That's dumb

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Stream lovesickgirls plzzzzzzz thank you :)) 

Third pov 



"Cassssssssss wake up." Kiah kept whispering in the girl's ear until she woke. 

"Kiah what do you want it's the middle of the night." She saids low as she glared at the demon. She tried to turn around, but something was keeping her in her place. It was Eren.

'I forgot he was still here....' Cass thought as she looked at Kiah waiting for what up she woke her up for. 

"So? Is he a good length?" Kiah starts to laugh. 

"Im going back to bed." Cass saids making Kiah look at her. 

"Awww come on, bet you thought I left huh. Well let me put this in you head than. They could here you guys two doors down." Cass couldn't sleep for the rest of the night thanks to Kiah. She kept asking her questions about what her and Eren did that night. By the time Kiah was done with her questions it was morning. 

'This damn demon.....' Cass grabbed Eren's shirt that was on the floor beside her so she could put it on. 

"Eren wake up." She shook him gently which woke him up. He opened his eyes and looked to the girl in his shirt. 

"Is that my shirt?" He asked her as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. 

"Yeah you know incase someone walks in." She answer as she started to get ready for the mission. 

"Who's going to walk in?" He saids putting on his pants and walking up to her. 

"I don't know maybe, Sasha, Jean, Connie, Armin, Misaka, the higher ups like Levi. You never know." She saids brushing her hair. She was going for a hair tie, but remember her brother took. She sighed then felt her hair going back up again. 

"I got you another one because I know you didn't have it when you came back." Eren made it into a braid then kisses her check. 

"I'll be back Im just going to change ok." He saids the Cass nodded. She watched on how he needed to sneak out of her room. She laughed when he left the room. 

"So baby or no baby?" Kiah saids as she rested her head on Cass' shoulder. 

"He pulled out." That was all she said as she changed into her uniform. When she was done she went out with Eren waiting for her outside her room. They walked to the mess hall to go with the rest of their friends. 

"Hey guys." Eren said as they sat down. 

"Holy shit. Is that a hickey Cass? What were you doing last night." Jean laughs as Sasha looks for the mark on Cass' neck. 

"Yup there is one." Kiah was laughing so much about what's happening. 

"Ah good luck telling this too Levi." The demon tells the blushing girl. 

"Wow Eren and here I thought you'll save it till you get married, but damn." Connie laughs with Jean. 

"At least I can get some." That made the table go silent. Misaka stood up to go behind the two of them. She put her hands on both of their heads. They were both scared. Eren was scared if Misaka would kill Cass. Cass was scared on how she would kill and how she'll do it.

"Never do that again until your married." They both nodded their heads scared for thier lives. 

"Also I want a niece." Is all she said as she went back to her seat. Then Levi came to get Cass for the mission plans. As they were walking he made something clear. 

"She's going to kill you in your sleep." He saids as Kiah made herself visible to Levi. 

"Yeah I know- wait how did you..." Cass asked with a blush on her face shocked that Levi knew. 

" You two were really loud." Kiah laughs at Levi's reason. 

"I told you they could hear you." She still laughs. 

'I want to die.' Cass thinks as they enter Levi's office. 

"So here's the plan we're all going to our hoods on so Renier and Botholdt won't know where Eren is at." Levi explains as he brings something to cover Cass' neck. 

"That's a good until Eren transforms then won't they try to attack after that?" Cass saids as Levi gives her a scarf. It was short, but good to cover her neck. 

"I have a plan." Levi saids to the girls. 

"I want Kiah to be there everyone will have there hoods on so no one will see her." Levi tells them and gives Kiah a scouts uniform. 

"Well this is going to be fun. Renier is actually sacred of me.  So I can scare him as much as I want." Kiah saids with a dark tone in her voice. 

"Kiah stay close with Cass, if anyone finds out it's you we're in trouble. And Hange would want to do some test on you. And trust me that won't be fun. For you or Cass." Levi saids both girls nod at Levi orders. Levi looked at the time. 

"It's time to go Kiah get dressed." Levi ordered as him and Cass go out of his office. 

"At least I get to fight again." Kiah said as she changed. When she came out Levi and Cass were outside. Levi looked like he didn't care, but he cared for everyone even if it doesn't look like it. Cass was happy because they finally get to do what they wanted to do when they were kids. She went up to Kiah and put on her hood from her cape. 

"Let's go." Levi saids they go to where the rest of the squad is. 

"So when do you think you'll be having Eren to yourself again." Kiah saids with a smirk to her best friend. 

"That's dumb why would you say that." Cass saids as she gets on her horse along with Kiah on hers. 

"It's not that dumb it's fun to mess with you." Kiah saids with a smile. 

"No, just no." 


Well that it for this chapter y'all I have to say I really love this book and Im glad you all like this book too. But what's sad is that I don't know the day when the new season of attack on titan comes. Yes I've read the manga, but there so many things going on I can't remember all the things that happened. U had to to look parts from season two in order to write cuz I couldn't remember. So when the new season comes out this book will be on a break. And I'll most likey be writing the BTS fanfic. But don't worry Monday you guys will get an update cuz this is all season three. Hope you all understand and I'll see you all in the next chapter! BYEEEEE! Stream lovesick girls!!! 

Full album plz listen^^

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