I will

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Third pov 

       It's been a week since Cass was in the jail cell, today Historia was to be named queen. She came to see her the next day and told her all what had happen. She told her that she had killed her father and told everyone that her family was the right people for the throne. 

"I still can't believe that she'll be queen." Kiah said walking through the bars to see Cass. The girl was laying down on the bed and looked to the demon. She just nodded. 

"We have to keep a low profile, Levi found out just by seeing you in your demon form the first time you used it." Cass said sitting face to face Kiah. 

"Yeah image if one of the others saw me. Maybe Misaka already knows that why for all the weird stares you get from her." Kiah said thinking she found something out. 

"Kiah I get those stares because Im with Eren. She's been doing that ever since we found out Annie was a titan." Cass saids looking to the side. She heard running and a panting Eren showed up before her. 

"Guess what." He saids to her as Levi walks up behind him with keys. 

"Your going to Historia's crowning and tomorrow we're leaving for the wall!" Eren saids which make Cass jump up as Levi opens the door. 

"Really! That's great!" She saids as she walks out of her cell. Eren attacks her with a hug, he was happy to have her back in his arms. The girl hugged him knowing when they hugged this week there were bars in between them. 

"Let's go you need to clean up so go get ready." Levi tells the boy and girl. They gave their salute to him before he dismiss them. As they went up the stairs Jean was the first to see them. 

"Hey Cass is out, nice now she can be with a real man." He saids which makes Eren mad ready to kill the guy. 

"Do you mean the one Im with right now? Then yes he's the best thanks for checking in Jean." She saids smiling pushing Eren away before he kills Jean. Once they were near the rooms Cass told him to get ready. 

"Why can't I stay with you?" He asked the girl. 

"Because we need to get ready Eren come on or we'll be late." She told him, but he trapped her in his arms. 

"Nah let's miss it. I missed you even though I've seen you all week, but I want you to myself." He tells her with a kiss on her head. 

"Ah that sounds nice titan boy, but I want to see Historia maybe later after this, how does that sound?" She saids to him, he think for a little knowing that she won this round. He sighed knowing she was right.

"Fine, but after you're all mine ok?" He saids holding her hands up to kiss them making the girl blush. 

"Yeah sounds good." She saids as she enters her room. She was looking down, but when she looked up she saw her bed all messed up.

'But no one was in here all week.' She thinks as she sees her room. Her closet was open too. 

"Kiah do you know anything about this?" The girl asked the other girl next to her. 

"Uhhh how would you feel if Eren came in here just to have your sent." She laughs nervously, when she saw the guy roll round on her bed saying he missed her and going through her clothes made her worried about his head. Cass was silent, she went out to go to Eren's room. She knocked on the door and she heard a come in. 

"Eren what the hell-" She stopped mid way because he had his shirt off. Yes she's seen him without when they went to go get him and Histroia, but she wasn't paying attention to that. Now she is, she noticed how built he was. 

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