A demon

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Third pov 

      Connie and the others were riding there horses due to hear that there were titans within the walls. All Connie wanted to do at this moment was go see his family. He wanted to see if they were still alive because the titans were coming in from the south. Where he's from. The person in charge said it was ok for Connie to go with some people. The same thing with Sasha, but she went alone. She knew those woods better than anyone. Before Connie and Sasha left the others told them to meet up with them when they were done. 

      While that was happening with the rest of the scouts, they were getting ready to bring all the people in wall into the next one. The priest happen to see this for the first time was shocked. He was shocked to see what he was seeing. 

"Take a good look at it." Levi said from behind him. 

"Take a good look at what those things do when they get in. So why don't you tell us what those titans are doing in the walls." Levi tells him with a hand on his shoulder. 

"N-No I can't." The priest saids looking down in shame. Cass happen to walk by with Kiah behind her. Kiah saw the priest and wanted to mess with him. She tried to go for the necklace around his neck. When she touched it just for a second it burned her. She yelled out making Cass look back to her she wanted to go over, but Levi was still there. She got an idea. She went over to the priest and asked him something. 

"Say what's your necklace made up of?" Cass asked Levi looked at the girl wondering why she asked that. 

"Why it's a metal to keep demons away. Even one little touch it'll burn them." The priest saids with pride. On the outside Cass look like she learned something new. On the inside she was scared for Kiah not because she can't touch the necklace, but because she's a demon. She had been talking to her dead best friend who had become a demon. 

"W-wow that's really cool if only I believed in that stuff, but unfortunately there are titans in the walls and now within the walls so thanks for not telling us something we need to know." Cass pushed passed him to go to Levi.

"Sir, everything is loaded onto the cart." Cass saids as she give him her salute. 

"Good now we can get a move on." Levi saids pushing the priest to go to the cart. 

"A demon..." Cass saids low looking down. 

"So this whole time I was a demon." Kiah saids still holding her hand. Cass looks to her and nods. 

"Cass we need to go." Hange saids to the girl. 

"Oh right sorry!" Cass ran to the cart she sat next to Levi. Which only made sence because he made her his second in command. This happen a few days after the funeral for the original squad Levi. Hange and Levi explained what was happening and what they thought about Eren's powers and what more they can do. 

"Wait so you think I can harden my skin like Annie." Eren saids him and Mikasa had a confused face. Armin knew what they were talking about because he's smart and they talked about this with him. Cass was barely paying attention to what was happening. Kiah noticed how she was, she was thinking of a way to find out what turn her into a demon. Kiah had an idea, but thought it wasn't the right time. instend thought to mess with her. 

"Hey think about it. Now I can stay with you always we don't have to worry about me leaving." Kiah smiles at the girl which makes her smile. Cass looks up to say something. 

"Eren like Hange and the others said if we can find a way to harden your skin we can plug up the wall. And we can maybe find a way to find out more info about titans." Cass saids with a smile. Eren still wonders how she can smile after all she's seen, but he doesn't know what she's seen or what else she sees. Next to her Levi can sense something was up. 

'What is she thinking?' Levi thinks to himself. 

    Levi could think all about what Cass could be thinking, but he couldn't think about what Connie or Sasha was seeing. Connie thinking his mother turned into a titan. Sasha saving a little girl from being eaten in her village. 

'Come on Sasha if you miss this you'll be killed.' Sasha gets the last one of her arrows and stab the eye of the titan. She ran so she can get away from the titan, but then saw her father with the little girl she told her to run and go find help. 

"Father." Sasha saids as he and the other villagers were behind him. 

    Later during the night, all the groups headed to an old castle. Everyone was tired, one of the people asked Sasha to send a letter to Hange. Sasha had left for a good while, when something happen. Titans during the night. They don't move during the night, only the morning. That was something they all thought. The fight to keep the titans out of the castle was really hard. There were only four people with the ODM gear. Everyone else was in the castle trying to survive. Reiner got biten, but nothing too bad. Connie had found a knife, but what was he going to do with that.  Only one person knew what they could do, but they weren't so sure about. 

"Ymir what are we going to do." Krista asked the girl looking at the only people who had gear get eaten. 

"Connie hand over that knife will y'all." Ymir asked Connie gave her the knife not knowing what she'll do with it. 

"Remember you told me you'll tell me your real name. Tell me after this ok." Ymir tells krista before she jumps off the roof of the castle. Ymir took the knife to cut her hand to transform into a titan. 

"She's a titan..." 

Hey guys well now we know what Kiah is now, but will Levi find out about Kiah or nooooo. HAHA that's for me to know and you to find out in the next chapter maybe...well we'll see. Hehehe plus thank you all for the reads and votes. It makes me happy to know you guys really like the story. It's pretty much the same of the story, but with Cass and Kiah in it. Anyway thank you so much for the love on this book. Don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see y'all in the next chapter. 

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