallow you in itself like a dead sea of dead words ...

You will be a person in alley not in the book ...


This is a new part for my dear readers💜💜
2 part in one day

Tnx you to read🙏

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