Fight with me part 1

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Third pov 

    It was time. Time to go back to wall Maira. Everyone knew that they were going to die while taking back the wall or that they'll live and take back the wall. Everyone was on edge for the mission that was about to start. A look of uneasy was on their faces. Erwin knew lots of people were going to die, but Erwin has a plan he always has a plan. He knew what this mission was going to risk. Yet he was willing to take. Even if it takes his own life. 

  The gate opens this was it. All or nothing is what everyone was think at this point. Were they going to live to see tomorrow probably because it'll take two days to get to the wall, but those days will go by fast. 

"Forward!" Erwin yelled as his horse started to run. Everyone else followed him. There was barley any titans to be found when going to the wall. They had to be careful not to waste gas and blades. Erwin raised his arm for groups to separate, but to stay close.  Levi had Cass and Kiah close to him. Eren was in between Armin and Misaka. Though Armin was wondering who the other person was next to the Capitan and his second in command. He thought only the second in command was to only be next to the Capitan. 

'Who is that?' Armin thinks. Night came faster than anyone had thought it would. It was better though titans couldn't move in the night they need the sun in order to move. 

"Hey Cass." Kiah calls out to the girl falling asleep.

"Huh what? Im awake." She saids looking around showing she up. Kiah laughed at this. 

"Anyway I wanted to ask you something." Kiah looks down then looks to the back of her. She knew Armin was thinking of what she was doing there. Cass looked to Kiah knowing something was up. 

"Kiah? What is it." She asked low so no one can hear them. 

"Actually two things I wanted to ask. One how are we going to keep me away from everyone besides me having a hood on. And two I think someone might figure out who I am if my hood comes off." This made Cass think for a while. She knew she'll be in trouble if people found out about Kiah and there's one person who can figure out about Kiah if they're not careful. Or more like three people. One of them being Armin, Cass trusts Armin and know he won't go and tell anyone unless he had too like with Annie. 

"Just stay close to me. I'll be with Eren when he goes to plug up the wall so you should be find. Do you have any other powers you know of?" Cass saids praying that she can change her appearance for a little. 

"Not that I know of. I just have to make sure not to go full demon while we're there. Because I'll love to rip those two to pieces for what they did to our home." Kiah saids as her eyes go red for a second then back to her normal color of a smoky grey. 

"Kiah we will make them pay. We'll just give them a piece of the past we had with them. You get what Im saying." Cass told the demon next to her. Kiah smiled knowing what to do when they see Renier and Botholdt. 

"Good and another thing." Cass said making Kiah look at her. 

"What is it?" 

"Fight with me, that's all I ask." Cass saids holding out her fist to her. 

"Of course we've always done that haven't we?" Kiah saids connecting her fist to Cass'

"Armin do you know who the person is next to Cass?" Eren asked the boy next to him. Armin looked at him. 

"No I don't who that is. I didn't them until be broke formation." He answers making the boy smirk. 

"Why? Your not jealous are you Eren." Misaka laughed a little knowing her brother is jealous. Eren had a little blush on his face and pulled his hood a little more down.

"Im not I just want to know who that is. Nothing else to it." He saids trying to get his sister and best friend off his back. He looked to his lover in front of him with someone else. 

'She should be with me over here and not there.' He thinks as he pouts. By morning the scouts were at the wall.

"Ok everyone there will be two groups one will stay down and protect to horses. The other will be on the wall. I'll be with squad leader Hange and Capitan Levi, but I'll be coming down the wall to check on the squads down here." Eriwn tells everyone. As Levi's squad and Hange's squad got up the wall Eren went over to Cass. 

"So who was the person with you when we were coming here?" He asked his lover. 

"A rookie why?" Cass saids checking of her gear was ok.

"Why were you so close with them?" 

"Eren, sweetie it was a girl and Levi wanted me to show her the ropes. So stop being jealous and let's go plug up the wall." She saids as she gets up and kisses his cheek and walks to where Levi was at. 

"Am not jealous!" He yells to her as she stops in her tracks. 

'Crap I fucked up....' He thinks as she walks back to him. Grabbing his cape pulling him close to her. 

"Eren you've been the only man I've love so why would I do something that'll make you not trust me. So trust me when I say I love you." She saids as she looks to him. In her eyes were love for the boy she had in her arms. He kissed her forehead and hugged her. 

"Im sorry, I just don't want to lose one of us could die and I don't want it to be you." He saids to her. Kiah happened to walk by them on her way to Levi.  

'Don't worry I'll keep her safe.' She thinks as she went to Levi. 

"Cass fight with me ok." Eren saids to the girl in his arms. 

'She's so small, just like the Capitan.' He thinks even though he thinks he would be dead if he said that out loud. 

"We'll live to see tomorrow. I know it." 

This is it guys the last chapter that'll be calm before shit goes down. ARE YOU READY!!! cuz you'll have to wait till tomorrow. Also anyone else mad that season 4 not coming out his month and it's coming in December? I have a feeling some are, but bruuuuuuh why you do that to us. I have to wait for Eren's ab- I mean his character development. Im an Eren what anyway I'll see y'all in the next chapter! BYEEEEEE!!!!

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