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Thrid pov 

       Ymir becoming a titan was shocking to everyone. They all had a shocked face, the others even asked Krista is she knew sense she was always with her. But like the others she didn't know as well. Krista wasn't mad or upset that she was a titan, she was happy. Happy that she's doing something for everyone. The titans were going for the tower that Krista and the others were on and going after Ymir to while she was trying to avoid getting on the tower. 

"What is she doing?" One of them yelled. Then Krista got the idea what she was doing. If she were to get on the tower it will make it fall somehow. 

"Come on get on the tower! Take parts of it do what you need to do we'll be fine." Krista yelled to the girl inside the titan on the tower. Ymir looked at Krista shocked at the outburst. it wasn't like her to do that. Nothing else she listened to her. Ymir took parts from the tower to throw at the titans along with biting their napes off. 

"Yeah tear this tower down you got this!" Krista cheered on Ymir as the tower shook, but theirs battles not everyone can win. As the sun was rising more titans came. When hope seemed lost Ymir told everyone to get on her titan. 

"What to live then get on." She told them everyone got because they wanted to stay alive and not be there anymore. Once Ymir had everyone on her she jumped on the titans avoiding the fight, but one of them got a hold on her leg bring her and everyone else down. Everyone got separated Ymir was in the middle trying to keep the titans off of her. It seemed like they we're all going to die. 

   Krista looked up thinking she'll die until she saw something in the sky. 

   Their goes a nape, then another and another then even more. Krista saw it was the scouts. 

"Ha I got them." Eren said as he cut off a titans nape. Speeding pass him was Cass cutting off two. 

"Show off!" He yelled to her. After the titans were killed Ymir was slowing healing herself, she looked really bad. Krista was with her holding her hand. 

"My name my real name it's Historia." Krista/Historia said making Ymir smile then fall asleep. 

"Awww that's cute." Cass said as she watched the scene unfold. 

"Want to know what else is cute?" Kiah tells her. Cass looked to her. 

"The blush you get when your with Eren." Kiah saids looking back to Ymir and Historia. 

'I don't blush when Im with Eren.' Cass thinks as Eren pulls to her side. Cass looked to him and he looked to her smiling.

"We took this day huh." He saids happy. 

'His smile is really cute.' Cass thinks as she nods.

"Your blushing." Kiah yells, but it sounded from above? Cass looked up seeing Kiah float. Cass looked back down now knowing she'll have to deal with a floating Kiah now. 

'Just great.' Cass thinks to herself and she felt something on her shoulder. She saw it was someone's arm, Eren's arm. 

"Arm off before I cut it off." Cass saids to him. 

"That's not a very nice thing to say to your boyfriend." Sasha joked Cass sent her a glare that could kill making Sasha fear for her life at the moment. 

"So when will you ask him, that's what I was going to do when I was in your body." Kiah tells her while she's upside down. 

'That's what she was doing.' Cass thinks before Levi and Hange calls everyone back to head back for the wall. On the way there Kiah get pestering Cass about Eren. 

"Kiah drop it, I don't have time and I don't think he has time too." Cass saids as low as she can because Levi was right next to her. 

"So. I think he has time for you. Or are you scared?" Kiah saids Cass wanted to yell out and say no because she wanted to know more about Kiah's coniton. At the wall it was worst. Kiah kept saying the most dritries thing she could think of. And they were all about Eren. 

"That damn demon." Cass saids putting some stuff away. 

"What demon?" Saids voice behind her Cass saw who it was. It just happen to be Levi. 

'Can this day get any better.' Cass thinks.

"I was just talking about the titans and how they kill more of our people sir." She tells him, Levi gives her a nod then walks away. 

'But you said demon not demons.' Levi thinks as he walks away. While that was happening Kiah went over to Eren who was talking to Renier and Bertholdt. What she hear made her run to Cass.

"Cass I swear I'll stop just listen to me and get to Eren. Go, Mikasa is over there and I think she'll need some help." Kiah tells her with worry in her voice. Cass jogs over there to where Mikasa was. 

"What's going on?" Cass asked her seeing the girl's eyes. She knew somethings up. 

"Renier and Bertholdt that's what going on." Mikasa tells as they hear.

"Im the amor titan and he's the colossal titan." This made their eyes widen. Before Cass went up to them Mikasa beat her to it putting her blade to Bertholdt's neck. 

"Eren get out of here." She saids Cass ran to Renier putting her blade to his neck. 

"You traitor." Is all she said to Renier. Cass tired to strike him down, but he was fast. Faster then before. Than before anyone knew it he transformed taking Eren with him. Bertholdt also transform, but half way. 

"Are you kidding me again!" Cass yells. 

"So what are we going to do to get him back?" Mikasa saids to Cass getting ready for the plan.

"Get Eren back, don't fight Renier his amor is to tough for the blades. Just get Eren that's our goal." Cass saids as she hooks her wire to the wall to get to Eren. Mikasa follows her lead. 

"Eren I don't know what your waiting for. Transform!" Misaka yells to him. He does what Misaka tells him and fights Renier. The fight was close, but Renier ended up yelling out which make Bertholdt's titan fall off the wall and onto Eren. Misaka almost  got caught with the titan, but Cass pulled her out just in time. 

"Where's Eren?" Cass asked Misaka. She looked up at her. 

"You didn't get him?" Misaka saids with shocked eyes.

"No I thought you did." Cass tell her. Cass looked over the wall to see Renier take Eren and Ymir as well. 

"EREN!" She yells 

Bye bye Eren lol. Sorry @-@ anyway I just realize that I've been writing more then one episode. Well season two was short but and anyway the new BTS game is in 2 days guysss. I can't wait. Plus will Levi find out about Cass' ability ._. lol I'll see y'all in the next chapter. BYE

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